My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 487: Threat is lifted! That fantastic planet!

"Noel, what's the problem?"

Qin Shi asked Noel strangely. If it was not respect, Qin Shi might think that Noel had other ideas.

"Captain, can't launch. This meteorite carries a huge magnetic field and will interfere with the attack of nuclear bombs."

Noel doesn't need to continue, Qin Shi has understood!

"I see!" Qin Shi said, pressing on the side "re-install nuclear bomb No. 6 and install defensive devices!"

In order to consider possible accidents, Zhu Lan brought a simple energy defense device to the Tamron.

After all, the strong magnetic field of meteorite in the movie interfered with the nuclear bomb.

With this device, the missile can be directly immune to this interference. Of course, because it is too advanced, the device presented by Zhu Lan has a time limit. It can only persist for about 20 seconds, and it can no longer bear it.

Tamron followed the meteorite until the missile was reloaded.

"Is it locked?"

"Report Captain, it's locked!"

"Very good, confirm again!"

"Double confirmation!"

There is only one set of energy devices, which means that if it fails, the Tenglong will have no chance, and Qin Shi dare not relax.

Even if it is a little later, you should check it again to ensure that there are no problems with the task.

Huge missiles flew towards the target with thick flames.

"There are 26,000 kilometers!"

"Twenty thousand kilometers!"

"Fourteen thousand kilometers!"

"Six thousand kilometers, immediately into the magnetic field of the meteorite!"

"Four thousand kilometers!"

With Huang Yunyin's report.

Hong Yu immediately started a device. If he could see the missile, he would find that it was enveloped by an energy shield.

The missile's final fuel ran out and bombarded the meteorite.

A huge explosion lit up in space.

This is a single nuclear bomb of 8 million equivalents. The attack intensity and explosion intensity are greater than before. There is no way to compare it with the current one.

The single explosive amount and the scattered explosive amount are completely different concepts.

The shock wave generated by the explosion blows away a large area of ​​meteorites. The radar shows that the meteorites began to collide with each other, one by one, just like the Bone Nomi card, the meteorite began to deviate from the orbit of flight.


Noel asked unsurely.

No one answered.

Everyone was nervously watching the flight path of the meteorite on the radar.

One, two, and tens of thousands of meteorites flew towards the gravitational circle. Then, more meteorites flew towards the gravitational circle. Everyone froze, and then shouted, "Successfully, it became, the meteorite changed, attacked. It worked! "

As Ren Pei's words fell, everyone on the bridge shouted.

"Confirm, Huang Yunyin, quickly confirm!" Qin Shi also smiled on his face and said to Huang Yunyin.

This time, Qin Shi bears a heavy burden.

Now that it succeeds, your body and mind are relaxed.

"Yes!" Huang Yunyin nodded with a smile, the operating system, the trajectory of the meteorite slowly cleared.

It is clearly seen that the large meteorite group began to change its direction to the gravitational circle, but some of them have not changed, but this is not very important anymore, and the rest will not cause any danger to the earth and the outer tail of the earth.

Opening the long-distance communication, Qin Shi smiled on the Shenzhou Space Center.

"Reporting head, the meteorite has changed its trajectory, we have succeeded!"

There was a pause in the Shenzhou Center, and then everyone stood up and shouted instantly.

Although the meteorite crisis is big as well as small, it is always a threat. Now that the threat has been dealt with, everyone naturally cheers.

"Congratulations!" Thun reached out to Zhu Lan.

Zhu Lan smiled and held Thun's hand.

Several people congratulated each other.

"Head, there are still more than 30,000 small meteorites still flying, but they will not overlap with the trajectory of the earth!"

"Very good, you worked hard, everyone on Tenglong, you worked hard!"

"Not hard!"

Zhu Lan got rid of everyone and stepped forward. "Qin, your current task is to observe. First observe the time of one week to ensure that there are no problems with the meteorite, and you can come back!"

Everyone on the Tamron heard that they had to stay here for a week. Although they were a bit reluctant, they also knew that this was insurance work and there was nothing against it!

"Understanding China, we will observe here for a week to ensure that no threat is born!"

"I didn't expect Cyan's technology to be so advanced!"

Inside the Atlantic Palace, a group of people looked at the huge screen, which showed the existence of Tamron.

Said a general wearing an emerald armor.

The others nodded.

In this case, Atlantis could do it, but it was definitely not so easy, unless it was to retrieve the empire's legacy.

But this is unlikely.

"Looks like we have to reconsider our relationship with Pale Blue, Minger, what do you say!"

The emperor sitting on the high platform said lightly.

Qin Suming was silent and did not speak.

Several others saw nothing and said nothing.

"Father Emperor, I think it's very difficult for Sange to complete this problem. It would be better to leave it to me. I will make you satisfied."

The women sat in a thin gauze by the side, and a clever voice came out.

When Qin Suming heard the speaker, he frowned, recovered well, and said nothing.

The emperor sitting on the high stage did not say anything, but thought.

"Father Emperor, don't you believe in my ability? I have now entered the management of Fantasy Group, and only need to pass the review next month, I can go to work in the headquarters of Fantasy Group. By then, believe me I will be able to reach Zhu Lan, and by that time, it will not be me playing with my palms! "

When this word came out, many people were startled.

Unexpectedly, this has been mixed with the management of Fantasy Group.

After paying attention to the Fantasy Group, all the talents found that it was difficult and difficult to mix in.

And this mysterious seven princess can actually enter, it is simply impossible.

The truth is here.

Even Qin Suming was shocked by his sister.

However, Qin Suming was just shocked, and soon returned to normal. No one noticed that Qin Suming's mouth was tilted.

Qin Suming, who has dealt the most with Zhu Lan, understands how difficult Zhu Lan is.

This sister can mix in, is this possible?


Qin Suming knows that this is entirely possible, because his sister's genes are exactly the same as the Earth people. It should be said that her sister is a combination of Atlantis and her descendants, and 90% of her genes are Is the gene of the fifth era.

Qin Suming doesn't know much about her, but Qin Suming knows that her sister is too tender. If the management of the Fantasy Group is so easy to get in, does she still need to be so passive? So many losses before?

However, Qin Suming didn't point out. She is too proud. Sometimes, it is good to let her suffer a bit. To understand Zhu Lan and Atlantis, she will not die.

Qin Suming is not worried.

"Wonderful heart, are you sure?" Said the emperor above.

"Yes, Father. I have seven levels of control. The intelligent computer of Fantasy Group is even too much trouble. But it took me a lot of money to complete my identity, and I know that what Fantasy Group needs is advanced Talents, all I entered as a researcher, you father, do n’t worry, only with this status can you access the blue core area! "

"Soon, hope you can give me a satisfactory answer!"

The woman smiled and squatted. "Yes, Father, I will come up with a result that pleases you!"

The meeting went away. In a separate courtyard, three women sat on smooth stone chairs.

Take a look, as if returning to ancient times.

Because they are dressed in spring and autumn with red, black and blue skirts.

"Your Highness, do you really need to do this?"

The person who glanced at him said "how? Any questions?"

"No no no, Your Highness, it's just, I'm worried ~~~"

"Rest assured, I have made enough preparations. Now the empire is not the empire in the past. If I ca n’t get any results, I can only be regarded as the result of a bargaining chip. I do n’t want to go that way. The whole empire has proved that my wonderful heart princess is no worse than any other person. People from the Wu family could have achieved such things with my things. Couldn't I?

Princess Miaoxin ~ ~ Atlantis, no, it should be said that the princess of the Qin Dynasty was not the Qin Dynasty that ruled the whole world, but the Qin Dynasty in the Spring and Autumn Period.

There is no record of the princess Miaoxin, because her mother died within a month of her birth, and the situation was very special at the time. This was an unrecognized princess.

To date, it is more than 2,400 years old, but it is not.

Miao Xin is only frozen in ice. If she counts it, she will be 26 years old at most.

"Zhu Lan, the secret really makes me curious!"

Back in his office, Zhu Lan sat tiredly in a chair.

Lan Tianxin walked behind Zhu Lan, rubbed his forehead for Zhu Lan, and relieved the pressure.

"Things over the restricted area, I said after listening to the red, is there really nothing wrong?"

Zhu Lan shook her head, waved her hands, and stood up from the chair.

"It's okay. Besides, I have been specially strengthened. Even if it is a nuclear explosion, I don't necessarily have anything to do, what a restricted area is!"

Blue Sky nodded, but still a little worried.

Zhu Lan turned around, grabbed Lan Qingxin's shoulders with both hands, pulled her to her arms, and patted her on the shoulder. "Relax! I'm sure nothing will happen until my dream is realized. Remember the planet I told you about? Ten years? No, up to eight years, we can live on it, and there will be our beautiful wonderland! "

Blue Sky nodded his heart and hugged Zhu Lan. "It's really beautiful there, you say, isn't it really a fairy place there?"

"Fool, the Pioneer has set off and will provide us with enough data, and we will be there soon!" (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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