My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 582: Almost empty shuttle

After the red, Zhu Lan was not disappointed, and the self-destruct system of the shuttle was lifted after the red.

Although this shuttle is very advanced, the Red Queen has learned a lot of world knowledge. It can be said that in the fantasy world, the Red Queen has surpassed all intelligent systems.

Even if Skynet at its peak appeared in front of the red, it can be easily crushed after the red.

Many of the world's scientific and technological data that Zhu Lan has realized through the fantasy system are all on the host of the Red Queen. It can be said that the Red Queen has mastered at least thirty technologies that are not weaker than the Earth. The heyday of pale blue.

Otherwise, how could Zhu Lan provide the technology of space warships to all countries and bring the earth from the pseudo level III to the level of science and technology civilization.

The self-destruct system was lifted, and Zhu Lan returned to the shuttle cab again.

Sitting in front of the operating system after red, each interface is displayed on it.

"Anything found?"

Zhu Lan walked behind Hong and asked.

After red, a section of image is released directly.

The image is in a strange space, and some can be seen in front of the shuttle. It seems that the shuttle is crossing what kind of existence.

"This is? Space-Time Tunnel?"

"Yes! The incomplete information I got from the shuttle shows that this shuttle has gone through many space-time shuttles. From the current situation, the shuttle is not the earth, or from the future, it can be It is said that it is a civilization from a higher latitude, which is also strange to me. There are a large number of simplified and traditional characters on the shuttle, and the core program of the shuttle is completely programmed by Oracle-like programs. "

"This shuttle is missing a lot of places. I found that the shuttle's main control computer lacks a lot of components. This shuttle may have had a smart computer. No, it should be said that the light brain is more appropriate. a little!"

"Anything else to discover?"

After the red shook his head, "This shuttle is abandoned. Many of the materials on it are taken away, including the light brain of the shuttle. The rest of the information is not much. There is only one point. This shuttle is in a It was made by Ziyuan Arsenal. What kind of world does this Ziyuan Arsenal exist in? I can't know! "

"Is the Dimension Arsenal?" Zhu Lan pondered for a moment.

"Break down this shuttle and see if it can be imitated. Perhaps Bermuda will make new progress because of this shuttle."

After the red nodded, "I immediately set up an sss-class file to set up the project, but it took a long time. The shuttle machine's data is too strange, and it is missing a lot, and it must be rebuilt!"

"It's okay, take it slowly! You can always succeed!" Zhu Lan didn't care about this. The shuttle was completely unexpected. It can be obtained. It is the best. Even if it is not available, you can give the blue technology tree. Provide a branch.

Crossing the time-space tunnel is a very good project. Although a related project has been established very early, the blue technology still cannot go through the time-space tunnel. This project has been put on hold, only slowly. Perfection, go on.

With the advent of the shuttle, the project has started again.

After the red said, do it, and let people immediately send the shuttle to the research center of the Haiwu base, where there are several projects that are absolutely confidential.

The Haiwu base has become the most mysterious base of the blue. Within this base, there are many things, even the blue sky heart has no authority to know.

"Why are you here?" Zhu Lan just sat down, the door opened, and Tang Xuejian and Ji Ruxiang walked into Gaia's stranger.


"Dad Dad!"

Little candy came down from Tang Xuejian and ran to Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan picked him up. "Little guy, he's getting fatter and fatter!" Zhu Lan was so sorrowful that he hadn't seen him for a few days, and the little candy was a lot heavier.

"It's not your mother. Take him to have snacks all day, so that he won't eat any more. Fortunately, let's deal with the red post, otherwise you will have a **** son!" Tang Xue said with great taste.

Ji Ruxiang covered her mouth and smiled.

Zhu Lan smiled awkwardly.

Zhu Lan heard about his mother's situation.

What can Zhu Lan do about this?

"Dad! I'm going to the bottom of the sea, I'm going to the bottom of the sea. Last time my eldest mother took me to the bottom of the sea to see the dolphins, I still want to watch!"

Zhu Lan stunned.

"It's the bottom of the virtual world!" Seeing Zhu Lan's expression, Tang Xue saw what Zhu Lan thought, shook his head and explained.

"Can he bear it?" Zhu Lan dignified.

"Rest assured! His congenital is very good. Virtual equipment does no harm to it. After that, I did a lot of reports, and I also sent you related reports after the red? Have you not seen it? "

Zhu Lan smiled awkwardly.

Seeing this, Tang Xue shook his head helplessly, "Hanchen, come here, I will take you to the bottom of the sea to play!"

"Okay! Mom is such a good guy!"

"You little guy!" Tang Xue was helpless when he saw that this little guy is a good guy to anyone who benefits.

"Let's talk! I'll take Hanchen to the virtual room!"

Zhu Lan nodded.

"Sit!" Zhu Lan pointed to the sofa and said to Ji Ruxiang.

Ji Ruxiang nodded and sat opposite Zhu Lan.

"How is it going?"

"Yes, 98% of the success has been completed. Except for a few stubborn ones, all others have been taken down. His Royal Highness Han is now working on the royal issue. I believe it can be successful within three months. It's up! "

Zhu Lan listened, nodded, raised his hand, opened the terminal, and watched the time. "Four months later, I will hold a new joint meeting on the moon. At that time, I hope to see a new situation!"

Ji Ruxiang froze and then meditated.

"If you have any needs, you have to look for them directly. You can move everything within your authority. If there is any need for armed forces, you can mobilize a super mech unit to suppress it. I I will tell the queen after the red. At that time, you only need to provide the coordinates and requirements. If this does not meet my needs, then Yun Yin is too useless. Woman, the ambition is good, but there is no corresponding response. In the end, it will be an empty joy, I don't want to see that result! "

Ji Ruxiang was silent.

Then, looking up, looking at Zhu Lan, nodded earnestly, "Please rest assured, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

Zhu Lan laughed and nodded. "You don't need to have so much pressure. Even in the end, failure doesn't matter. It's just a condiment!"

Ji Ruxiang looked at Zhu Lan and did not speak.

Zhu Lan stood up, walked to the cabinet on the side, opened it, took out a box, and put the box in front of Ji Ruxiang, the two-world trade male god


"This is it?" Ji Ruxiang looked at the box a little strangely, looking at Zhu Lan.

"This is a third-level potion. There are six of them. It's for Yun Yin. I don't want to succeed, but there is no corresponding strength to guard it!"

Ji Ruxiang was shocked.

Tertiary potion? What is that concept? Ji Ruxiang is very clear.

Although it has been five years, gene pharmacy on the market, whether it is a gene-enhanced medicament or a gene-optimized medicament, are only open to the public.

The existence that a normal person can buy can only be strengthened once, which is equivalent to the physical strength of a normal soldier.

And after two enhancements, it can be regarded as the strength of an elite special soldier.

Three-level enhancement, more powerful than the general soldier king.

The third level of enhancement is only used in the fantasy group.

For those who have contributed to the group.

The Chinese government can only develop tertiary gene agents from secondary gene agents in combination with its own technology.

The only ones that can do this are Huaxia and the United States, and even Russia has only developed it, but it cannot be applied.

Genetic engineering is a huge project.

Russia is already in an economic crisis. It is impossible to invest hundreds of billions of dollars.

Because of the reason of Fantasy Group and after the blue agreement, Huaxia did not have any restrictions, so it was called real takeoff.

In the two years from 2020 to 2022, China ’s economy surpassed that of the United States by more than twice. The military forces also made a leap forward with the help of Fantasy Group.

Especially in terms of environmental transformation, the transformation of western China and the northwestern region is not only recognized by the Chinese government and enterprises, but most of it is undertaken by the United Nations.

After the Pale Blue Agreement, the funds levied by the United Nations can hardly be estimated. In terms of environmental information conducted in Asia alone, the funds have reached a level of terror of 20 trillion.

And the largest investment is still in Africa, reaching a level of sixty trillion.

And this huge amount of funds is completely provided by more than 200 countries and more than 100,000 enterprises.

Ji Ruxiang opened the box, six red liquids lay quietly inside, looked up, and looked at Zhu Lan "I believe they will be very satisfied with your gift!"

Zhu Lan smiled and nodded that although Japan ’s biotechnology is powerful and genetically very powerful, even not worse than the United States, Japan is not willing to invest hundreds of billions of dollars in this area for various reasons, and because of Ji Ruxiang ’s problem The Japanese government can obtain other benefits in the fantasy group, and Zhu Lan does not want to see the Japanese government have deeper research in this area.

On many issues, as long as it does not violate the core interests of the Fantasy Group, Zhu Lan is directly given to the Japanese government.

This has also led to the Japanese government's belief that everything in the Fantasy Group belongs to the Japanese government.

As a result, dozens of countries such as China, the United States, Russia, NATO, etc. have invested a lot of funds in this regard, but Japan has not invested, but has invested funds into space, provided by the Fantasy Group, Japan on the moon, space Its share is almost no worse than that of Russia. It can be seen how huge the Japanese investment in space is. On Earth, the Japanese government's investment is also very huge, and the gains are equally huge. (To be continued.)

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