My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4690: Batu shows up

How could there be a great **** in Middle-earth?

Isn't it sealed here?

There has not been a great **** in three thousand years, and even a small **** has never appeared.

Moreover, the coercion of the great **** he released just now was suppressed by the person in front of him.

"How is it possible? Who is he? How could he be so powerful?"

Baktou muttered to himself.

Originally everything was under his control, and his plan was perfect.

When the Xianbei army attacked Lincang and washed the five million people in Lincang, they would be able to summon the spirit beast, and then use it to break through to the gods. At that time, he will rise again, and the unification of China is just around the corner.

But now, the appearance of this person before him broke all his plans. "You are not from Middle-Earth? There is no possibility of a great **** in Middle-Earth. Although I don’t know where you are from, the situation in Middle-Earth is very bad now. The longer you stay in Middle-Earth, not only can you not improve yourself , But will consume power.


"So, I advise you not to participate in internal and external matters. I now give you the opportunity to let you leave!"

After Baktu's analysis, he said to Lin Feng.

"It's not that you gave me a chance, but I gave you a chance. Now hurry up and take your Xianbei army to leave Lincang, and sign a treaty, you will never infringe on the worship of the moon!"

"I've counted enough. If you don't leave, stop blaming me for being polite!"

Lin Feng smiled indifferently.

He didn't want to do it, let alone fight between the two armies and sacrifice so many innocent people.

"Heh! Young man, don't be ashamed. If you don't want to be given the opportunity to do so, then you can blame me!"

As he said, Bhaktou suddenly flew up, and his whole body exuded a powerful force, more than a hundred times stronger than the previous one.

The ground trembled three times.

Lin Feng squinted, "This is your true power, right?"

"Hahaha, are you afraid? But it's too late to be afraid now. I hate people who toast and not eat fine wine!"

Baktu laughed wildly.

"Afraid?" Lin Feng smiled indifferently, "I didn't know how to write it again!"

With that said, Lin Feng stood there and drew out the Dragon Flame Sword directly. This was the first time he had drawn the sword.

The first form of the Dragon Flame Sword.

This is also the new sword technique he learned during the three-day retreat, and it just needs to be experienced.

His eyes are like torches, his true energy is boiling, and the martial arts will is boiling around him.


A sword aura broke out of the wind and swept across the world, forming a tornado.

The gravel is flying!

This sword is extremely powerful.

The ground began to crack, as if there was an earthquake.

"You are crazy..."

Baktu stared at Lin Feng coldly, trying to scold him for being arrogant, but before he opened his mouth, he found that his throat seemed to be pinched by a force, and he couldn't make a sound.

He could only stare at Lin Feng with blood-red eyes.

The strength of this person is beyond his imagination. He originally thought that the person here would not be able to display his strength, but he didn't expect...

However, so what, if the average person faces such a strong person, he will definitely be helpless, but he is not an ordinary person, but has another identity.

"Hehe~ What about the Great God? This seat is not as simple as you think..."

Baktu said with a dumb voice.

In the next second, his figure began to grow rapidly.


There was a roar of wild beasts in his body.


Immediately afterwards, a huge beast phantom appeared behind him.

The figure is fierce, with huge fangs.

"That's Sirius!"

No one in the crowd exclaimed.


"I've only heard of it in the legend that there really are Sirius in this world."

Lin Feng squinted at Baktu.

At this moment, he finally knew how this young man could break through to the great **** in just thirty years, and was named the "son of the god" by the grassland.

"It turns out he has another identity."

Like himself, he was from the Middle-earth Continent, but he was born again.

Lin Feng muttered to himself.

Lin Feng cut out his sword qi, trembling with this roar, even his body staggered.

When Baktu saw this, he thought that Lin Feng was shocked when he saw his true identity.

He laughed frantically: "Hahaha! Boy, now this seat makes you understand. Although you are also very powerful, but to deal with me, it is the biggest mistake of your life, I am the son of Sirius!"

Baktu is as dexterous as an ape, leaping up and attacking Lin Feng with a powerful palm wind.


He smashed the sword energy that Lin Feng had smashed with a palm, and a violent storm swept across Lincang, forming a huge wind nest, rolling things on the ground to the sky, which was very terrifying.

The violent wind howled sharply.

The ground trembled.

Some people can no longer stand.

"Go to hell! Brat!"

At this moment, Bhaktu's true energy was boiling, and he seemed to have reached the highest rank of the great god, the eighth rank.

A strange light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, seeing all this in his eyes, but not in a hurry. …

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