My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 569: Neutral bullets ready to be released

The deadly attack relies solely on its own judgment. Seeing the Quartet, it does not easily hit the flight path of the beam.

The mechanical monster cannot detect the arrival of this beam in advance. In other words, did you attack yourself and stay there? In addition, the arrogance of the mechanical monster, even if the Aegis main bomber was on it, the damage to it was not great, and the main battleships of the Blue Star fleet were all Being dragged and unable to take any action at all, the Tis fleet has reintegrated its formation. Although it is not a rival to the Blue Star battleship, the Tis fleet is five times larger than the Blue Star fleet in number.

The scarlet beam of light runs directly through the monster's shoulders.

Before waiting for the mechanical monster to react, Aihua flew over the president's wife and played big cards at a very high speed.


All main guns turned to the right, locked mechanical monsters, charged, fired, and hundreds of erosion missiles were launched.

Although Aihua's bombardment was not strong, the attack power of the erosion missile was not weak, and Aihua also put some of the super-vibration missiles in it.

This was not done before because there was no way to approach it. In other words, with Ayihua's attack power, it was very tender to damage its outer shell and attack the inner layer of the core.

Now, Li Angel's sniper rifle directly destroys the shell.

Aihua's attack began to work.

Hundreds of erosion missiles bombed on it, and the outer shell of the mechanical monster had collapsed, and its defense was much worse than before.

At the current level of science and technology, no absolute material can really defend energy weapons. The best way is to offset energy with energy, and then use the special properties of the material to refract the attack.

From the outsider's perspective, the shell of a mechanical monster is to defend against any attack. In fact, it is not, but the strength of the shell is very high, and it has an energy absorption or cancellation device on it to quickly absorb the energy, and the rest is directly refracted. In other words, when the energy hits it, the energy on the shell is neutralized, allowing it to refract all.

Zhu Lan also got the reminder from Zhenhai to understand.

After being partially destroyed, the effect of the shell was reduced by seven layers, and Ayihua's attack was fully effective.

The attack power of the erosion missile is still very powerful, and there is also the attack of the super-vibration missile.

Mechanical monsters can't resist at all, plus there are Ren Gunting and Wang Sheng, three Gundams and a dozen dragon guards, and half of the dragon guards have already turned on the battlefield mode, and their attack power has doubled directly.

Beat the water dog.

Aihua destroyed the shell, and the other Gundam and Long Wei attacked with all their strength.

"What? Impossible?" Vanai couldn't believe it and saw that the empire's most powerful dark guard had been destroyed.

Vanai had a real headache now.

"What to panic, even if destroyed, now five times the number of empire's earth, regroup me, intensive attack!"

The mechanical monster was destroyed, and everyone was relieved.

"Adjust, reshape the formation, throw in all the aviation power for me, five times the quantity, and when the quality meets the quantity, you will understand what is the king!" Pu Luo's face cooled down.

Order directly.

Although a mechanical monster entered the core, the mechanical monster entered the core of the Zhenhai. The core warships of the First Fleet and the Second Fleet did not receive much damage. They both protected the King Kong and Constellation. At the time of the attack, Tang Shengjun did not ask for all support, but only a small amount of support.

And now, the intruders have been killed.

Tang Shengjun directly ordered the first and second fleets to merge, except for a small number of frigates, other support went to the front.

The Zhenhai also came forward to converge. In the wave just now, the loss was too great to be able to escorted too many warships alone.

Only three command ships can be merged to reduce the number of frigates, and two thirds of the frigates will be deployed to support the front battlefield.

"Xu Lao, please transfer to the King Kong!" Tang Shengjun finished his order and turned to Xu Dezheng.

Xu Dezheng opened his mouth and nodded. Get up and walk out.

"Here is the bridge, escorting Commander Xu to the King Kong. Others are preparing to fight her husband, and obediently sign a divorce.

!! "

The loss was too great, and Tang Shengjun decided to go to the front line in person.

Although Tang Shengjun is the general flagship, it is actually because of Zhu Lan and Xu Dezheng.

Now Zhu Lan has driven the Angel of Attack, and the remaining Xu De just needs to be sent to the King Kong.

"You can fight too! I'll go up to King Kong!" On the constellation, John stood up and said to the constellation captain Xu Yan.

Xu Zheng nodded, "Come, **** the commander to leave!"

When John left, Xu Zheng dignifiedly "joined with Zhenhai to form a reinforcement fleet and march toward the battlefield."

The constellation and Zhenhai rendezvous, including a Aegis-class battleship, four Daybreak-class battleships and fourteen Can-class cruisers to the battlefield.

The only thing left around the King Kong was the Tianshan Dawn battleship, the Changbaishan Aegis-class battleship and four Guanghan-class cruisers.

The mechanical monster was destroyed, and the others did not stop, and continued to attack the Titan fleet.

The number of titanium fleets is more than four times that of the Blue Star Fleet, and it must not be allowed to reshape its formation. Otherwise, it will be a huge blow to the Blue Star Fleet.

The mechanical monster is destroyed, and Zhu Lan draws closer to the battlefield.

Ren Yingting, Wang Sheng and others, with the remaining Dragon Guard and four attack squadrons, led by the Guards and Zeus Gundam, stormed into the enemy ship group.

The fleet on the left of Wuzhishan and the fleet on the right of Alpine merged into a fleet of four Aegis-classes ahead, and the dawn-class battleships in the second echelon, focusing on one direction.

Twenty-seven wide-column cruisers cover, preventing the mechs and aircraft of the Titan fleet from approaching, and some high-speed battleships of the Titan fleet.

Although the number of Tixis fleet is high, it does not have high-end combat power, can not resist the assault of Gundam and Dragon Guard, and has returned to the initial stage.

"Captain, in the direction of twelve o'clock, four hundred kilometers away, what exactly is that?" The voice of a Long Wei driver let Wang Sheng be stunned.

Constantly avoiding the fire of the ship's gun, he looked in the direction the man said.

I didn't see it at the beginning. After crossing several battleships, Wang Sheng finally saw what it was.

The dozen or so warships of the Tis fleet have released one device at a time and are combining a weird device.

They cannot be assembled.

Wang Sheng had a bad hunch instantly.

"Ren Ye listened, did you see it?"

"Well!" Ren Min nodded.

"Let's destroy it!"

"Stop it for me!" Wang Shenggang wanted to start, and the operation speeded up, and Zhu Lan's voice came.

"Boss? That thing may be a super weapon, and it must never be assembled." Wang Sheng said anxiously.

"I know, you can't get across hundreds of warships to get there, stop me, I have a way!"

Hearing Zhu Lan's words, Wang Sheng nodded.

"Aihua, did you see it?"

"Yes boss, do I need to destroy it?"

Zhu Lan shook his head. "You are right to destroy, but you don't need to go. How about the set of things above?"

"The energy is very sufficient, the blood-sucking boss can be started at any time, and the husband does not recycle

!! "

"Very well, I will let the fleet cover you. You leave the battlefield and attack directly. The number is five. You must destroy the opponent. After release, you speed up towards the middle of the enemy fleet and release ten. You must destroy the enemy. The living force of the ship is completely destroyed! "

"Understand!" Aihua nodded.

Aihua, who was destroying the battleship, turned and left.

Titus fleet was relieved to see the high-speed battleship break away.

Aihua's speed is too fast.

And the firepower is not weak.

Now that this high-speed battleship is detached, no one doubts anything, but just thinks that the Earthman's warship has no energy and wants to leave the battlefield to replenish energy.

If it hadn't been towed, it would have been entangled, but now the Titanic fleet can hardly protect itself, let alone entangled Ayihua.

Zhu Lan opened the wide-area star chart and saw that Zhenhai had arrived. Nodded and opened the communication.

"You also know the situation, Constellation, Zhenhai, directly start the super-gravity gun, other people cover, let the other party's attention be attracted to you!"

Tang Shengjun and Xu Zheng nodded, "I see!"

Tang Shengjun took over the command authority and put the reinforcements into the battlefield.

The Zhenhai and Constellation broke away and did not enter the battlefield.

Each releases a hypergravity gun launcher ~ ~ The actions of Zhenhai and Constellation were instantly discovered by the Tis fleet, although it was a little far away, but it was still far away, and the baryons converged. Ringing.

"Stop me, never let the other party launch!"

"General, no way, we can't get out of the attack there!"

"The Seventh Fleet came forward, started energy sharing, and opened the interstellar defense system!" The commander of the Tis fleet also understood this. Although the quantity was suppressed, now the support of the Earth Fleet has arrived, and no warship can be drawn at all, There was no way to cross the battlefield and reach the two warships.

Titus fleet immediately began to transform.

Several heavy warships began to accelerate, while others began to retreat.

Meteorite belt four thousand kilometers away from the battlefield, Ayihua docked here.

Around began to twist.

A channel slowly turns from virtual to real.

"Space jump started, coordinate Maximum energy, release, stable channel!" Aihua has the ability to jump in space, which is also the main reason why neutron bombs are placed in her. Zhenhai became the general flagship. Neither King Kong nor Space Engine.

Aihua equipped with a space engine can directly build a wormhole, travel to any place, and directly release neutron bombs. This is more secure than carrying on any battleship. Aihua is a high-speed battleship, even if it enters the enemy ship group. In a short time, it cannot be destroyed.

The 20 neutron bullets loaded on Ayihua are definitely enough for Tisi civilization to drink a pot. Although it is impossible to destroy all of them, it is still possible to destroy most of them, and the Tisi fleet is very dense now, because the Blue Star fleet ’s The attack is too strong, and the single is not an opponent of the Blue Star Fleet. Only a few ships can fight against one. (To be continued.)

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