My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 580: Scary Super Robot

Qin Suming looked at Zhu Lan.

And Qin Suming's four guards directly guarded Qin Suming, raised the sword in his hand, and watched Zhu Lan and his team vigilantly.

Qin Suming waved and pushed them away, watching Zhu Lan "Zhu Lan, even if you kill me? Do you think I'm really dead?"

Zhu Lan didn't care to put his hands down. "I naturally know that you have died once before and reappeared in front of me. If you haven't guessed wrong, you are a clone. Your own body should be in Atlanta. Under the island of this Atlantic! "

Qin Suming was silent. It seemed that Zhu Lan knew too much about himself.

And yourself?

The understanding of Zhulan is less and less.

Especially after the fantasy group and various countries are united, the confidentiality of some things is getting deeper and deeper.

This is not a good thing for himself or for Atlantis.

Click ~

Suddenly, a sound sounded.

Zhu Lan looked up.


The door, which had been closed, suddenly opened.

Qin Suming turned his head and found that the opened door was also stunned.

Everyone present was taken aback.

Qin Suming five people are now in a dilemma.

The front is Zhu Lan and others, and the back is the open door.

The door is opened, what kind of existence is there? Who knows?

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

There were sounds of machinery.

As if something came out, every step was driving a huge sound.

Qin Suming looked diligently, waved his hands at the four of them, and walked to the side.

Zhu Lan felt Qin Suming's move, but Zhu Lan did not let him shoot. From Qin Suming's reaction, what was behind the gate? he does not know?

Now that he has taken the road to leave, he can leave at any time, and Qin Suming and others are hard to say.

Because of this, Zhu Lan did not let Lu Feng and others do it. Qin Suming carried cold weapons, indicating that their cold weapons have great power and may become their own existence after testing this gate.

Qin Suming saw that Zhu Lan didn't do anything, frowned, and soon wanted to understand, his face was not very flawless


At this time, a huge black shadow slowly came out of the gate.

When the shadow is fully displayed.

Both Zhu Lan and Qin Suming are dignified.

Because it came out of a super robot as high as eighteen meters high, and this robot actually wore an armor-like existence, and the energy flowing on the armor could be clearly seen.

"Boss, the situation is not so good!"

Zhu Lan wondered, and then, after receiving the post-red data, Zhu Lan was dignified.

After scanning after red, it was found that the robot's body strength reached a level of four.

Level 4!

The Gauss rifle did not threaten it at all.

And this super robot has multiple closed ports. These ports are very familiar to Zhu Lan, which is a hidden weapon system.

Super Xuanjia and Aegis battleships have similar ports.

"Identify intruders, perform defense tasks, threat level: a. Defenders, start!"

Electronic sounds rang throughout the hall.

After the robot spoke, it glowed red.

Turned around and looked at Qin Suming.

Raised his huge feet and walked towards Qin Suming.

Zhu Lan narrowed his eyes, threat level?

Explain that Qin Suming's threat is even higher than his own group of people?

Zhu Lan waved to stop everyone, but looked at Qin Suming's situation.

Qin Suming's face turned completely dark.

I did not expect such a result.

"Give me it!"

The four nodded, waving their swords, and rushed towards the robot.

They flew directly.

Without any propulsion system, it just flies very naturally.

"A anti-gravity device?"

Seeing this, Zhu Lan's quality can see the strange ripples flowing on the armor, which is anti-gravity offsetting the gravity of the earth.

The robot didn't care about it, and went directly to Qin Suming.

The four's swords were cut directly.

呲 ~~~

The sword and the shell of the robot collide at a distance, and a lot of sparks are generated.

But the sword cannot penetrate the shell of the robot at all.

The four were stunned.

The robot's shell energy turns.

Boom four people directly.

The robot raised its hand and grabbed a person.

And he couldn't react at all.

Directly caught in the hands of eschatology Raiders


Pinch your hands.

The whole person was pinched alive.

"No, Bai Guang!"

The other three clearly saw their brothers pinched to death and shouted.

Bang Bang Bang ~ ~

The three were directly smashed on the ground, even if the ground was a metal structure, and cracks were smashed, showing how terrible their counterattack power was.

Zhu Lan narrowed his eyes and turned to look after the Red Queen.

"It was a counterattack with pure energy, and the power of this robot is at least ten tons, and it may exceed 30 tons. Is it full strength? I do n’t know yet, but according to my data, this robot can burst into a hundred tons Hurt it! "

Several of Lu Feng were startled.

What is a hundred tons?

I'm afraid such a power, even Super Xuanjia, is difficult to resist.

This is power, not energy.

If it is energy, Super Xuanjia can resist, but power and energy are completely different concepts.

A beam of light that penetrates a building may only produce a control, but if a hundred tons hits a building, 95% of the building may be directly destroyed.

This is no longer a level attack.

Point and surface attacks are completely different.

"To be named, after the red, inform the person to bring the equipment down! Did you find the nearest channel?"

"Already looking, Aihua runs straight through the ground and straight down."

Zhu Lan nodded, "Lu Feng, you can prepare someone and start attacking at any time!"


Qin Suming had no idea that this robot was so terrible.

One person killed one person in person.

As if the robot did nothing, it continued to Qin Suming.

Qin Suming stared at the robot completely.

Qin Suming glanced at Zhu Lan, and Zhu Lan and others were watching the robot vigilantly without any help at all.

Qin Suming had a headache right away. If it wasn't for his own orders, maybe he could get Zhulan's help now. Qin Suming knew how much he could do.

But now regret is no longer useful, this robot directly stared at itself, this is helpless.

"Bai Su, Bai Ping, Bai Kong, ready to execute No. 2!"

Qin Suming said solemnly to the three who just got up.

The three looked at each other and nodded.

Stand up, clenched the sword with both hands, and slammed into the metal underground.

The trio's armor began to fall off, changing quickly.

The armor jumped the robot and flew towards Qin Suming.

Qin Suming jumped up and directly greeted the rebirth of these armors as emperor again


The armor began to change, resulting in a larger armor on Qin Suming's body. No, it should not be the armor, but the mecha equipment!

"This is it?" Zhu Lan watched Qin Suming's move diligently, this kind of thing feels a little familiar!

"Boss, this is memory metal. Atlantis has already mastered such technology!"

After scanning after red, I quickly understood what these armors are made of. There is no change. After red, it may not be scanned, but there is only one kind of change that can produce such a change, which is memory metal.

Memory metal can be said to be an upgraded version of liquid metal.

Synthesized from a special metal, each piece of metal is the existence of a completely independent analyzer, which can transform any existence, and can absorb energy to repair, and it also carries huge energy itself. To some extent, memory metals are also Space metal.

Not only has the ability of self-healing, but also the defense is very strong, because there are several spatial forces on the surface of the memory metal, which can offset the attack, whether it is a physical attack or an energy attack.

Pale Blue holds countless advanced technologies, but the memory metal is still in the laboratory, and even the memory metal used to make the test products has not been manufactured.

Zhu Lan looked at Qin Suming, who had changed into a black mech. Although it was only more than five meters high, Zhu Lan could feel that the mech brought great threat to himself.

"Unexpectedly, he still has this hand!" Zhu Lan had to be moved.

In my opinion, Atlantis's technology is not so powerful. Previously, I only knew that Atlantis only developed to the early stage of level 3. Now the blue technology is at the level of level 4 civilization, and now memory metal As soon as ~ ~ Zhu Lan found that he had underestimated Atlantis' ability. The high civilization that existed in the third era had its own special side.

After Qin Suming gathered the mechs, he rushed directly to the robot.

The bronze sword has higher energy.

Fly directly to the robot, and pierce into the robot's chest.

A robot that could not be destroyed by four people, under this bronze sword, could not defend for a long time, and was stabbed directly into the body.

The robot didn't feel any pain. He raised his hand and patted at Qin Suming.

Qin Suming naturally would not pick up this horrible force and jump away.

The robot's hand patted itself, and a strong vibration sounded.

Qin Suming waved a bronze sword to the robot's hand.

The bronze sword was very sharp. It cut the robot's arm directly, exposing the lines inside, and bursts of sparks were generated.

The robot waved his hands, but Qin Suming was very flexible. The robot's attack could not attack Qin Suming at all, and each attack by Qin Suming brought considerable damage to the robot.

The robot was very scarred soon, and Qin Suming was uncomfortable. Although it was not attacked by the robot, it was very exhausting to avoid, and it was not Qin Suming's own body. The clone was good, but he couldn't bear it. High-speed consumption mind.

"What a great sword!" Zhu Lan was surprised when Qin Suming's bronze sword could easily cut through the robot's armor.

Qin Suming heard a hum of words from Zhu Lan.

At this time, a large amount of white energy flows from the robot, and this energy quickly repairs the robot's scars. Soon, the robot without any harm reappears in front of everyone, just like the beginning, and everything just now seems to be Like a dream! (To be continued.)

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