My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4243: cover

"Why are you singled out with you? You idiot, what qualifications do you have to single out with me now?" Dongfang Demon looked at Shentu with a mocking smile on his face.

"You don't dare to fight, you simply lost the face of your Dongfang family, and I am ashamed for you!" Shentu looked at Dongfang Modao coldly. "Eastern Demon, you see that we have little strength left in this way, but you dare not stand up against us. I think you are mediocre people from the Eastern family, especially you are trash like you." At this time, Nan Tu Sora looked at Dong coldly

Fang Mo taunted.

"Haha...!" Dongfang Demon looked at Nan Tukong and Shentu coldly when they heard the words and laughed: "What kind of stuff are you two? Right now, we are not qualified to compete with me. Are we on the same level now? People, you belong to the cheap stuff in front of me

Luke, to be honest, the people around me are noble than you, and you don't even have the qualifications to kneel on me. "

The whip in his hand rose in the air as he spoke. It was directly drawn on the bodies of Nan Tukong and Shentu. The bodies of the two people fell directly and flew out, hitting the wall, and then the two vomited blood, and the souls in the two people suffered heavy damage again. The breath of the two

Interest rates plummeted.


"Dongfang Demon, you used lynching indiscriminately!" Nan Kongying looked at the figure of Dongfang Demon coldly and said: "You leave yourself a little chance, leave a little back, and don't do things too far!

"Yes, I hope you don't do too much, lest you don't meet up badly in the future." Tang Zhuo also looked at the figure of Dongfang Demon coldly. "Everyone will meet in the future? Don't do things too terribly? Tang Zhuo, Nan Kongying, you two are thinking too much. You guys don't want to go out in your life. No, this Miss Can Xue will go out because she wants to Marry to Dongtianting to enjoy men

Happiness. "Dongfang Demon's face showed a cold smile and looked at Tang Zhuo, Can Xue, and Nan Kong Ying's third female yin smiled. "Yes, you two really think too much. You are so naive. Who are the people who enter the eternal prison? There is a reason to go out, even the Patriarch of your family cannot come to save you, even if the soul of the dead comes, he cannot come to save you, and you

How could the people of our family save you? They longed for you to die. You people with wolfish ambitions actually colluded with the traitor Lin Feng. "At this moment, another gloomy voice came from the void.

A white figure walked out, the man with disheveled heads, his face pale, his eyes yellowed, and he looked very strange. This man was also a **** of heaven who took care of the eternal prison. This man was named Beichen Yidao.

Beichen Yidao is a young strong man in the Beichen family. In fact, his strength in the Beichen family is very strong. Unfortunately, this person has a weak background and can only be sent here by the family to guard the eternal sky prison.

Because this person is taking care of the eternal sky prison, this person is mixed like a fish in the eternal sky prison, and his power has gradually grown over the years, and he has the potential to return to the Beichen family. "Bei Chen's knife, I didn't expect you to be so short-sighted." Tang Zhuo looked at Beichen's figure coldly and said: "You should know that Lin Feng is stronger and more terrifying than the Qijuetianjun of the year, and the methods are even sharper. You are now anxious Jump out

Come to stand in line, your end will be very miserable. "You think that in the mud plow sky, the Oriental Invincible is the sky, you are wrong, at the moment when the heavens are undergoing great changes, any sudden change will occur. At this time, hiding and keeping neutral is the right choice. "Nan Kongying also looked at North coldly

Chen Yidao. "Haha... I said that you people are too naive, too naive, the possibility of this kind of thing happening is very small, even if the probability of one in a billion is not reached." Bei Chen laughed wildly at the word. Looking at Nankong Ying, Tang Zhuo, Can Xue and the three women

. "This possibility is too small and too small. I advise you to stop daydreaming. There are so many masters dispatched by the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Hall this time. Even if Lin Feng has the cultivation base to reach the sky, it is impossible to escape. In the family

Inheriting the strength of the great power, but has not really reached that point, does not understand the horror of the superpower, let alone the horror of the heavenly power of the Supreme Heavenly Monarch Palace. "Dongfang Mo coldly looked at the figure of the three women and said.

"No matter how great this possibility is, as long as it appears, it will be your doom." Nan Kong Ying said coldly at the two.

"You are really mean!"

Nan Tukong and Shentu got up on the other side, and they walked over while supporting each other, staring fiercely at Dongfang Mo and Bei Chen.

"Okay, don't make your mouth too hard. If you talk less, you will suffer less." Dongfang Mo coldly looked at the five people and said: "All of you are lying on the ground to be tortured. You are criminals. Brand it."

As he spoke, a black seal appeared in his hand. Two words were engraved on the black seal. These two words were the words "Prisoner". The back figure of the same word "prisoner" is just the epitome of the Palace of the Supreme Heavenly King of Nili, and as long as this seal is put on it, it represents a prisoner of Nilitian.

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