My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4246: Yin Fengyang violates

"What? Shentu Haohan bit me?" When Bei Chen heard Shentu Qingyue's words, he couldn't help but laughed up to the sky: "You woman is crazy, Shentu Haohan is the old head of the Shentu family, you actually humiliate him here. , Giving his name to a dog, it’s so impatient

Up. "

"Who sent you in? It actually made you say such a rebellious thing!" Dongfang Demon also coldly looked at Shentu Qingyue's figure and shouted.

"No one sent me in, I came in by myself, and this dog is Shentu Haohan, you two will end up miserably today." Shentu Qingyue sneered at the two figures of Beichen Yidao and Dongfang Mo.

Shentu Qingyue's words also stunned Can Xue, Tang Zhuo, and Nan Kongying who were not far away.

They all looked at Shentu Qingyue to see if Shentu Qingyue had been abused and became mentally disordered before they said this.

But there are no traces of abuse on Shentu Qingyue's body, is it possible that Shentu Qingyue suffered other mental shocks?

"Shentu Haohan give me a bite!"

At this time, Shentu Qingyue suddenly looked at Shentu Haohan who was rushing up and said angrily. Shentu Haohan only took a small step forward and was not prepared to bite at all, which made Shentu Qingyue angry.

But not only Shentu Qingyue was angry.

At the moment, Shentu Haohan was also angry.

When he came, he listened to Lin Yu's order, just to protect Shentu Qingyue's safety.

But at this moment, Shentu Qingyue really ordered him to bite people like a real dog, which made Shentu Haohan feel endless humiliation and anger.

So after he threw out, he stopped and did not bite.

" can't even use a dog, it really makes people feel funny!" Bei Chen looked at this scene with a sharp smile.

"Shentu Qingyue, I see if you have been mentally disturbed by being abused, and if you say such a dream, you can't live or die." The Eastern Demon also laughed wildly and looked at Shentu Qingyue and said: "Fool!" Shentu Qingyue heard it. Yan's face was pale, she stared at Shentu Haohan and said, "Good, Shentu Haohan, you didn't listen to my call. It seems that your dignity has not been completely shattered. I will completely defeat your dignity and let you recognize yourself. character of

! "


When Shentu Haohan heard Shentu Qingyue's words, he couldn't help being angry, and barked at Shentu Qingyue.

Who is he?

It was the Patriarch of the Shentu family. The junior Shentu Qingyue actually used him as a dog, and threatened him, which was absolutely rebellious.

He is controlled, but it does not mean that he is afraid of this junior.

"Haha... You laughed at me, you laughed at me, you can't even control your dog, it's really ridiculous." Bei Chen smiled wildly again: "Be careful that he kills yourself."

"What a waste."

The Eastern Demon also laughed wildly and walked up looking at Shentu Qingyue's figure with a smile: "Shentu Qingyue, young man, don't leave since you are here, I have long wanted to sleep with you, and today I let you be pregnant with mine. Kind."

While speaking, he directly pounced on Shentu Qingyue.

But just after two steps, Shentu Haohan stopped the Dongfang Demon's figure.

"Yell, your dog dared to stop my way. It's really impatient." Dongfang Demon looked at Shentu Haohan in front of him and sneered: "Your dog is so courageous, it turned a dog's head into Shentu. The vast head."

"Get out of here!"

Shentu Haohan looked at the figure of the Eastern Demon and shouted, "You humble ant, if you dare to step forward, I will kill you!"

In fact, Shentu Haohan had other attack skills after being cast by the Supreme Transformation Dog Art. However, Lin Yu punished him more deeply, directly limiting his power.

Let Shentu Haohan only bite people, which means that other heavenly arts can't be used at all, and the defense power is very low.

It's easy to get smoked!

This meant that Shentu Haohan had no choice but to bite when he was dealing with the enemy.

Therefore, the current Shentu is extremely hard. He can speak and threaten. If he can persuade the enemy, he will persuade the enemy to retreat.

Because once it bites a person, it is like a real dog.

"Yelling, your dog dares to threaten me. I'm so impatient to live. Lao Tzu beats you to death with a whip." The Dongfang Demon looked at Shentu Haohan's transformed dog and laughed and said, "Big breed!"

While speaking, the whip in his hand flew out directly, and a whip drew towards Shentu Haohan's figure.

Shentu Haohan looked at the whip that rushed forward and was furious. When the power in his body was trying to avoid it, he found that his body was uncontrollable and nailed to the ground.


The Eastern Demon drew a whip on Shentu Haohan's body and flew Shentu Haohan directly until he was covered with blood, especially his tooth was taken out.

And the whip was wrapped around his face, and a blood stain appeared on his face, looking hideous and terrifying.

"I want to crush your dignity!"

Shentu Qingyue watched this scene directly control Shentu Haohan's body. Before coming, Lin Yu handed over part of Shentu Haohan's control to Shentu Qingyue.


As soon as Shentu Qingyue's voice fell, the dog that Shentu had transformed into a vast land fell heavily on the ground. Then he made a barking voice at the Eastern Demon, he was extremely angry, and a terrible breath broke out from him.

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