My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 524: Daybreak carrier and battleship

The technology of space jumping has actually been mastered by Zhu Lan, but Zhu Lan did not take it out because it was unnecessary.

Now there are enough things to be taken out by Pale Blue, if you take it again, it will be counterproductive.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of this mission, Zhu Lan accelerated the production of Zhenhai, which was manufactured at the sky base, and was equipped with a Void Particle Engine. She will jump directly to the ring of Saturn. The existence of sea fog is basically What energy problems will there be, and Zhenhai will take Ren Xingning to wait for 14 rulers, and several engineers to go, and they will look for these battleships that may have useful blue technology.

The Mir body is connected to the Mir component.

The image shows Mir's bridge, and Meng Yang and others are ready.

"Everything is fine!"

"All the way!" Zhu Lan said to Meng Yang.

Meng Yang nodded, "Enable the ring acceleration device!"

"Yes, the ring acceleration device is activated!" Huang Yunyin activated the acceleration device.

The ring device accelerates from a slow rotation.

Faster and faster.

After ten minutes, the ring device had accelerated to a very fast speed, and it was no longer clear, only shadows could be seen.

Because the energy generated by the acceleration has begun to produce some energy leakage.

The acceleration of 5G, 8G, 10G to 100G bridges has begun to feel a little uncomfortable.

Six people have been strengthened three times, especially Su Yuyan has been strengthened four times in order to resist such a G force.

Huang Yunyin put her hand nervously on the propulsion device. With a single order from Meng Yang, the spacecraft would speed up to detach.

Meng Yang looked nervously at the satellite image.

Now Mir is almost at the interaction point. With the help of lunar gravity for slingshot, a large amount of thrust can be obtained, which cannot be avoided.

"start up!"

"Yes, start!" Meng Yang ordered, and Huang Yunyin pushed the propulsion lever to the deepest.

Suddenly, tremendous pressure is generated.

At the Lunar Blue Base Control Center, the crowd saw only a few beams of particles light up, and the Mir was speeding up almost disappearing.

All six were wearing special compression suits that resisted strong G forces.

With the outbreak of the solar storm and the gravitational ejection of the Earth, the Mir flew into the depths of the universe at an extremely fast speed.

It has reached the level of 100,000 kilometers per minute, and the speed is still climbing.

Three minutes later, he left the warning range of the quantum satellite.

In the control center, you can clearly see on the star map that the Mir is very fast.

Although the star map of the entire solar system is moving slowly, on the moon warning network, it is clear how fast the Mir is flying.

"Hope they can give us the answer we hope?" Watching the Mir fly quickly to Saturn, Xu Dezheng said helplessly.

The others did not speak, and good news, this is unlikely.

"Okay guys, it will take at least eight to three to five months for the results of Saturn to come to fruition. Now let's consider the problem at hand!" Zhu Lan clapped her hands and returned several generals.

"What's happening now? What do you mean?"

Hank asked without understanding.

"The first batch of equipment prepared for Blue Star has been offline, everyone!"

Several people froze for a moment.

"So fast?" Xu Dezheng was not quite convinced.

"Let's go!" Zhu Lan laughed, walking without explaining anything.

Several people quickly followed.

After passing through the blue base and the core floor of the factory area, a sightseeing-like car parked here.

"Everyone, please get in the car! The journey is a bit long!"

Said, Zhu Lan sat in the front position.

This car is fully intelligent and requires no drivers.

"Zhu Lan, what exactly is Blue Star's equipment?" Xu Dezheng asked directly after the car started.

The next few people also want to know what exactly is Blue Star's equipment?

As far as current technology is concerned, unless it is the integration of the world ’s technology, otherwise, it is impossible to install a space force on the strength of one country alone, but pale blue is completely different. Install such troops.

The number of Blue Star combatants was 17,669, including six major generals and two lieutenant generals. The school-level officers reached 8,867.

The lieutenant general is under the command of Xiaoxia Feng, a Chinese admiral. He is a young generation of Huaxia and hopes to be promoted to the rank of admiral. At the age of 46, he has served as the destroyer, submarine, and even the captain of an aircraft carrier. On the front line of the navy, it is first-rate.

And Qin Jun was among them, entering the Blue Star as Major General.

Another lieutenant general was the United States Lieutenant General Keston, who is also a navy, but he has seven years of carrier commanding experience, and once served as the captain of the carrier in the USS George and Lincoln.

After counting to the steel gate, the factories of fantasy manufacturing are presented a little bit.

Battleships and fighters are slowly manufactured under fully automated manufacturing, and only a few people work on the production line.

The perfect expression of intelligent manufacturing is in front of everyone.

The car didn't go straight, but went to the other side.

"Is this? Is the port?" Xu De was looking at the topography of the moon's blue base many times, and now the direction is clearly the location of the port.

The gate of the lunar blue base is on the south, and the factory of fantasy manufacturing is on the east, and the port is on the north, which is the existence of large warships such as the constellation, and the west is the ecosystem of the lunar blue base. Important place.

Zhu Lan did not answer and looked ahead.

After a few minutes of driving, we crossed a dozen kilometers of passage.

Came to a huge hangar.

As soon as they entered, everyone was attracted by the Vajra and the Constellation.

Now the two ships are not in the port, but in the hangar.

The hangar here is completely different from the hangar at the south gate of the Blue Base.

If the gate hangar can stop three constellations, then as many as thirty or even fifty can be stopped here! And here is just the hangar. There is a ground port outside the hangar. A hundred berths have been built, which can dock a hundred warships. They are tens of kilometers long. All the bases are buried in the mountains. The base is absolutely secure.

At present, a space port of 100,000 kilometers away from the moon is already under construction. In the future, there will be thousands of warships docked there, and 500,000 people can live on it. That is the real space port, the Great Wall. Spaceport is nothing compared to it.

The construction of the lunar space port, except for a small number of people, did not know the existence of this project.

What if I knew it? Is that country capable of making such a huge spaceport?

Even if Atlantis did not have the empire's legacy, it would not have been possible to build such a huge spaceport.

After getting off the bus, everyone was completely attracted by the Vajrayana and Constellation.

These two warships are too big.

"Did you, go! Bluestar's equipment is not these two warships. With Bluestar's current training level, it takes at least two years of virtual training to operate such a warship, so you don't need to think about these!"

Zhu Lan looked at a few people funny.

Indeed, the operation of the Constellation and King Kong is actually difficult. Without the assistance of the heart-shaped intelligence, even the blue can not operate such a warship. The large warship represents many functions, and the operation is also very difficult. .

Besides, it is impossible for Haiwu to serve countries, and the consequences of Haiwu are very clear.

After passing the constellation and King Kong, what appeared to everyone was a battleship of about 140,000 tons.

The battleship was equipped with twenty main guns and dense secondary guns.

At the same time, there is a 160,000-ton space carrier on the side.

On the ground, a weird fighter was placed on the ground.

"You guys, what you see is the main equipment of the future Blue Star. This is the Dawn class battleship. It belongs to the space combat capability. It is equipped with twenty 350 mm particle guns as the main attack method. The range can reach 100,000 kilometers to three. 100,000 kilometers, in simple terms, on the moon, it is almost the distance that can attack the earth. "

"The secondary guns are 120 laser cannons, 140 missile launchers and 87 short-range Gauss machine guns as defense means."

"At the daybreak is the daybreak aircraft carrier ~ ~ equipped with 180 missile launchers and 50 laser defense guns and 30 Gaussian guard machine guns. Existence, daybreak aircraft carriers can carry 150 sky-class fighter aircraft. "

"This is the sky-fighting fighter. I believe you all know a little bit. The Dapeng class is equipped with the first generation, and you saw the second generation before. This one belongs to the third-generation fighter!" Zhu Lan walked to the sky Below the fighter, introduce everyone.

"Equipped with the most advanced particle engine and energy bar as the most powerful source of power, the combat radius can reach 100,000 kilometers, and it is equipped with four 50 mm particle guns. The maximum range of this gun can reach 6,000 to 10,000 kilometers. Of course, This is in space. On the earth, if it is affected by the global environment, whether it can be started is still a problem. After all, these equipments have not considered the effect of gravity, so these are equipment for space operations. "

Hiss ~~~

Although it is not easy to know that the weapon that Blue equips with Blue Star, it is not so unexpected.

The number of Blue Star installations has long known that the existence of two space carriers, four space battleships and four space cruisers, totaling ten warships.

"what is that?"

Campbell asked, not far away, at a stealth fighter that was enlarged a bit like a fourth-generation fighter.

Several people obeyed, turned to look over, and saw the fighter.

"Oh, that one! That is a test aircraft, the existence of a stealth space bomber. We have considered the worst case scenario, and we need some latent fighters to attack some vital targets. Space stealth fighter developed! "(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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