My First Time Is Invincible

109 A Vivid And Vigorous Lesson (Asking For Monthly Vote 25)

Let's talk about Yang Chu's palm touching the blood-colored stone slab and starting the inheritance. A mysterious law-like power suddenly poured into Yang Chu's body.

This force is very strong, contains mystery, and is unpredictable. It rushes into the body and puts a huge load on the body.

If your body is not strong enough, you will be shaken immediately and lose control of your whole body, become numb and stiff, suffer unbearable pain, and even suffer some internal injuries.

There is indeed a lot of danger in this.

The emperor's secret knowledge is naturally not so easy to pass on.

However, Yang Chu's physique is unusual. This small load is just a drop in the bucket and will not have any impact on him at all.

The moment the mysterious law-like power poured into the body, it spread throughout the body, immediately activating Yang Chu's whole body's energy and blood, and then carried the energy and blood and began to circulate in Yang Chu's body.

Yang Chu immediately felt that the energy and blood in his "three-one-seven" body seemed to be burning and being tempered. At the same time, the strong energy and blood put pressure on the body suddenly increasing.

"Yes, it is really powerful. It can indeed improve the quality of Qi and blood!"

Yang Chu felt some changes in Qi and blood, understood clearly in his heart, and was secretly happy.

At this time, the system prompt sounded: "Ding, the host Yang Chu has been detected to practice Qi and blood for the first time, and the reward ability is: unlimited Qi and blood!"

The ability of infinite qi and blood is similar to unlimited power. It does not give Yang Chu endless qi and blood at once, but it means that there is no limit to the improvement of Yang Chu's qi and blood, whether in terms of total amount or quality.

According to normal principles, the total amount of qi and blood of a person is definitely much different than that of a dragon and cannot be compared.

This is a natural advantage brought by racial characteristics.

But here in Yang Chu, it is not a problem at all. After having the ability of unlimited qi and blood, as long as Yang Chu continues to practice and replenishes various resources, the total amount of qi and blood can be increased all the way without any restrictions.

Just practice and that's it!

It's that simple.

In addition, although theoretically speaking, the quality of qi and blood can be infinitely improved, as the saying goes, sometimes when manpower is exhausted, it will eventually hit the ceiling. Therefore, no matter what kind of life, if its qi and blood have been cultivated to a certain level, then If you want to improve, it will be extremely difficult and almost impossible to break through.

In other words, in reality, the quality of Qi and blood cannot be continuously improved.

However, for Yang Chu, this is not a problem either.

Again, as long as you practice cultivation, it will be done.

Feeling the way that force promoted the circulation of qi and blood in the body, Yang Chu quickly began to feel the mystery of it under the power of the Heavenly Dao, and then directly used the Heavenly Dao to accelerate.

Actively circulate Qi and blood.

In this way, what everyone saw was a scene where Yang Chu's blood was running wildly.

One turn, two turns, three turns...

During the continuous operation, the speed was so fast that everyone watching was frightened, and their shocked eyes almost fell out of their eye sockets. They stretched their necks one by one, held their breath and concentrated, their whole bodies became stiff, and they even forgot to breathe.

At this time, I think of what Yang Chu said just now.

In everyone's heart, there is no thought of resistance at all.

Because I have to accept it, the truth is so cruel.

For Yang Chu to have such an appalling performance, compared to those present there, they indeed looked like rubbish.

Thinking again of their previous attitude of belittling Yang Chu and their pointing fingers, everyone's faces were burning with shame, their scalps were numb, and they felt deeply ashamed.

In the presence of such amazingly talented and beautiful people, they turned out to be blind and made comments.

It is simply a manifestation of ignorance, as funny as a clown.

Especially Chen Huxiao, whose face was pale and bloodless.

Originally, he had just come out of seclusion and challenged Nie Tiangang in a high-profile manner. He was determined to show off his skills in front of everyone. His arrogance reached the peak and he got carried away. He thought this was his stage and his eyes were higher than his own.

But he didn't expect that the guy he hadn't noticed from the first sight could be so terrifying.

"A bunch of rubbish? Do you just know how to scream?"

Chen Huxiao's heart was full of bitterness. When he knew that Yang Chu's words were not a simple verbal attack, but were backed up by absolute strength, he felt the harshness of these words even more.

It severely shattered the ecstasy in his heart, and even severely shattered the pride in his heart.

In front of such a person, what right does he have to be arrogant?

At this moment, Nie Tiangang was also embarrassed and wanted to put his face in his pocket, a little afraid to see others.

Is eighty-two revolutions a big deal?

Compared with the thousands of revolutions of the boy in front of me, it is really garbage.

Moreover, he actually acted like a senior when he came up to give advice just now...

Thinking of Yang Chu rolling his eyes just now, Nie Tiangang realized, giving advice to others? He is not worthy! He is not worthy even to carry shoes!

What's more important is that it took him as long as one stick of incense to make eighty-two revolutions.

The young man in front of him has been spinning for thousands of times [loyalty is no more than a cup of tea].

Comparing one person to another is really irritating!

At this moment, Yang Chu stopped because the inheritance had been successfully completed.

Picking up the jade plaque and looking at it, the number 30 reappeared.

Everyone was keenly aware of this small detail, and all of them gasped.

You know, only when all inheritances are obtained, the points consumed will be returned!

Doesn't the reappearance of 30 points mean that the young man in front of him has successfully inherited his kung fu?

In this way, he successfully obtained the complete inheritance of Sun and Moon Blood Qigong?


That kind of shock, like endless pressure, made everyone here couldn't help but tremble.

Especially when they saw Yang Chu acting like a normal person, with no red face, no panting, and calm breathing, without any disorder or impatience, everyone felt it was extremely unreal.

How much physical strength, amazing understanding, and powerful control skills are required to accomplish such a miraculous feat?

Feeling the atmosphere here, Yang Chu snorted coldly, glanced at Chen Huxiao and said, "Did you just think you had good vision?"

Chen 1.8's tiger roar paused, and his face turned green and white, "I, I..."

Yang Chu nodded and said: "Don't be modest about this, you really have a good vision, because I really don't need to spend much time!

You can tell this at a glance, yes, you have really good vision!"

"And you self-righteous people!"

Yang Chu glanced at him and snorted coldly: "If you have time to watch the excitement here, you might as well go home and train yourself.

Others accept inheritance here and do it like you are celebrating a carnival.

Huh, talented people work harder than you, you deserve to eat melon for the rest of your life!"

After speaking, Milo walked away.

Everyone stepped aside one after another and looked at the young man's back. In addition to shock, there was also a hint of shame in their eyes.

This is a vivid and vigorous lesson!

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