My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 561: Opposition? Dawn, strike!

Obviously, the opponent did not expect that the battleship of the earth was so powerful.

Six warships cannot keep people at all.

Kunlun and Red Square shot together, and had to dodge to allow Pacific to leave calmly.

Following this, the Kunlun and Red Square did not continue to engage in exchanges with the enemy ships, but used the maximum attack power to cover the six warships, and immediately turned to leave this area.

"Damn! What are you still doing? Fleet, go forward, haven't the seventh and ninth fleets arrived yet?" In the middle of a Tis fleet, about 800,000 tons of warships, the commander of the warship Vanai was very **** off.

"Report to the captain, the construction of the space wormhole has not been completed, and the total flagship side requires us to stop moving forward. The number of Earth ’s fleet is three times that of ours, and the combat power of the Earth ’s warships is close to that of a fourth-class civilization. Until the arrival of the Seventh Fleet, the Ninth Fleet, and the Second Fleet, large-scale attacks with the Earth Fleet cannot be launched! "

"Damn!" Vanai scolded angrily.

"Captain, this is not the time to fight. This time we will only have five fleets. If they are defeated, the captain, you understand!" Sitting on the side, a man in blue, similar to a nobleman Existence, said to Vanai lightly.

Vanai raised her hand small and wanted to say something, which she couldn't say for a long time.

"Notify the fleet, set up a defensive formation, go to area Y, where there are meteorite belts, which can help us mitigate the attacks of Earth people!"

"Understand, Captain!"

The escaped Kunlun three ships, it was strange to see that the enemy ships did not follow.

At this time, the First Fleet had arrived here and met the Kunlun.

"What's going on?" Pro's voice passed directly to the three Kunlun ships.

"Report to the commander, the enemy ship did not start the pursuit, but took it to the meteorite in the sixth direction area!"

General heard frowning at this.

"Notify the fleet, stop moving forward, and build a defensive formation!" Although Pu Luo did not know what the other party meant, he could not advance blindly. The Blue Star team is now the only fleet on the planet and cannot be blindly consumed in unknown wars. .

The First Fleet stopped advancing, and the second Fleet, which was left and right, also stopped massing.

The two civilized fleets of Titans and the Earth face each other over 100,000 kilometers, and in the middle, a huge meteorite belt of 70,000 to 80,000 kilometers has become a buffer zone.

"What does the other person mean?" John frowned.

"From the current situation, our earth's strength must be above the other party, and the other party did not attack directly. In my opinion, the Pacific Ocean was just attacked, but it was only a test of our fighting power. Maybe the other party ’s fleet is also Gather here! "

"This is unlikely. Our blue satellites are within 100 million kilometers of Mars, and no other fleets have been found, and I have checked the situation on the ring of Saturn. The other four fleets of the other party are still On Saturn's ring, unless ... "said, Zhu Lan suddenly froze.

"Unless what?" Xu Dezheng saw Zhu Lan's expression, knowing that the problem was huge and Long En mighty


"That was the case!" Zhu Lan said solemnly, looking up, looking at a few people. "Now the fleet we are seeing is only the counterpart's vanguard fleet. If my guess is true, this fleet is just a pathfinder, and Provide space coordinates for other fleets on Saturn's ring. In the same combat power, our earth's fleet is definitely no worse than the other side. Now, this fleet has only 32 battleships, and most of them are two to three hundred thousand. Warships, whether it is tonnage or combat effectiveness, we are several times as much as the other side, but now, we are not worried about this, and directly confronted us, indicating that the other side has absolute confidence. In this case, the only explanation That is, the opponent is jumping in the prepared space! "

"That would be troublesome!" Xu Dezheng said solemnly.

"There are also four fleets of each other on Saturn's ring. If they add up, there are more than 150 battleships. Now, it is unknown whether the other party has arrived in the solar system. If there is a real space jump, then we The advantages will not exist at all! · "

"Now, the order, the first fleet, direct attack, not giving the other party the opportunity to build a wormhole, the second fleet responded, we need to be prepared for the worst!"

"Understand!" Pro and John saluted, disappearing instantly on the Zhenhai.

Both were meetings via virtual remotes.

"Get me the second and fourth aviation fleets!" Pu Luo closed the long-distance communication and immediately ordered.


Two people appear on the home screen.


"Now, order you, immediately send a fighter to attack the area where the enemy ship is located. The Second Fleet will send out warships to attack the meteorite area. You will let me cross the meteorite area and attack. Is there any problem!"

"Reporting Commander, no problem, we must give the best results."

Pro nodded.

The Blue Star Fleet has five aviation fleets, with two Daybreak space carriers as one.

During this expedition, each Daybreak carrier carried the largest number of fighters.

A single Dawn-class aircraft carrier usually carries 180 sky fighters, this time carrying 230 sky fighters.

An aviation fleet is the number of 460 fighters.

Two aviation fleets, the number of 920 fighters.

Each aviation fleet is defended by two broad cold cruisers.

Chen Luo hung up the communication and calmed down.

"Notify the carrier of the Daqin aircraft carrier that the Datang carrier dispatched 80% of the fighters to cross the meteorite belt and attack the opposing fleet!"


The ten warships are Daxia, Dashang, Dazhou, Daqin, Dahan, Dawei, Dasui, Datang, Song, and Ming.

Space carriers are named after dynasties, while battleships are named after mountains, such as Mount Fuji, Kunlun Mountain, Tianshan Mountain, the Alps, and so on.

Aegis is also named after the mountain, but after the mountain.

Order it. Daqin and Datang, which belong to the Second Air Fleet, and Dahan and Daxia Space Carriers of the Fourth Fleet left for action.

When the Pacific was fighting just now, everyone was ready to attack.

Daybreak aircraft carrier has eight launch channels, which can launch 16 fighters to attack at the same time, and uses an automatic cycle device. It can be said that, every minute, the daybreak can release a maximum of 96 fighters. Improper Zerg males born again


The four aircraft carriers, Daqin, Datang, Dahan, and Daxia, kept releasing fighter jets. The fighter jets formed a formation outside the meteorite belt.

On both sides of the meteorite belt, an attack fleet consisting of two Aegis-class battleships, a daybreak-class battleship, and four Canton-class cruisers began to bypass the meteorite belt, and in order to ensure absolute safety, Prov. On the left side, the third aviation team is shifted to the right side, and the remaining battleships that have not attacked protect the space carriers. After all, in terms of defense, the space carriers are still too fragile.

Jiang Ren is a pilot who has just passed the pilot assessment and officially became the Air Force. He was dispatched to the moon. After half a year's training, he mastered the way of driving the sky fighter, and achieved excellent results in the expedition training ground.

Jiang Ren is the captain of the spacecraft carrier Da Qin and a military colonel.

The space combat formation and the earth combat formation are completely different. A squadron consists of ten fighters, a squadron consists of thirty fighters, and a large squad consists of a hundred formations.

In general, the number of Daybreak carriers is five squadrons, and now it is seven squadrons and several special squadrons.

"Jiang, don't drop the chain!"

"Jack, don't worry, our Shangyang Brigade will definitely pass meteorites faster than your Bright Brigade, but you don't have to run into meteorite without waiting for the enemy ship!" Jiang Ren was naturally polite .

"Haha, Jiang, crossing obstacles, my score is four points higher than you?" Jack hit **** Jiang Ren's chest with a heavy blow. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

Jiang Ren said nothing now.

The others laughed.

"Smile, smile, and shit, if anyone hits a meteorite, you will feel better when you go back!" Jiang Ren scolded directly, operated his fighter, and quickly passed through the dense meteorite group.

Although the meteorite group is dense, when it is relatively dense in training, this is nothing at all.

During expeditionary training, the range of the meteorite group is one million kilometers long, and many meteorites will accelerate and carry magnetic fields, which will interfere with the operation of fighter equipment.

"Captain, the Earth Fleet bypassed the meteorite area and surrounded us!"

"I don't know if the Earthman is alive or dead, tell the fleet to prepare for the battle, how much time is left in the wormhole?"

"Forty-eight Carton (minutes)"

Vanai listened and silenced.

"No need to worry, we can put something for them to play with, and when our big army arrives, the Earth Fleet will kill as long as we let it kill?"

Vanai listened, his face glowed with fierce light.

"Tell the cage, release the demon, and see if the other party can eat my gift!"

"Yes, Captain!" Everyone sneered, eyes full of bloodthirsty.

After receiving the order, behind the Titan fleet, two huge battleships opened, and a huge monster woke up from the battleship.

The Titans did not know what method to use to control the monsters to start recovery. The monsters opened their scarlet eyes and rushed towards the meteorite belt like fish. All the Titans warships were cleared along the way, for fear that these monsters could His own battleship exploded, because these monsters were as large as seventy to eighty meters. The whole body added up, which was equivalent to the existence of a small battleship. The Titan thinker was still wearing a heavy armor on the monster, letting it be The defensive power has reached the highest existence. (To be continued.)

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