My First Time Is Invincible

107 Zhenwu Tao Tower (Please Subscribe 55)

The feeling between Luo Yunni and Youbailan is very different, but fortunately, Yang Chu and Youbailan have practiced their skills extremely well.

So Luo Yunni is very happy.

Although it was her first time, Yang Chu took care of her very considerately so that she did not suffer any unnecessary pain. It felt great for her first time.

Three days later, Luo Yunni returned to Yunmeng Fairy Mountain with Granny Hua with satisfaction, thus ending her journey in the mortal world.

Everyone is preparing for the Humanitarian Conference, and Yang Chu is naturally not idle either.

After some advice from the old immortal Xiaoyao, Yang Chu paid more and more attention to the People's Congress.

If you can get a good ranking in the Humanity Conference, you will be eligible to enter the emperor's tomb and even the saint's relics.

In that kind of place, even if Taihao Immortal Palace is the first immortal gate, there is no way to open it without permission.

Because it is an absolute holy place for humanity, even if it is opened by force, if it is not approved, entering it will be very dangerous.

The tomb of the emperor, the relics of the saint, the immortal emperor trespassing without permission, will have to shed their skin even if they don't die.

The emperor's tomb contains not only the emperor's secret knowledge, but also many treasures and elixirs left by the emperor, waiting for those who are destined to obtain them. It is really a place created by chance.

The tomb of the ancient emperor is like this, and the remains of the ancient saints are even more remarkable, and they contain great opportunities and good fortune. 437 Even if Xiaoyao Laoxian talked about it, he was quite moved, and it was even more impossible for Yang Chu not to be moved.

Yang Chu did not pick and choose the Taoist techniques and exercises in the Tianlong Taoist Canon. He started from the most basic ones and practiced them all as long as he could practice them at this stage.

Various training resources were gathered in large quantities, and Yang Chu did not have to worry about training resources at all.

The enlightenment of Heaven's Way and the acceleration of Heaven's Way are in his body, he has infinite brain burning, infinite acceleration, and God's ability to ensure that he is full of energy at all times. It really doesn't take much time to practice a few dozen or more disciplines every night.

When it was daytime, Yang Chu went to the Hongchen Ancestral Temple to learn from the sages.

Although I feel a little disrespectful to the sages and saints when I say it, the fact is that because the speed of teaching by the sages and saints has its limit, it actually seriously slowed down Yang Chu's progress.

At the current speed, Yang Chu is almost passing on two or three statues every day, but if the inheritance of the sages and saints can be infinitely accelerated, it is not a problem for Yang Chu to pass on ten statues in a day.

"I'm going to Long Xiuxiu's house tomorrow!"

Thinking of meeting his mother-in-law soon, Yang Chu couldn't help but nod a little.

To defeat Youbailan, it was (ajfe) because Youbailan didn't play according to common sense, forcing Yang Chu to take the wrong approach.

But going to see Long Xiuxiu, her mother-in-law Tian Longzun, is a normal routine.

The normal routine is precisely the most difficult to handle.

Especially after reading Long Xiuxiu's letter, it was obvious that Meitian Longzun "guided the creation" beside him. Yang Chu could feel it from every line of the words.

Although the invitation was in Long Xiuxiu's tone, it was filled with the will of Meitian Longzun!

Thoughts flashed through my mind, and when I looked up, the Zhenwu Dao Tower of the Martial Arts Academy had arrived.

Yang Chu came here specifically for a few humane martial arts.

Both Xiaoyao Laoxian and Meng Tianxuan had warned Yang Chu to master these martial arts.

Zhenwu Tao Tower is the place where Hongchen Academy inherits humanistic martial arts.

The tower looks like it has nine floors on the outside and is only thirty-six feet high. However, the space inside it has a huge layout and is said to contain all kinds of martial arts.

Every day, many academy students come here to receive inheritance.

As long as they are students of Hongchen Academy, no matter which academy they are from, they can all come here to receive the inheritance. There is no threshold, unlike the Hongchen Ancestral Temple, which has strict requirements.

It's just that each person can only enter this tower once per month.

Arriving in front of the tower, Yang Chu suddenly felt a martial arts aura coming towards him, making him feel like he was seeing the light of swords and the shadows of swords and iron horses.

Yang Chu stepped into it, and it was like stepping into a whole new world.

He lowered his head and glanced at the student status jade tag in his hand, and a number appeared on it: 30.

Every time an inheritance is carried out, a certain amount of points will be consumed. If the inheritance fails, the points will be deducted. If the inheritance is successful, the points will be returned. If the points are used up, you will be sent out of the tower.

This point is one point every day, updated every month, and cannot be gifted to each other.

Among the techniques in the Zhenwu Dao Tower, the most expensive inheritance requires 30 points at a time, and is divided into 30 levels from low to high.

Standing in the lobby on the first floor, Yang Chu glanced over and entered one of the portals.

"Hiss, so many people?"

As soon as he entered it, Yang Chu was stunned for a moment. He saw that it was crowded and dark, and a group of people gathered to watch the fun.

In front of the crowd, a tall statue stood suddenly, majestic and majestic, filled with a towering aura, filled with a unique martial arts aura, as if the energy and blood were lingering, turning the sun and the moon.

This is the statue of Emperor Sun and Moon, which was built in the tomb of Emperor Sun and Moon. It contains the unique martial art of Emperor Sun and Moon - Sun and Moon Blood Qigong, which can be inherited once and has 30 points.

The Sun and Moon Blood Qigong of the Emperor of the Sun and Moon is the number one skill for cultivating Qi and blood in the human realm. When compared among all the realms in the world, it is comparable.

It is said that the Emperor Sun and Moon's energy and blood reached the sky, and the light covered the sun and moon. When it was moving, it had the power of the sun and moon to rotate. His refined body was extremely powerful. He was reborn with a drop of blood and was almost immortal. In the end, he died for humanity in response to the great catastrophe.

This technique is a must-learn!

"Oh, what a pity, it ended at turn eighty-six!"

At this moment, a sound of regret broke out from the crowd.

"Eighty-two revolutions is already amazing!"

"Yes, if you practice hard for a few more months, it won't be a problem to hit the ninety-ninth revolution! As long as you reach the ninety-ninth revolution, you can start to gain some inheritance..."

"I'm so envious!"

While everyone was talking, a young man with a strong body like an iron tower walked out from inside. His whole body was filled with energy and blood, and his aura was extremely amazing. Wherever he passed, everyone retreated.

This young man is the person who has just received the inheritance, his name is Nie Tiangang, a popular person in the martial arts academy. In the last student meeting, he ranked second in the martial arts academy, better than Long Baifu.

Seeing that Nie Tiangang was about to leave, everyone dispersed one after another. When Yang Chu saw this, he was very satisfied and hurriedly stepped aside, wishing that it was quiet and quiet here.

He doesn't like being watched!

People left like a tide, and after a while, the place became empty.

Yang Chu happily walked up to the statue and looked at a scarlet-blooded stone slab in front of him. He knew that as long as he touched it and accepted the test, he could begin to inherit it.

Immediately take out the jade tablet and activate it to start the inheritance.

At this moment, the crowd burst into an uproar, and someone stepped forward, followed by a bunch of onlookers, basically the same group as before.


Yang Chu had a headache for a while, and paused for a moment before the jade medal was about to fall from his hand. He considered whether to accept this inheritance first and find another place.

Just as he was hesitating, he saw the young man coming from the front, looking at him with high spirits and saying, "Boy, I have something important to do. You get out of the way and let me come first!"

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