My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4272: Fierce battle

"Haha, nothing is impossible." Lin Feng looked at the Heavenly Emperor Earth Dragon and said with a big smile: "I know you still have the ultimate attack yet to be displayed. After you display it, I will convince you to lose!" "Good, good, good , Lin Feng, I really can’t think of fighting to this point, but you still haven’t attacked, very good, very good. Today, I will use this endless reincarnation incarnation on the sea of ​​reincarnation to perform the ultimate move." Earth Dragon

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Lin Feng and said, "Be careful, don't die!"

"Earth Dragon and Heavenly Emperor, this is unjust!" At this time, the demon master's clear voice came: "You take advantage of the power of the reincarnation of the heavens, which is equivalent to having a supreme artifact protection, no, it is more terrifying than the supreme artifact. Minute!"

"Demon Lord, is there absolute justice in the duel?" The Heavenly Emperor Earth Dragon turned and looked at the demon Lord indifferently: "As the demon Lord, you actually asked such a naive question."

"Demon Lord." Lin Feng looked at the demon Lord with his hands on his back and smiled: "Thank you, I won't die."

"Okay." The demon master said: "Only in this way can he be convinced. Your subordinate has an additional warrior who will fight in the Great Chaos World. Just now, I was afraid that you were dead. Who are we following?"

"Hmph, you are afraid that he is dead, and the dominating universe in his body will immediately become a masterless thing, and you can't fight for it." The Earth Dragon Heavenly Emperor looked at the demon Lord and said coldly.

"Yes, with this meaning, the so-called group of dragons without a leader is bound to harm our team." The Devil Emperor also said indifferently.

"Haha, I understand both of you." Lin Feng said with a big smile: "Emperor Earth Dragon and Heaven will become your colleague after today!"

"Arrogant!" Dilong Tiandi coldly snorted.

"Emperor Earth Dragon, let's start, take out your most powerful attack, just because I also want to see the power of the power of reincarnation in the heavens." Lin Feng looked at the Emperor of Earth Dragon and Heaven with both hands on his back and said: "Reincarnation was in a hurry and has not yet been realized.


Dilong Tiandi laughed wildly and said: "This battle is getting more and more interesting, Lin Feng, be careful. I admit that I have the advantage in this round, but the gambling battle between us has been signed, and no one is allowed to violate it."

"Do you know why I still have to sign an agreement when I know it is unfair?" Lin Feng looked at Dilong Tiandi with a calm gaze.

"Why?" Dilong Tiandi frowned. "Because I want to convince you of losing, Dilong Tiandi, you are a rare talent. Only by following me can you realize your own value." Lin Feng looked at Dilong Tiandi with a smile: "I need to be like you under my command. There are pioneers like this, I don’t

Have the heart to kill you, come on, take out all your power. "

"Haha, Lin Feng, I really didn't expect your ambitions to be so great. Okay, I will use this trick to show you the heavenly technique of reincarnation. You are careful." The Heavenly Emperor Earth Dragon looked at Lin Feng with his hands on his back.


Lin Feng's cold voice resounded in the void.


The figure of the Earth Dragon and Heavenly Emperor stepped out of the sky, and the blood on his body rolled.

"Gummun!" The blood rolled, the blood boiled, and the blood on the whole body was blasted into the sky. These blood lights turned into six straight lines in the sky above the sea of ​​reincarnation, forming six vortices in the sky above the sea of ​​reincarnation. And whirling in endless reincarnation

In the sky, the same figure of Emperor Long Tian also followed.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Suddenly, the divine light burst into the sky from the endless reincarnation, and the six divine lights rushed out of the six vortexes, and these six divine lights directly injected into the endless reincarnation of the Dilongtian Emperor.


The mysterious God of Reincarnation sounded. The endless reincarnation of the Dilong Tiandi and the endless reincarnation on the sea began to echo, and a powerful force rushed out of the endless reincarnation of the sea of ​​reincarnation, and these forces were poured into the endless reincarnation of the Dilong Tiandi. day

The endless reincarnation of the emperor has become extremely powerful, and his breath is rising.

"Incarnate into reincarnation!

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor Earth Dragon roared to the sky, and his entire body exploded in the void and turned into a rain of blood, which was sprinkled on his endless cycle, which turned into a **** cycle.

The power of Scarlet Reincarnation skyrocketed.


Endless blood-colored reincarnation exploded in the void with terrible power, crushing the void, time and space seemed to become still around this endless reincarnation, even Fazu, Abi Dao Master, Demon Lord, and Demon Emperor all had the illusion of being trapped in reincarnation. "Lin Feng, if you can take this trick of mine, I will be defeated. Originally, I couldn't incarnate the celestial reincarnation, but here I can incarnate the celestial reincarnation." Dilong Tiandi's cold voice resounded in the void, he The voice is vast and boundless, like

The ruler comes and reshapes the great cycle of heaven.

"Haha, well, Dilong Tiandi, this time I will launch an attack in order to respect you, you have to be careful." Lin Feng raised up to the sky and laughed wildly: "I will also show you the black hole that the eye of the sky has turned into and come out. !"


In the instant Lin Feng burst into a drink. Lin Feng made a rumbling sound, and the black light on his body rushed straight into the void. These black light formed a huge black vortex around him, guarding Lin Feng in the center.

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