My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 564: Attempts to bloom in the center

The Shangyang Brigade and the Bright Brigade have not yet begun to pass through the meteorite, and a large number of beams directly hit the meteorite.

"Abominable! Dodge, dodge all, rely on meteorite to dodge!" Jiang Ren's voice passed to each team, the sky fighter in their hands, rolling without listening, compared to the beam of attack.

A large number of beams blasted on the stone, causing explosions. Countless meteorite fragments flew around like bullets, which caused great difficulties for the two attack aircraft groups. Fortunately, both groups dispersed very quickly. The flight speed is very fast. If you don't pay attention, you will get too close together and you will hit each other directly.

At this time, from the other side, a dozen huge beams blasted at the enemy ship group.

The enemy ship was obviously unprepared, and several warships on the edge were directly penetrated, followed by a large number of explosions, and the entire warship was destroyed.

The left fleet led by the battleship Wuzhishan has crossed the meteorite group and reached the attack site, directly attacking the enemy group.

Although the enemy fleet understood, they did not expect the other party to come so fast.

Some of the enemy ships began to adjust, and the main gun was charged and released instantly.

"The fleet on the left has arrived. The Shangyang Brigade, in the form of a squadron, has begun to attack, paying attention to avoiding enemy fire!"



With the traction of the left-hand fleet, the pressure of the two attacking groups was greatly reduced.

The speed of the sky fighter is very fast. It can be said that in the long-range attack, even a small attack, as long as it is detected, it is basically impossible to attack the sky fighter.

Because the sky fighter is equipped with directional energy radar, which is a specialized radar for energy weapons. When the radar detects an energy weapon attack, it will quickly mark the line of energy attack. In this way, you only need to avoid this line. , Basically will not be attacked, of course, if the density of the attack is very large, then it depends on the driver's own operating performance.

If you want to attack the sky fighter, at a long distance, you can only use the method of intensive strike. The rest can only wait until you enter the warship's guard defense system and rely on the dense guard defense system to attack the fighter.

"Avoidance, missiles, volleys, targets, the four warships ahead, cover yourself and control!"

Du Ming kept giving instructions, Wuzhishan and Chenos were in front to resist all attacks, the energy system had been replaced, and two Aegis-class shields could support all the attacks.

On the Zhenhai, watching the Wuzhishan offensive progress, Tang Shengjun nodded.

"From the current situation, we are pushing them. So far, only 12 fighters have been destroyed. The two ships of Wuzhishan and Xiamen have suffered heavy losses, and the others are very good!" Xu Dezheng said, watching Zhulan.

Zhu Lan nodded "I hope to continue, but we must not forget that Tisi civilization is a level four civilization close to a level five civilization. We have just entered the third-level civilization. These battleships are too old. In my opinion, Yes, these warships may be second-tier battleships belonging to the Tis civilization, and they are not to be proud of! "

Zhu Lan said that Xu Dezheng and Tang Shengjun both respected the prince of the regent.


What is the difference between the first and second lines? Both of them understood very well.

Just like the earth, the first-line combat power is equipped with fighters such as f-22, while the second-line combat power is equipped with conventional three-generation aircraft such as Su-27, with a gap of two generations.

It's like taking battleships of World War II to fight against modern guided missile cruisers. It is not a level at all. People have destroyed you. Your radar hasn't found any trace of it!

"How much time is left?" Zhu Lan looked up, looking at Zhenhai.

"Report the boss, there are still six minutes left, and a part can be detected!"

"Where is it?"

"Here!" Zhenhai opened a star map, and a huge red dot appeared.

"Crazy!" Tang Shengjun looked directly at the location of the space wormhole and was directly angry.

Because the opponent's space wormhole is directly in the middle of the meteorite belt, this is the result of a center bloom for the Blue Star Fleet. How can Tang Shengjun not be angry?

Zhu Lan didn't have any expression, but frowned.

"What's wrong?" Xu Dezheng asked in confusion.

Hearing Xu Dezheng's words, Tang Shengjun turned his head and looked at Zhu Lan.

"We have an advantage now, don't we?"

"Yes!" Tang Shengjun nodded, though confused.

"From our current understanding of Tisci civilization, the other side's main fleet does not pass through the wormhole on the ring of Saturn. In this case, even if all Tisci civilization's fleet in the solar system arrives, they will have a draw with us at most. And now, Titanic civilization blossoms directly at our center, where is the self-confidence from him? "

"If Tisci civilization does not know that we can find the existence of spatial fluctuations? Under such a premise, the fleet directly traverses and hits our core area. In this way, the center blooms, and it is not impossible!"

Tang Lan's words, Zhu Lan pondered.

"In any case, we must be prepared for defense and notify the first fleet to prepare. In addition, we must notify the second fleet to let the King Kong ’s mech armor be deployed. Regardless of the other party's intentions, we must be prepared for defense!"

"Understand!" Tang Shengjun nodded to convey the order.

"Zhu Lan, can't you strike first?" Xu Dezheng asked Zhu Lan doubtfully. At the time, the wormhole of Yunhe Civilization hit. Xu Dezheng remembered that although the wormhole is dangerous, the wormhole is a spatial structure and it is very Is unstable, once it is affected by external factors, it is likely that this wormhole will collapse.

Generally speaking, the construction distance of wormholes is generally not too far away. For example, for the current earth, only a wormhole that is about 10 million kilometers away can be constructed. If it is farther, it will be because of the universe. Various reasons interfere with the operation of the wormhole. To put it plainly, the energy used to build the wormhole is not enough to build a wormhole channel more than 10 million kilometers away.

If it is a fixed wormhole device, this can be lengthened, but if it is the wormhole channel of the warship itself, then the wormhole must meet the energy of the warship itself. Once it exceeds, the warship collapses when it passes through the wormhole. In the tragedy of the field, once the wormhole collapses, there will be a huge spatial distortion. At that time, anything in the wormhole passage will be destroyed by the spatial distortion. Even if the warship can withstand the damage caused by the spatial distortion, However, the wormhole tunnel has collapsed. Unless a new tunnel is re-opened, the warship may be taken to an unknown place.

The positioning of the wormhole must be very accurate. Sometimes, even if it is a bit off, the position gap is very horrible. If it is a super-interstellar crossing, it is only a one-ten-thousandth gap. It is likely that the warship will be destroyed. With a distance of hundreds or even tens of thousands of light years


After receiving the news from the flagship, John didn't dare to relax, and ordered all the black armored mechas to be dispatched, and within the range centered on the King Kong, to ensure absolute security.

General mobilized the remaining battleships and drove directly into the meteorite group, and the main gun cleared the existence of these meteorite.

The remaining four dawn-class aircraft carriers are also preparing. The fighters are dispatched at any time, and two squadrons are released to start the security mission. Once needed, the four brigades can be dispatched at any time to give the enemy a thunder strike.

On the other side, the fighting continued. As the right-hand fleet centered on the Alps arrived, it pinched on the enemy ship group. The enemy ship could not bear it at all and had to start to retreat.

"Stop it, hold it back for me, and the reinforcements will arrive in three minutes!" Vanai did not expect that the fleet of the Earth's fleet was so powerful that most of the **** fighters had been lost, so if this loss continues, it may not exceed five minutes. This fleet is finished.

"Yes, yes, it's interesting. In that case, I'll go and have a look!" The young man sitting beside Vanai stood up, said with a good voice, and turned.

Seeing this, Vanai was relieved. If he was willing to dispatch, he would be able to check the arrival of reinforcements. By that time, who is dead may not be sure!

"Captain, I found a mech on the move!"

"Where?" Wang Yi asked strangely.

Seeing the image sent by his wingman, Wang Yi did see the mech ~ ~, call around, and come to attack the squadron, attack this mech! Wang Yi saw a bad hunch of this mech and immediately called a squadron.

Operate the sky fighter himself and fly towards that mech.

Hearing Wang Yi's call, a dozen other sky-fighting fighters turned and flung at that mech.

"Launch!" Wang Yi whispered, the four laser cannons on the sky fighter fired instantly, and a beam of light attacked the mech.

Before waiting to see the results, Wang Yi had already pulled up the fuselage, maneuvered in place, flew to the side, and escaped the enemy's guard beam attack.

"Not good ~"

As soon as Wang Yi wanted to turn his head, he heard someone calling.

Subsequently, Wang Yi found that the friendly forces around him were rapidly decreasing.

"Captain, hurry up, the opponent is moving too fast!"

"P6, P6 ~~"

Wang Yi felt worse and worse.

No matter how you call, your wingman has no response. On the radar, your wingman has disappeared, which shows that your wingman has been destroyed.

Wang Yi turned his head and finally saw what was happening. The mech was flying at a very high speed. Each attack represented the destruction of a fighter plane, just like being slaughtered.

"Damn!" Wang Yi scolded in anger, operated the fighter, turned, and threw at the mech.

The armor of the mech like an animal exudes red light, like a mech, but more like an animal's structure.

The fighter was damaged a lot, Jiang Ren immediately discovered this problem, and other people also found this problem. After all, all the sky fighters are on the enemy ship group, and there are not many friendly signals around. Disappear, this is impossible without notice.

(To be continued.)

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