My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 574: Super genetic agent to ease aging

The application of solar energy by Fantasy Group, Guangming Group, Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries is very advanced. It is impossible to apply it to large warships. However, high-new energy sources such as transport ships and even small space fighters are very good choices. The sun has a steady stream The energy is directly collected through solar panels, and the energy block compressed by photon aggregation can provide powerful energy.


After the development of the moon, a large amount of helium 3 is enough for the earth to use for 500 years, or even a thousand years. New pollution-free nuclear technology has been applied, and the former nuclear cracking has become the dominant nuclear power plant. Instead, helium 3 Fusion's new nuclear power plant has become the main power source of the earth. In addition, solar-led light energy has now occupied the world. No, it should be said that it is 80% of human energy consumption.

Coupled with the Earth Cleanup Program, all heavy industries have moved to some more desolate places.

"What's the situation now?" Zhu Lan smiled faintly as he looked at the small candy eating snacks in the distance.

"Everything is in progress!" Ji Ruxiang knew that Zhu Lan was saying to herself.

Zhu Lan reached out, the virtual interface was presented, and the information was opened at will.

"Yes, it seems that Yun Yin has not disappointed me!"

"That is, after all, this matter is very important, but now the defense minister is very anxious. Now some countries have begun to touch, Japan is also turbulent, and many other places are turbulent!"

"Huh!" Zhu Lan sneered. "Ambition is a good thing, but ambition without sufficient strength is just a **** used by others!"

Naturally, Zhu Lan knew this.

After the Pale Blue Agreement, the Earth entered the cleanup phase.

Although this cleanup effect is very good, it can only clear up 80% of the confusion at most, and the remaining 20% ​​cannot be cleaned up at all.

These cannot be cleaned up, some are super consortiums who have mastered the lifeblood of the world economy, some are high-level personnel of some countries, and some are more distant organizations. Where are the headquarters of these organizations? Who are the core members? No one knows.

On the bright side, no matter how dangerous it is, you can see that the poisonous snake in the secret is the most terrifying thing.

Now, the earth ’s technology has exploded.

It is a good thing that countries are looming together.

But some people are fancy about this union and start to become active.

Attempt to occupy an important position in the possible future.

"In the past two years, many of the technologies we have provided to countries have been applied to various industries, and many of them are enterprises owned by some consortia."

"It's not surprising, if they didn't get it, I would be disappointed!"

Lantian Xin nodded "Yes! The more you know, the more fearful you are. Their roots are too deep. Even if they understand the threat, there is no way to eliminate it!"

Through the scenery outside the window, Zhu Lan fell into silence.

In the evening, the Zhulan family gathered together, including Zhulan's parents and the Tang family to have a reunion dinner together.

The moon shines on the earth.

Zhu Lan sat on the balcony.

Footsteps came.

Zhu Lan's eyes moved, without turning back, lying on a chair, looking at the moon in the sky.

Sitting alone on the edge of Zhu Lan.

"Grandpa!" Zhu Lan turned his head and looked at Tang Xiaokun with a smile.

Tang Xiaokun put his cane to the side and sat down.

"Zhu Lan, there is something, you know!"

Zhu Lan was dull, and he shook his head helplessly. "I will come up with a result of the Qingyi Emperor.

!! "

Tang Xiaokun looked at Zhu Lan's face and sighed.

"Okay! It's good if you understand it. We don't have anything, just a few of them!"

Zhu Lan nodded and understood this.

Although Zhu Lan and Tang Xue met five people, they were already famous, but they had no share.

After all, Huaxia's marriage system is monogamous. In this regard, even Zhulan, it cannot be violated.

Zhu Lan has never faced this problem, and no one raised it.

No matter whether they are the Confucian family, the Tang family, or the Japanese royal family, etc., they have not said anything about this issue.

Because once this is really implemented, it may not be a matter of happiness, but a matter of politics involved. The status of the current fantasy group is too important, let alone how pale blue affects the status of the earth.

"Okay! Why don't the military come back?"

"He? Is training a new legion! You also know that the situation facing the earth is very difficult now, and experienced senior officers like him are very lacking. The earth must reorganize its combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time, otherwise In this case, the situation is too severe, which is not good news! "

Tang Xiaokun nodded.

Tang Xiaokun's identity can naturally know something.

Now Shengtang Group and Fantasy Group cooperate very closely.

Especially after the blue agreement, Shengtang Group began to convert 60% of the entire group's assets to machinery manufacturing.

At present, the Shengtang Group is the top five space manufacturing companies on the planet. In terms of rankings, it can exist in the fourth place. This is the world's ranking.

Zhu Lan disclosed to all countries the authorization of tens of thousands of space technologies, and the development of space technology was very smooth.

With the cooperation of Fantasy Group, Shengtang Group has developed from ocean transportation to space transportation.

Twelve percent of the transportation between the Earth's Great Wall orbital station and the Moon is managed by Shengtang Group.

The number of transport ships belonging to the Shengtang Group reached 140.

Except for twenty-one ships purchased from Fantasy Group, all others were manufactured by Shengtang Group.

There are no restrictions on Zhu Lan's treatment of his in-laws. All good things are directly given to Shengtang Group.

Datang Manufacturing, founded by Shengtang Group, is the third manufacturing company in Asia and is located in Haicheng. Its manufacturing plant occupies 24% of the entire Haicheng area, which shows its hugeness.

Now, the order of Shengtang Group has been queued up to five years later. The construction of transport ships from the group, the country, and other enterprises, and the construction of space warships are full of Datang Manufacturing companies.

The manufacturing capacity made by Datang is almost equal to that made by pale blue.

With the help of Fantasy Group, Shengtang Group has now reached the 14th place in the world ranking.

Even if the development of the Fantasy Group is only eleven, even the top ten can't enter, and the connotations of large companies in other countries are also very scary.

Especially after the technology provided by Pale Blue, coupled with its own technology, the development of space technology is very fast.

The existence of orbital elevators, rocket manufacturing, and launches have been cancelled.

Deacon to spaceship R & D and manufacturing


"What you asked us to do is already ready. A total of 4,000 people have passed the training in the space training ground and can be transferred at any time!" Tang Xiaokun looked at Zhu Lan and said lightly.

Zhu Lan smiled. "Thank you Grandpa, it's a good thing for you to do it!"

Tang Xiaokun gave Zhu Lan a glance, "Can you do it yourself?"

"Alas!" Zhu Lan sighed. "You don't know, now the Fantasy Group is developing too fast, although it is still rising, but the bottom line is not enough, and it may collapse at any time. This is something I do not want to see."

Tang Xiaokun nodded.

How many years? Seven years! Almost eight years.

To date, the development of fantasy technology has been close to the top ten super enterprises in the world in less than ten years.

Being like Boeing, that one did n’t develop after half a century or even a century. The Fantasy Group only spent eight years to see its horror.

"Some things are better than no control!"

Tang Xiaokun nodded and agreed with Zhu Lan.

"It's good if you understand it yourself. Those who came to me earlier, some of them still don't believe in Fantasy Group, and still think that the best result is in their hands!"

Zhu Lan sneered "ambition, this is politics!"

Tang Xiaokun said with emotion, "Yeah! This is politics!" In just a few words, how many people have died in thousands of years.

"I've planned it out! When the matter of Tisci civilization is dealt with, I'm going to the blue star! Earth, let them play slowly!"

Tang Xiaokun's eyes brightened. "This is good. With the current technology, there is no problem!"

Zhu Lan nodded "I have launched a lot of detectors to go in that direction ~ ~ It is expected that there will be enough results in three to five years, and I will wait for this Tisci civilization to be handled properly As Tang Xue saw them going there, I was still preparing to host my own wedding on that planet, I believe that would be a very grand event! "

Tang Xiaokun nodded, and simply thought about how shocking the situation was.

age? Tang Xiaokun is not worried about this.

Zhu Lan is now in his early thirties, but Zhu Lan is still very young. Not only Zhu Lan, Tang Xiaokun, Zhu Lan ’s parents are younger than before.

The blueberry's real secret to reduce aging is the real secret of the ginseng fruit. The state also knows this and spent a lot of money to buy several bottles of aging-relieving genetic medicine from Zhulan.

That's the real weapon. If the Fantasy Group announces it, the whole world will be crazy.

You are welcome to say that with the current research on Cang Lan, I dare not say anything about longevity, but I can do it if I want to live a hundred or fifty years old.

In this way, normal people begin to enter middle age after forty years, and take this medicine, which relieves the deep aging of genes and accelerates their own metabolism. Only after getting at least 70 or even 80 years old will they begin to enter the middle age. Middle-aged people will not enter old age until they are over 130 years old.

If by that time, such research would definitely be higher, then by that time, it is not impossible to extend life, and if it is really necessary, the human memory can be transferred to the cloned person for another Ways to continue to live, to achieve eternal existence by means of technology, of course, that is an absolute taboo, at least, now Zhulan does not need that existence, Zhulan believes that the technology mastered by pale blue, ten years, that After 50 years, we can definitely break through and increase the life span to 300 years, or even 500 years! (To be continued.)

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