My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 476: Emerging Energy Crystal

The virtual image of the panoramic solar system is completely displayed. Although it is not clear in many places, within 600,000 kilometers of the earth, any meteorite is very clear.

锁定 Locked one by one, the first wave of meteorite group was completely presented in front of everyone.

Everyone has no idea what to say.

Such a technology is simply too sci-fi.

Lantianxin holds the s + permission. Some things will not start when it is not necessary, and the startup also requires Lantianxin's terminal to start, and it will scan the situation of Lantianxin, and it will be launched without forcing or the like. West secret procedure.

There are secret programs in many places, and some programs ca n’t even be known to high-rises. The welcome building, blue base, Mochizuki base, Shenzhou space center, and war club, etc. are more than a dozen important places of light and darkness of fantasy groups. There are some secret procedures.

"Tell me the Dragon Dragon!" Lan Tianxin gave no more explanation and directly ordered.

The virtual interface is presented, and the cockpit of Tamron appears in front of everyone.

"Qin Shi, report progress!"

Qin Shi, who was puzzled by Qin Shih, heard the words of Blue Sky Heart, and immediately dignified "reported to the president that the meteorite has now separated from the moon, and about one hour and 27 minutes will arrive at the Tiangong Space Station."

"Is it an hour and a half?" Lan Tianxin hesitated, turning to look at Shangguanjun and Zhang Lianhe. "What is the attitude of the country? Give up or?"

On my way, Lan Tianxin has probably understood the situation.

Ask both of them.

Shangguanjun smiled and shook his head, looking at Zhang Lianhe.

But Zhang Lianhe couldn't be the master at all.

give up? It is the result of abandoning more than ten years of hard work. If the hundreds of billions of heavens are not rounded, giving up alone is enough to put the people who make this decision under tremendous pressure.

"President Lan, you know, this can't be so simple to give up!"

Lantianxin naturally knew this, just a casual question.

Nalan walked quickly to the heart of the blue sky, and whispered something.

After Lan Tianxin heard, he frowned.

"You are watching here, the space agencies of the country and other countries have to negotiate the problem, I will go!"

Lan Tianxin finished, turned and went out.

I walked into a room in the corridor.

Blue sky heart sit down.

The light is twisted, and a virtual, but not very realistic conference room is present.

"The president of Fantasy Group has arrived, and the meeting can begin!"

Seeing the arrival of Blue Sky Heart, Xu Dezheng said directly.

There are more than a dozen foreigners sitting in the conference room. They are all from the European Space Agency and NASA, as well as the Russian Space Agency and the Japanese Space Agency. There is no way. This time the meteorite has spread too much. Almost all, The satellites of all countries will be affected, and the most important thing is the difficulty of the third wave of meteorite. Although the flight path of that wave of meteorite will not hit the earth, it will only be wiped away, but who knows this kind of thing?

Xi Huaxia issued an emergency meeting to all countries, and all countries with space technology came to participate.

Remote virtual system, this is a technology that existed more than ten years ago, but at that time using a computer.

This system is under the management of the United Nations. In the event of an accident, the United Nations can unite all countries to deal with it.

Xu Dezheng is using this system this time. It can be seen that things are not small this time.

"Wait a second, why didn't Zhu Lan, the chairman of Fantasy Group, come? Why did President Lan come?"

Those who were nagging at NASA questioned it.

"I can explain this, now Zhulan is in a special place, there is no way to spare time!"

Xu Xude is answering American questions instead of Lantianxin.

Seeing this, several people in the United States frowned and did not continue to entangle this issue.

"Well, the meeting is now underway. I believe you have also seen the data we transmitted in the past. Your satellites can more or less capture the existence of meteorite groups. Now we are facing a very serious problem!"

Xu Dezheng said solemnly to everyone.

Everyone was silent.

"Now it's not a question of picking up people. We need to consider that the first wave and the second wave are no longer, the third wave is a fatal existence!"

The head of the German Space Agency said lightly.

不管 Anyway, it is unlikely to affect Europe, and several European countries are not nervous.

Only the United States and China are nervous.

"Don't you like this in the United States? Send a few space shuttles with a nuclear bomb to blow up a meteorite and nothing will happen!"

Russian people sneered to NASA people.

"You ~~~"

"Okay guys, don't make a noise, now we have to face the following problem!"

"Next, we ask Tenglong to connect the people of Tiangong and the International Space Station, and observe the third wave of shocks from time to time. Once an accident really happens, then we must be prepared for the worst!"

The meeting was furious, and in the end no decision was made.

Because many countries believe that the worst situation will not happen.

"Tenglong, connect the people in Tiangong, then go to the International Space Station, connect astronauts in the United States and Russia, then stay in a safe area, observe the changes in the meteorite group, and send the latest data!

In the restricted area, Zhu Lan was alone and looked nervously at the cracks in the distance.

The matter about the meteorite has been conveyed, but Zhu Lan is more interested here, and let Lan Xinxin take responsibility directly.

滴滴 滴滴 ~~~

The instrument on the edge of the cymbal sounded.

When Zhu Lan's face changed, he went aside and looked at the fast refreshing data on the instrument, the data value kept rising.

Zhu Zhulan dignified.

I looked up and looked at the dig.

"what happened?"

Zhang Moren felt that the situation was not right and asked.

Wu Shangtong has already seen it.

Seeing the above analysis, Shang Tong frowned. "Is there really something?"


报告 "Head of the report, the energy detection device has detected the existence of super energy, and now the value is getting higher and higher, what's underneath!"

"Really there is something?" Zhang Moren couldn't believe it. Now it has been dug more than 300 meters underground, and the area itself is about 400 meters above, 300 meters below.

This is an unimaginable existence.

As the digging progresses, the value becomes larger and larger.

With an explosion, the energy detection device exploded directly.

Several people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences were affected and injured a lot.

Zhu Zhulan responded quickly, pulling Zhang Moren back a few steps without being affected.

"This situation is not good. The energy source exceeds the detection of the instrument. The energy below is too huge!"

"How big?"

Zhang Moren asked calmly.

"The largest numerical analysis of my energy detection device required about 30 million tons of nuclear bomb explosion energy to break through the highest value, and now it has exploded, indicating that the following things exceed the 30 million tons nuclear bomb explosion, and We haven't seen what that thing is yet, indicating that when it's completely dug out, the value will be even greater. "


A huge explosion sounded.

"Be careful, get down!"

嘭 ~~

The plutonium explosion produced a huge impact, directly smashing the glass, and a large number of fragments flew everywhere into a killing weapon.

Fortunately, Zhu Lan called in time. Everyone here often faced danger, responded very quickly, and no one was injured.

Zhang Moren climbed up quickly.

I looked inside, and a large pit with a diameter of thirty meters appeared to the crowd.

After the huge steel door opened, a group of soldiers from the Black Dragon Regiment rushed out and quickly formed a defensive formation. A large number of kinetic energy tanks opened up, and huge gun barrels aimed at the position of the large pit. Lock in the presence of space cracks.

Zhu Zhulan quickly operated, and found that all the robots were destroyed and scolded directly.

Everyone was worried about what would happen in Dakeng, but after a long time there was nothing down.

Zhang Moren frowned. "Send a team of people to see if there is any situation, direct fire!" Zhang Moren said to Sima Hang.

Sima Hang saluted and turned to leave.

A group of black dragon soldiers came forward to check.

Carefully approach the location of the big pit.

Then there was no danger, even nothing appeared.

I have no enemies. The explosion just now seems to be born out of thin air.

Zhu Zhulan operated in his virtual terminal, put a few prepared robots, and let them enter the big pit.

Zhu Zhulan took out a pair of sunglasses and brought them up.

变换 Instantly changed, came to Dakeng.

Use the concept to transmit commands to the robot to go down.

With the deepening of intensive transformation and the teaching of King Kong and others, Zhu Lan can already use the concept transmission initially, but it can only be used for robots, and two-way communication is not yet possible. It may be that his mental strength is not enough!

She walked into the large pit, and Zhu Lan found that the large pit had suffered a huge energy explosion, and many of the rocks had crystallized.

Zhu Zhulan controlled the robot to go down.

I came to the bottom, Zhu Lan was deeply shocked by this situation.

Below is a huge space, no, it should be said to be an island.

An island with no gravity, and the surrounding area is faintly red. Zhu Lan let all the robots turn on the lights, and a crystal island appeared in front of Zhu Lan.

A few meters ~ ~ even dozens of meters tall crystals are presented in front of Zhu Lan, each crystal is one person in size.

Opening the detection device on the robot, Zhu Lan felt different instantly. There is no energy detection here, and these crystals do not seem to be on the detection device.

Zhu Lan wondered, the control robot walked to a crystal, and the manipulator touched it.

手 When the hand touched the crystal, another shocking situation appeared. The crystal turned into the existence of stars, flying, and a crystal about the size of the hand fell down.

At this time, Zhu Lan immediately detected the energy response.

And quickly planned to the level of a level of energy.

Zhulan controlled the robot to pick it up, and found that it was impossible to analyze the characteristics of these crystals. Zhu Lan looked up and looked around. At least hundreds of thousands of such crystals existed. This is simply the existence of an energy crystal ore!

(To be continued.)

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