My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 526: Expedition War Game Online Possibility

He took a helicopter to return to Fantasy Group, Zhu Lan just lay down and knew that the blue sky heart he had come back to find it.

"Zhu Lan, look at this!"

Lantianxin handed the virtual tablet to Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan half lay on the sofa, caught the virtual tablet, and turned around casually.

With the thorough development of the materials, Zhu Lan frowned.

"When did this happen?"

"About four months ago, and we only learned from the military last month!" Lan Lanxin also knew the importance of this matter.

"Why not tell me?" Zhu Lan put down the virtual tablet, and the virtual tablet automatically disappeared in front of Zhu Lan.

Virtual reality technology is in Zhu Lan's hands. No, it should be said that it has been used in the blue.

After the red, the research on the sea fog has become more and more simple, and the realization of this aspect is simpler.

At present, the post-red has been trying to artificially create the existence of heart-shaped intelligence. Although it has not been successful yet, it has found some eyebrows.

"You need to be responsible for things on Saturn. The military means not to let us tell you, instead of distracting you, just ask us for some technical support!"

"Is the military?" Zhu Lan closed her eyes and meditated on the sofa.

"Su Cheng is tired of living on the ground. Just now he asked me to participate in the exploration plan. I have already agreed to his position in Su Cheng. Please let Xu Yichun take over!"

Blue sky was stunned, and nodded helplessly. "Now things on the planet are much smoother, many people are not used to it, and many people have asked us!"

Zhu Lan opened her eyes and sighed, "I know it too!" A hand stretched out and a virtual tablet appeared in front of Zhu Lan.

In operation, a file was presented, and Zhu Lan made a plan, and the file flew to the heart of the blue sky. "This is what I just drafted after the Red Queen. Do you have any comments?"

Lantianxin picked it up, checked it on his terminal, and quickly looked at it at a glance.

After reading it, Lan Tianxin was silent for a while. "This is indeed a good idea!"

Zhu Lan's method is very simple, apply the war game to the world in advance.

In this way, some unemployed mercenaries can find their own way of survival in the virtual world. Although creation is good, creation is a magic game. For many people, they need to learn again, and originally Just take your time, let alone fooling around.

Now the number of online creators has exceeded 800 million, and the daily flow of funds on the creation game platform is more than ten trillion, which is even more terrifying than the stock market.

Many consortia and corporate countries have entered the world of creation. In addition, due to the blue agreement, it is no longer possible to fight in reality. Unless everyone tears up the blue agreement together, otherwise, it is impossible to fight again.

However, political games began to advance to the creation, and many battles were fought in the creation.

But I have to say that as a magic game, Genesis is very limited to solve these problems, and if the war game expedition is online now, it will attract at least 300 million people, plus the already unemployed The existence of huge mercenaries and armies of all countries may surpass creation, after all, military games are not worse than magical themes, and the game background of the expedition is in the solar system, and there is a completely real conversion, which can make many people You can see other landscapes of the solar system in advance, which cannot be done by the creation.

"I remember the expedition seems to have some problems, right?" Lan Tianxin closed the terminal and looked up at Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan sighed and nodded. "You know, because of the blue agreement, the development of the solar system is progressing very quickly, but because of the events on the Saturn ring, the development progress in other directions has slowed down. At present we can only explore Existence within the range of 100 million, and existence beyond 100 million kilometers, currently can only reach the Saturn zone in a straight line, and the others "

"This may be online first and updated later!" Lan Lanxin also understood the problem.

"I know that too!" Zhu Lan stood up. "The training for the Blue Star Corps is part of the expedition. I currently only open the area within 500,000 kilometers between the earth and the moon, but Kong Yan reports that many people have tried to reach 500,000 kilometers. Beyond the existence, because it is a virtual game, will not be disappointed, many people fly small spacecraft, one-way existence to a distance of 500,000 kilometers! "

"The Three Kingdoms haven't given up!" Blue Sky sneered.

Zhu Lan nodded "At present I have let the Red Queen plan new punishments. At present, there is no such thing, but once the expedition is fully launched, it still exists!"

"But for now, the expedition must also be online!" Lan Tianxin had to remind Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan nodded "It is because of this that I have a headache!"

"This seems to have a meeting to deal with!"

"It's okay, you can deal with it! If you can handle this problem, you can watch the time and let the creation come online! The situation on Saturn is very serious. We don't know what kind of existence we will face. Going online can also train the existence of reserve officers ahead of time for the earth. I will let the Red Queen speed up the input of actual data, notify Lantian Yuan, and let him submit a questionnaire on arms data to other countries, so that countries can open up this data!

"Understand, I will hold a group meeting as soon as possible to be in this matter!"

"I will not attend this meeting. I am very interested in things on Tianshan. I will go and see. There are too many secrets on the earth!"

Lantian Xin nodded helplessly, regardless of the group's affairs, Zhu Lanxin was used to this.

Did not say anything.

In the evening, Zhu Lan ate, hugged his son on the balcony, and looked at the starry sky.

The little guy was very mischievous, standing on Zhu Lan's stomach and reaching out to catch it, but he couldn't catch it, so anxious!

"Haha, little thing, when you grow up, you know the stars can't catch it!"

Wow wow ~~~ As soon as Zhu Lan's words fall, Zhu Hanchen starts to cry.

Hearing his son crying while sitting in the living room watching TV, Tang Xue turned his head, "Sydney, go and hold Geer!"

Tang Xueli listened, got up from the sofa, came out, and hugged Zhu Hanchen in one hand.

Zhu Lan helplessly gave his son to Sydney.

"Wait, Xuejian, how do you call him Geer? Xiaoming? Why don't I know!"

"Hee hee, you do n’t know much about going to the sea. My grandfather gave him a Tang name called Tang Ge, because some time ago, when my sister took him back, he climbed directly to the candy on the table. I cried as soon as I hugged. Later, Grandpa called him a candy with a smile, and it was related to our Tang family name. All the grandpas discussed with your dad, and the name Tangge was available. Much better. "

Tang Xueli went inward, and explained to Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan was wondering. Although he knew his name was not good, it was changed by Laozhangren.

But Zhu Lan didn't care too much. What's the difference between Tang Ge and Zhu Hanchen? He wasn't such a mean person.

"Chen Er, Ge Er, Chen Ge, yes!" Tang Xue saw Bai Lan glanced at each other and began to coax his son.

Because of the affairs of Zhu Lan, at night Tang Xue saw that Zhu Lan was not allowed to enter the room to sleep at all, and Zhu Lan was rushed to the living room to sleep, which made Zhu Lan wonder: woman's heart, undersea needle!

The next day, Zhu Lan had just thought of going to Tianshan, but just wanted to set off, but after the red came, there was some movement in the former restricted area.

After hearing this, Zhu Lan quickly re-edited the route and flew towards Antarctica.

Three hours later, at the Haiwu Base, Zhu Lan came to the room where this thing was placed.

"BOSS, six hours ago, it produced some reactions, and the energy began to rise sharply. At present, I have turned on the energy conversion device and transferred all the energy it emitted to other places, but now the energy emitted has exceeded Our affordability, if this continues, this base will be destroyed by it! "

"How is the integration of other aspects going?" Although this is a super bomb, Zhu Lan is not worried.

"We tried 170,000 different changes, and cut off some of the foundation from above, and got a lot of inspiration. At present, this thing ~ ~ has been promoted from the existence of the third level to the fifth level. The existence of civilization, in this more than half a year, I installed a lot of space destruction devices here, if necessary, can directly start remote delivery, throw this thing directly into Bermuda, will not threaten the earth presence!"

"You still want to explore the taboo land!" Zhu Lan said helplessly.

"BOSS, Bermuda has rich spatial evolution, which has helped our progress in the field of space. The technology of space jumping itself is a space technology developed by more than fifty scientists through the evolution and simulation of Bermuda. In terms of development, the clutter of space in Bermuda has greatly helped us. After the Pale Blue Agreement, we have built a maritime research platform there for space research! "

Zhu Lan didn't say anything, this really can't blame the red "maybe done on the other side?"

After the red nodded, "We have tried 67,143 times and released 56,110 detectors and devices to the other side of the clutter of space in Bermuda, but the probability of success is very low. According to my calculations, there will not be more than four hundred, and at present, we have not received any feedback, and the test is in a failed state! "

Zhu Lan had just wanted to ask, and suddenly the light brightened.

Zhu Lan turned his head and watched the objects in it move, emitting extremely strong rays of light, all of which were terrifying energy.

Around the wall, solar-like devices are fully absorbing these growing energies.

"Come on! Let me see what kind of existence the energy crystal has, and my blue number!" (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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