My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 556: Peace agreement

ps: good communication! New Book October 10! New Book October 10! New Book October 10! Important things to say three times! At that time, please also support everyone!

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"To speed up the speed process, we must find out why Qin Suming has entered this area!"

After the red nodded, "I have deployed all the sea fog bases that can be used, but the environment in the deep Antarctic is very bad. Even if we can not easily find in that environment, and at present, the Antarctic is in heavy snow During this time, it is easy to get lost and the magnetic field of the South Pole is increasing, which has greatly disrupted our positioning and navigation! "

Zhu Lan listened and said, "Let's use a linear connection!"

"Boss, in this case, time may be slow."

Zhu Lan sighed helplessly, "Slow it, slow it down! It's like looking blindly!"

Linear connection, to put it plainly, is to pull a long line and realize communication through the line. The state of Antarctica is one third of the outside, and wireless transmission can be smooth, but deep into it, even if it is quantum communication, There is also strong interference, which is not just the cause of magnetic fields.

From the original life research base to the current sea fog base.

The exploration of Antarctica has never stopped. Antarctica has secrets. This is known by Zhu Lan, but Antarctica is too large, and there are various magnetic fields in many places, so this exploration has not achieved effective results. .

Now Atlantis's move disturbed Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan can only use stupid methods.

It is connected by wires and the coverage of the Antarctic region is achieved through the presence of a communication station.

Although this method is stupid, it is very easy to use, but there may be great difficulties in the installation of the communication station. After all, it is deep in the Antarctica, where the cold is no longer acceptable for ordinary equipment, and Antarctica is currently in winter. , Snow is freezing, which is very difficult for the work!

"Let Luo Yan and Luo Shuang pass, and let them use the sea fog to open up enough channels!" Zhu Lan pondered for a moment, and let Luo Yan and Luo Shuang pass directly.

Although the white smoke and white twin destroyers have been completed, they have always been in the Sea Fog Base because of the battleship itself. Even the transportation work has not begun. After the two destroyers are completed, they are transferred to the Sea Fog Base and have been there. , Did not move.

The two are also at the Sea Fog Base, and they have been training the existence of new humans, and they have performed some vigilant tasks.


Christina and Amelia are sitting above the villa in the glorious garden in the sixth city of Azure.

"His Royal Highness, tomorrow ..."

Christina didn't say anything. She lay on a chair and the sun shone from above, because there were dozens of centuries-old trees around the villa, and the sunlight under the shade was not very strong.

"Amelia, don't worry, what we should do now is enjoy it!"

"But Your Highness, according to what we know, Titans has sent a fleet to the earth. We are still here, is it really good?"

Christina smiled and took off her sunglasses. "Don't you notice any difference here?"

Amelia frowned, looking around "His Royal Princess, what did you say?" |

Christina nodded "In terms of the earth, it is only a third-level civilization, and it is a civilization that differs from our glorious Free Commonwealth. But in the past two days, I believe you have also discovered that the fantasy group is reborn. Scientifically cultivated herbs

!! "

"Her Royal Highness, you mean that the blue is not ..." Amelia understood a little.

"No, you're wrong!" Christina shook her head. "Pale blue, maybe a civilized heritage!"

Amelia was startled, a civilization's legacy, what does this mean? Amelia is very clear.

"Earth has existed for about 4.6 billion years. How long has our glorious planet existed? Less than one billion years, although it was colonized in the past, it is enough to see the gap between them. Is there a galaxy on the star chart? "

Amelia shook her head, and suddenly hesitated, then came to understand "Her Royal Highness Princess, do you mean that the Milky Way galaxy is possible?"

Christina solemnly "the existence of the fourth-level civilization of our brilliant Free Commonwealth, we can't find the Milky Way galaxy of 3 million light years, but the Milky Way galaxy can find the area where our Bright Free Commonwealth exists!"

"In this case, there is only one place in the star map that we cannot understand, and that is the forgotten galaxy. In this case, the forgotten galaxy is likely to be the Milky Way galaxy. According to our understanding, the forgotten galaxy has endless danger. Even if we can't even enter the periphery, if the solar system is inside a forgotten galaxy, then this can be clearly stated. The existence here ..... "What Amelia thought of, was instantly shocked.

"Looks like you want to understand!" Christina was heavy.

Forgotten galaxies are a forbidden area for the Glorious Freedom Federation. Now, you may be within the forgotten galaxies. In this case, this galaxy once existed a high civilization, because the name of the forgotten galaxy This galaxy is forgotten. Why is it forgotten? Because this galaxy has a lot of dangers, black holes, cosmic gravity, cosmic tide and so on.

At the beginning, these were considered to have formed naturally for the Glorious Freedom Federation, but later evidence found that these may have been artificially generated, that is, only here, a highly civilized war broke out, and directly This galaxy became a forbidden zone, and was directly listed as a restricted zone by other galaxies. Over time, it was forgotten, and the forgotten galaxy came from this.

"I see. No wonder you are not worried about the princess!"

Christina smiled and said nothing. She put her glasses back on her back and enjoyed the sun.

The next day, in a huge room in the Sixth District of Azure City.

Major leaders from 18 countries on the planet and key leaders of the United Nations were all present.

When Christina and Amelia came in, the meeting room was completely silent.

Apart from the leaders of several countries, it is the first time that other countries have seen real foreigners.

"Princess Christina, please sit down!" Chen Jinzhen presided over the meeting and said to Christina.

Christina nodded and sat down.

"All of you, now that everyone is here, the peace conference will begin!"

"Before you start, let everyone see something and understand the importance of this meeting! After the red, please trouble you!"

After the red appeared in the middle of the conference table.

Then, the light lit up and wrapped the entire conference room.

Christina's eyes fluctuated, and the whole area was virtually covered. It seemed that her estimate of blue was still underestimated.

The star map is presented, and the events on the ring of Saturn are clearly presented in front of everyone.


The post-red tells a little bit about everything that happened, including the alien fleet that has advanced to earth!

The post-red narrative is very clear. It took more than an hour to explain everything, and it was equipped with virtual reality to fully show the entire situation.

After the introduction, after the red admiration for Chen Jinzheng, disappeared, and subsequently, the virtual reality coverage was cancelled.

"So everyone knows it, Princess Christina, can tell you about it!"

Christina nodded, glancing at Amelia.

Amelia nodded, "Leaders of the earth, I'm the chief of guard of Princess Christina. Let me explain our situation to you!"

"We are from the glorious Free Commonwealth beyond 4.63 million light-years. The war between us and the biological civilization of Titanium resulted in the wormhole transmitted to the solar system in which human beings exist. Currently Titanium civilization is advancing A fleet of ......... "

Amelia briefly introduced the situation of the brilliant Free Commonwealth and Tisci civilization.

A lot of people are standing still.

Before, I only knew some general conditions, but now, after the red post and Amelia said, the people understand that the earth has entered the situation of interstellar war.

"Thank you very much for the introduction of Ms. Amelia. In this case, I welcome your presence on behalf of mankind!" Chen Jinzheng said with a smile.

This conference is naturally led by the United Nations. The current United Nations is no longer the former United Nations. It is entirely up to one party to decide, but to be determined entirely by the will of the earth.

At present, the most powerful military armed forces on Earth are no longer the United States, but the United Nations security forces.

Six fleets consisting of six Dapeng-class air and space carriers and hundreds of air and space warships ~ ~ can destroy any second-class country, even a first-class country cannot ignore the existence of the air and space fleet.

The right of the United Nations to speak on the earth is now enormous.

Of course, the United Nations is also a collective body.

"Thank you, everyone, for this, we are willing to contribute all our current technology and provide a lot of information to provide humanity to prevent the invasion of Tisci civilization!"

The meeting went smoothly.

Chen Jinzheng, on behalf of the Earth, and Christina, on behalf of the Glorious Free Commonwealth, signed the first peace agreement between the planets.

Earth will provide safe haven for the two, and Christina will provide Earth with a plethora of technology for the shining Free Commonwealth.

In fact, as early as when Chuxue was mastered by Xingmeng, the technology carried on Chuxue had already been acquired by Pale Blue, and the signing now is only a bright agreement, and the technology of the brilliant Free Commonwealth has already begun to eat , And the reverse use of military technology, according to the brilliant Free Commonwealth technology, is designing new warships.

On the earth, a large number of civilian technologies are also erupting. The Glorious Freedom Federation is as powerful as civilian technologies. Although the technology carried by Chuxue is not very high, it is already very high for the earth.

After all, the earth is a civilization that has just entered the third-level technology, and the Glorious Freedom Federation has entered the fourth-level civilization for hundreds of years. It has infinitely approached the existence of the fifth-level civilization. , Are very advanced technology!

A gap of one level may be at least five hundred years. Such a gap, the technology of the Glorious Free Commonwealth is just like bringing the advanced technology of the 21st century to the steam age! (To be continued.)

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