My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4281: Mystery nail

"First, this king of artifacts is not dominated by this heaven. Second, this king of artifacts has been sealed here. To be honest, I can’t take it away at all, and I don’t have the power to take it away, because I found it back then. After dominating the universe, I couldn’t wait to refining. I wanted to use my power to come here to collect this artifact king after refining. However, I didn’t expect to suffer backlash during the refining process. Da Ri Tianjun, the dog thing, also betrayed. Me." Lin Feng looked at Void's mouth

He said bitterly: "Back then, the supreme ruler, it is estimated that there is no spare capacity to collect this king of artifacts."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Demon Lord, Demon Emperor, Fa Zu and others revealed a glimmer of light.

But this glimmer of light passed away in a flash. "It turns out that there is still such a thing. The Supreme Sovereign did not have the power to collect this king of artifacts. If this is the case, the explanation is more reasonable." Taoist Abi looked at Lin Feng's figure and said: "The ancient central emperor, you back then It's too urgent.

"If I were you, I would put the six universes by my side, and then I would come here, and slowly sacrifice the king of this artifact, even if the sacrifice was countless years, what would I be afraid of as long as the sacrifice was completed?" What a pity, what a pity. "Look at the demon lord

Lin Feng expressed regret.

"Such a good opportunity was wasted by you." The Devil also looked at Lin Feng and shook his head helplessly. "You guys are all Zhuge Liang after the fact. I don’t think the ancient central emperor could think of these things. Perhaps the backlash was even greater when refining this king of artifacts. At that time, even the king of artifacts was lost, and the universe was dominated. lost,

Everything made Da Ri Tianjun. "Fazu interrupted the people directly. "Yes, this possibility is very high. I also calculated these things back then, so I refined and ruled the universe. When I refined and ruled the universe, I felt restless and felt. I would suffer calamity, so I arranged for some people to reincarnate and arrange these things in advance, but I didn't expect that my calamity originated from Da Ri Tianjun. "Lin Feng stood with his hand in hand: "But it's normal to think about it now. The ancient Central Heavenly Emperor refined three pieces to dominate the universe. How can I bear six pieces to dominate the universe. Naturally, I will suffer these calamities, and I feel supreme. Master, he will not easily let anyone gather ten universes, so these masters will make some arrangements in order to make the master universe equally divided among some strong

Person. "

Lin Feng's words made Fa Zu's eyes narrow slightly.

"You mean that the current situation of the ten heavenly realms is arranged by the Supreme Lord." The demon master showed a solemn expression on his face when he heard Lin Feng's words. "It can also be said that they arranged it, but this arrangement was forced. You gods beat them so badly. Before they die, they will definitely have to toss and stop you people from becoming the supreme master." Lin Feng looked at everyone and laughed


"It turns out that this is the case, then I can rest assured." The demon Lord breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Feng's words. "Don't be so optimistic. Except for Lin Feng, who is the ruler of the ten heavenly realms, if anyone outside our circle is the ruler, we will not end well. What is the difference between the return of the supreme ruler? "Fazu couldn't help it

Look at what the demon master hit.

"That's true." The demon master looked at Lin Feng and said, "Well, the ancient central emperor, you are calling us to come here to let us help. If there is something to say directly, does the seal here need us to work together to untie? , If needed, we will

Hands on. "Yes, let's not waste time either. There will be a chance if you go to the Supreme Realm for an extra second. If it is late, what if someone really integrates the ten dominating universes?" All of us are going to die. "The Devil Emperor also took a look

Lin Feng said.

"Let's get started, those of us are responsible for you to obtain the King of Divine Artifacts. There should be no problem." Fazu also looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Okay, everyone is refreshing!" Lin Feng looked at Fa Zu, Abi Dao Master, Demon Master, Demon Emperor and others with a smile: "There is a nail here. This nail is also a divine tool, but nothing. This nail is directly nailed to the king of artifacts.

inside. "

While speaking, Lin Feng's figure walked toward the depths of the Dead Sea.

Fa Zu, Abi Dao Master, Demon Lord, Demon Emperor and others followed, and soon everyone came to the central area of ​​the Dead Sea.

A huge nail appeared in this area. Numerous patterns were engraved on the nail. These patterns were so complicated that no one could understand it.

But there was a terrifying aura on the nail, like a murderous supreme master sleeping in it.

This nail is a supreme artifact.

"What is the origin of this nail?" Fazu glanced at the nail and said: "The ancient central emperor, do you mean that this nail has penetrated the king of this artifact?" "You are not saying that there is nothing but nothing. Can the upper ruler penetrate the king of divine artifacts? How can this nail penetrate this king of divine artifacts now." Abi Taoist, Demon Lord, Demon Emperor and others looked at Lin Feng and couldn’t help asking. .

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