My First Time Is Invincible

199 Invisible Flattery (Please Subscribe 2)

As Yang Chu's voice fell, a voice quietly emerged from the shadow behind, coming out from behind the rock.

It was a middle-aged man wearing an assassin's attire, with a cold expression and sharp eyes. He stared at Yang Chu quietly. In a flash, he quietly appeared ten meters away in front of Yang Chu.

When Jing Shuining just woke up, this person appeared quietly, unable to hide from Yang Chu's perception.

Yang Chu looked at the person in front of him and could feel a hint of hostility. He could only tell that the person was from the Jing family and his specific identity was unknown.

"I am Shui Ning's eldest brother, Jing Yaoyang.

The middle-aged man introduced himself straight to the point, looked directly at Yang Chu and said: "The Lord of the Temple, King Yama, thank you very much for saving Shui Ning!"

The name Jing Yaoyang is familiar to Yang Chu, the master of the temple.

Only then did he realize that the person in front of him was the famous Sun Assassin of the Jing family.

The Jing family cultivates the Tao of Righteous Assassination, and assassins do not hide their names. Whenever troubled times come, masters from the family will inevitably appear. Many assassins are famous. Their names are not only spread among assassins, but also in the entire cultivation world and even the secular world. Very loud all the time.

The Sun Assassin Jing Yaoyang is the most famous assassin among the Jing family's assassins in the past thousand years.

Yang Chu raised his eyebrows but said nothing because he felt that this person's gratitude was not very sincere.

Gratitude is not the focus of this famous sun assassin.

As expected, Jing Yaoyang changed the topic and said in a deep voice 827: "I hope you stay away from Shui Ning and don't get into trouble with her again!

King Yama, it is wise to make a decision when it is time to cut it off. "


Yang Chu raised his eyebrows slightly, showing something like a smile but not a smile.

Jing Yaoyang said in a deep voice: "King Yama, although you are the master of the temple, your identity, your status, and the thorn path you cultivate are not worthy of Shui Ning!

Being emotional towards Shui Ning is not good for your cold-blooded assassination, and is also very unfair to Shui Ning.

Shui Ning's heart is too pure and innocent. If she is with you, she will only be hurt by you and will be delayed by you for the rest of her life.

I hope you understand this.

Cold-blooded assassins have to live in the shadows after all, but Shui Ning doesn't have to.

She is the dawn of justice...

People with different paths don't work together, do you understand what I mean?"

Yang Chu snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Assassin of the Sun, you are really too lenient!"

Jing Yaoyang's eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "Is the control too broad?

King Yama, how do you think you compare to Yang Chu?"

Yang Chu was stunned when he heard this.

Seeing this, Jing Yaoyang sneered and said: "In terms of appearance, you are a step behind Yang Chu.

In terms of talent, you are far behind Yang Chu.

In terms of strength, you are also incomparable to Yang Chu.

In terms of future, Yang Chu has become a humanitarian leader now, but you still can't compare to him.

Let me tell you the truth, the real purpose of the training task arranged by the Jing family for Shui Ning this time is to bring about a closer relationship between Shui Ning and Yang Chu.

Only an upright talent like Yang Chu, a dragon among men, is worthy of Shui Ning and can truly bring Shui Ning a happy life and a bright future.

When Shui Ning and Yang Chu are together, they can be said to be a perfect match.

King Yama, enough is enough!

Regarding Shui Ning, you should give up as soon as possible.

Recognize the reality, there is no comparison between you and Yang Chu!"


Yang Chu was speechless for a while. It made sense, and he seemed speechless.

Yang Chu was in a very strange mood, and then he realized that the Jing family had originally planned this. Although he was targeted in this way, he was not very angry, but rather wanted to laugh.

"Jing Yaoyang, Jing Yaoyang, I didn't expect your flattering skills to be so advanced...

You are generous!

I can't compare with Yang Chu...

But I am so idle that it hurts to compare myself to myself?

Sure enough, the only one who can defeat you is yourself?"

The hands holding it couldn't help but tremble slightly, as if they were being stimulated by some kind of strong stimulation.

Yang Chu's eyes narrowed, and he stabilized his wrist just now.

Immediately, from the iron box, a stream of evil power spread down, from the point where the palm of the hand came into contact, it quickly spread to Yang Chu's whole body.

The real evil mystery in the Taixie Temple is actually this iron box.

"The Lord of Evil?"

If you dare (ajfb) to babble in front of me again in the future, I will turn you into the setting sun!"

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Yang Chu's mind. He raised his eyes and looked at Jing Yaoyang and said, "Are you done?"

The palace of evil and evil!

Zi Ling only knows that once this box is opened, the world will change...

Zi Ling shook his head blankly and said: "Master, Zi Ling doesn't know.

In today's era, if one cannot master the true mysteries of the Great Dao, it is impossible to become the most powerful person in the end. Even if one reaches the supreme level, he will be suppressed ten times by the Heavenly Lord...

Yang Chu looked a little solemn, looked up at Zi Ling and said, "What's in the box?"

However, this test was much more terrifying than the evil intentions of the Great Dao that he endured in Haotian Dao Palace.

Yang Chu said in a deep voice: "Sun Assassin, Jing Yaoyang, please listen to me.

Yang Chu had a vague understanding in his heart, and suppressed the idea of ​​opening the box immediately. He just quietly understood the mystery of the box, and understood various evil methods from it, trying to break through the great evil.

Yang Chu was leaning on the Bone Throne.

Even now, Zi Ling is still inextricably linked to it, and his will is not affected by this box.

That is the irresistible feeling that the power of the great road brings to the body like a rule.

Jing Yaoyang couldn't help but shudder, feeling as if he was being targeted by an ancient ferocious beast. Looking at the direction Yang Chu was leaving, his face turned slightly pale, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Naughty fate!

When Zi Ling was pregnant, she once saw some apocalyptic scenes. Endless evil spirits were flying, flooding the entire world, and a supreme evil existence was sleeping deep in the depths...

But, this will not happen next time!

For Shui Ning's sake, I allow you to be arrogant once!

Yang Chu stretched out his hand to take the iron box, and suddenly felt his wrist sinking sharply, almost not catching it.

This time, a great evil is coming, affecting the soul and body.

After finishing his words, Yang Chu stared at Jing Yaoyang and left the place.

In front of him, Zi Lingzheng respectfully presented a strange dark iron box.

Yang Chu was no stranger to this feeling. He had experienced it when he was under the evil intentions of the Great Dao in the Haotian Dao Palace.

If Yang Chu ignores Zi Ling, over time, Zi Ling may escape control again, and even start to backfire on Yang Chu.

Jing Yaoyang couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw Yang Chu's obviously indifferent reaction, and his aura was slightly oppressive.

Tens of thousands of miles away, deep in the Canglan Mountains, a strange black hall stood tall.

The weight of that small iron box, which was square and only thirty centimeters long on a side, greatly exceeded Yang Chu's expectation.

He seems to be the Lord of evil!"

No one knows what's inside.

In fact, the weapon spirit of Taixie Fierce Palace was born in response to this thing.

Too heavy!

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