My First Time Is Invincible

120 Comparable To The Ancient Emperor? (Please Subscribe 35)

The rest area at the competition site was empty except for Yang Chu and Wang Ru.

Wang Rushi suddenly offered up a magic weapon, covering the space where the two of them were, and looked at Yang Chu with a solemn expression: "Yang Chu, you have to tell me everything!"

Seeing his serious look, Yang Chu blinked and said, "Master, what do you want to know?"

Wang Rushi took a breath and said, "Yang Chu, have you ever obtained the Wenmai Pearl?"

Yang Chu nodded.

When the king heard this, it turned out to be true.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to obtain the unanimous approval of all the saints and sages through a blank paper at the beginning of the competition.

This kind of thing actually happened.

Then, there must be a reason behind it.

After thinking about it, Wang Ru thought about it and thought of a possibility.

Now when I asked about it, I learned that Yang Chu had indeed obtained the Orb of Context. Instead of feeling relaxed, Wang Ru was suffocated. His expression became even more solemn and he asked in a deep voice: "Then... how much have you fused?"

Being able to obtain the Orb of Cultural Heritage from the Confucian Temple is a great opportunity in itself. It is extremely rare. Even most of the descendants of the sages have never obtained it.

However, it is one thing to obtain the Orb of Context, but what is more important is to look at the integration.

How much can be integrated is the key.

Once the integration is successful, the status will be improved, and you will be a so-called person with a cultural background, whose status in humanity is transcendent, even higher than that of the descendants of the sages.

However, everyone has his or her own merits, and no one has a universal talent. The humanistic cultural context is vast and has a long history. Although it is said that one is part of the cultural context, to be precise, one is part of the cultural context.

Yang Chu can be unanimously recognized by all the saints and sages, which shows that the cultural context of Yang Chu's integration is probably very amazing.

"How much is fused?"

Yang Chu was quick-thinking, and when he saw Wang Ru asking such a question, his heart suddenly became enlightened, and he realized how his perfect score came from, and the reason for his courage was because he had a cultural background.

Yang Chu suddenly became wary. Naturally, it was impossible for him to reveal the truth to others and give it away. Instead, he asked in a deep voice: "Master, how much do you think I am fused?"

Wang Ru was stunned for a moment, and after hearing Yang Chu's words, he naturally understood that Yang Chu was indeed a man of cultural background. He waved his hand and said: "You kid, you are still trying to get along with me!

If you can be recognized by all the saints and sages, you must be at least one percent integrated, right?

One percent, if fully utilized and fully developed, it can already imitate the ancient emperor and open an era for humanity!

According to rumors, the Emperor of Humanity also had a cultural background. In that era, Humanity was far from as prosperous as it is now, and it was only a few percent..."

Yang Chu was slightly shaken when he heard this.

Is it possible to usher in a new era for humanity by being one percent?

Then if he possesses 100% of the body, wouldn't he be able to recreate humanity?

Yang Chu was secretly glad that he was cautious and did not answer honestly. Otherwise, if people knew that he actually had a complete humane background, God knows what terrible consequences it would have.

There is nothing wrong with a genius becoming famous on that day, but if it is too shocking, I am afraid that he will be the first to stand out, and will be subject to deliberate and crazy calculations by interested people.

Although Yang Chu has a system and is not afraid of any danger, it does not mean that his life and mood will not be affected!

The most important thing in life is to be happy.

It’s not worth it to make news that is shocking to the world at every turn, and in the end it will make you feel embarrassed and affect your mood.

Yang Chu thought about how to answer and asked in a deep voice: "Dean, where is the ancient saint?"

Wang Ru shook his head, "In the ancient times, the order of humanity was chaotic and it was still in the enlightenment stage. This was the era when the humanistic path was nurtured, based on the theory of body and karma.

Saints are the hope of humanity in ancient times, they are the founders of humanity!"

Yang Chu nodded, which solved a small doubt in his heart.

Wang Rushu asked again: "Yang Chu, is it time to reveal the answer now?"

Yang Chu smiled and said: "Master, how can you explain this clearly?!"

Wang Ru was stunned when he heard this, and realized that the young man in front of him didn't trust him at all. Of course, he also realized that he was indeed too abrupt.

Seeing that he didn't force the question, Yang Chu just said: "If I have to tell you, I can only tell you that even if the ancient emperor is in front of you, I will not be disappointed!"

How can a comparison be made between the ancient emperors in person?

Wang Ru was in a state of shock and stared at Yang Chu with wide eyes. After a long time, he took a deep breath, stared at Yang Chu and said, "Yang Chu, behave well!


From now on, I am willing to protect your rise with my life!"

Wang Ruzhi's words are serious and not just high-sounding lies.

Now that the days have changed, although he is said to be a semi-sage in the human realm, comparable to a supreme being, it is a pity that he is also helpless in this world. Kunai has no way to break through the catastrophe and get to the next level of health.

If existences like them at the pinnacle of humanity cannot make breakthroughs, and as the times evolve, and a few more existences like the Immortal Supreme appear, humanity will be in danger.

Not only humanity, but now the four realms of humans, demons and ghosts are facing such a crisis.

Wang Ruzhi felt that he was helpless, and he was not one of those jealous people. Seeing that Yang Chu today was comparable to the existence of the emperor in ancient times, he was naturally willing to devote himself to protecting Yang Chu for the future of humanity.

This is called righteousness!

Yang Chu smiled slightly and saluted quickly: "Thank you, Master, for your love!"

He also felt that Wang Ruzi did have the style of a sage, and his pattern was in humanity and in the world. He was no longer limited to personal desires and interests, and he was a man of great righteousness.


Wang Rushi hurriedly stretched out his hand to help Yang Chu up.

He couldn't bear the worship of the young man in front of him.

Youyou breathed out a breath and said: "Yang Chu, now is a good opportunity, let go and show off, the Academy Competition, the Yongchao Conference Competition, and the Humanity Conference, these are the ladder and stage for your rise.

Give it your best, write your own legend, use your talents and knowledge, and establish your reputation among humanity in one fell swoop!

This era is destined to belong to you young people!"

After giving instructions to Yang Chu, Wang Ru left just now and went back to invigilate the exam. He felt more at ease than ever before.

After about a cup of tea, Yang Chu saw on a light screen in the lounge, after his name, names and works of people appeared one after another.

Those names are not unfamiliar to Yang Chu. They are probably the popular seniors in the academy. Many of them have already become famous in the last academy competition.

As this group of top students were recognized one after another, the number of names on the list began to increase rapidly.

The lonely rest area naturally became lively. .

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