My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4697: Ask for something

"Xiaochunzi, brother Wang hasn't come out yet?" Emperor Taikang stared at the door of the quiet room with great concern, and asked Xiaochunzi.

Xiaochunzi shook his head: "Your Majesty, it has been three years. The prince has stayed in it for three years this time. This is the first time he has stayed for such a long time."

"I don't know how long you have to wait, Your Majesty, or you go back first, and when the prince comes out, the minion will go and inform you quickly."

Emperor Taikang nodded in disappointment, "Also."

It is not a way for him to wait here, the court has so many things to deal with.

Just when Emperor Taikang raised his foot and was about to leave--


The door of the quiet room suddenly opened from inside.

A man with draped clothes and a fairy style walked out from inside.

His aura is full, and his temperament is dusty.

Xiaochunzi and Emperor Taikang looked at the door at the same time, their eyes widened in surprise.

"Brother Emperor!"


The two shouted in unison.

They saw that Lin Feng was more radiant, more handsome and elegant, even younger than three years ago, and more temperamental.

That kind of celestial spirit, airy temperament, different from ordinary people, just like a banished immortal.

They knew that the gap between them and Lin Feng was even greater.

"Congratulations brother, you have broken through again!"

Emperor Taikang opened his mouth first, breaking the silence.

His face was full of joy. The fourth brother made a breakthrough, and his cultivation level has improved. This matter is easier to handle.

Lin Feng nodded and glanced at Xiaochunzi: "Xiaochunzi, go and cook two pots of good Biluochun."

"Good! Lord!"

Xiaochunzi was happily like a child, even more happier than breaking through, and went to the woodshed to boil water.

After Xiaochunzi left, Lin Feng looked at Emperor Taikang and said, "Let's talk about it, is there something difficult for you to find me?"

Although he has been in retreat for three years, he is not ignorant of the outside world. Since the last time Princess Qing had an accident, Lin Feng would spend a little energy from time to time when he was in retreat to listen to the movements outside.

For three years, it has been calm.

Today, he heard the conversation outside and rushed out.

Emperor Taikang chuckled: "The fourth brother still understands me."

"Is there something wrong with the body?" Lin Feng asked with concern as he looked at Emperor Taikang, whose expression was not so good.

Emperor Taikang shook his head: "No. Fourth brother, the pill Xiaochunzi has been regularly giving me pills for the past three years. There is no major problem with my body, but the problem is in my heart..." Emperor Taikang pointed to himself. He sighed and said, "Four brothers don’t know something. Over the past three years, the world has undergone changes. Many forces have suddenly risen, and some forces outside of Middle-earth have infiltrated Middle-earth. This world is afraid. Yes

It's going to change..."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "Oh? There is such a thing? What's the matter?" "Three years ago, something strange appeared in the sky above Lincang. Some people said that gods appeared, and some people said that heaven and earth treasures appeared, which attracted many forces. Coveted, there are old forces, and new forces that have just emerged. They twisted into a rope and began to unanimously deal with worship.

The Moon Dynasty wants to occupy Lincang..."

"Yeah." Lin Feng nodded. He also saw the vision at the time, but he didn't care. He didn't expect such rumors.

The ability to attract so much power to compete for, presumably is not an illusion.

"It's just that you are worried about this matter? Haven't you cultivated a group of martial arts corps for so many years?" Emperor Taikang shook his head: "After the battle between you and Baktu, I felt that something happened in the Middle-earth Continent. After the change, the spiritual energy began to become richer, so I strengthened the cultivation of martial arts power. The new martial arts policy really made the Baiyue Dynasty martial arts power more powerful.

The flowers bloomed, many quasi-gods were born, and two great gods were also cultivated. "

"However, other dynasties have also revived through their spiritual energy and cultivated a group of powerful martial arts forces. What makes people even more troublesome is that the foreign forces are even stronger."

The plan can't keep up with the changes.

Emperor Taikang sighed.

"So, you want me to take action to suppress these forces?" Lin Feng asked calmly.

"Four brothers, please help!" Emperor Taikang bowed deeply to Lin Feng.

"You go back, I will settle this matter for you." Lin Feng confidently said: "Three dynasties, plus three new forces, three days are enough."

"Go back and wait for me for three days!"

"Thank you Brother Si!" The Emperor Taikang was so moved that he almost shed tears and bowed deeply to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook his head: "Such an adult still wipes his tears, wipe it, and go back quickly."

Emperor Taikang was gone, he was sad when he came, and he was relaxed when he left. Now that Lin Feng agreed, he believes that no matter whether it is the three dynasties or the three new forces, there is nothing to be afraid of. He will go back and arrange follow-ups. thing.

Emperor Taikang left, and Lin Feng sighed as he looked at his increasingly aging body.

I wanted to get the magic magic Dafa from Jia Yun to help him, but after studying this book for three years, Lin Feng couldn't find a way to make up for the lifespan lost by practicing magic arts. but……

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