My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4240: Eternal prison

Nine Days Seventh City Central District.

There is a sky prison in the depths. This sky prison is called the eternal sky prison. The eternal sky prison is the highest standard of the nine-day seventh city.

Those who can enter this jail are all masters above the Dao God level, and these Dao Gods must have a very high status, heirs of first-class power families or young masters of super power families.

The Eternal Sky Prison is a black ancient tower. The ancient tower is not on it, but in the depths of the earth. It is extremely dark all year round, surrounded by powerful formations, and even God Luo cannot pass it.

If a strong person forcibly attacks this **** tower, the **** tower will burst out with terrifying power and will attack directly and crush and kill, even if it is the **** of big Luo.

It is rumored that the eternal sky prison was built by Da Ri Tianjun when he formed the central sky court and ordered some formation masters to build it, which can easily kill any Da Luo god.

Not long after the establishment of the Central Heavenly Court, strong men from the Eastern Heavenly Court came to attack here. In that battle, seven Great Luo Gods and one Great Luo God King were killed.

It became famous in World War I, and the Eternal Heaven Prison was designated as a taboo area by the East Heaven Court, warning any forces in the East Heaven Court not to attack here.

In fact, there are ten areas similar to the eternal sky prison in the central sky court, and each of them is very scary.

The Eternal Tower is divided into three floors!

The first level imprisoned is the powerhouse of the Dao God level, and it is also the place where the most prisoners are held. Infighting often occurs here, and there are horrible screams. Some people have counted that at least ten people die every day.

There are only a lot more people who come in daily than those who die.

And the second level imprisoned is the power of the gods of the heavens, these people are all distinguished figures in the mud, and they are very powerful.

But even so, there are still frequent life cases here, and people are often killed alive, and even thrown into the pill furnace to refine the origin of life. It is rumored that the Nan family has a cooperative relationship with here.

And the third layer is the powerhouse of the Daluo **** level. No one knows how many Daluo gods are held inside. I am afraid only the Dongfang Wudi Tianjun of the Supreme Heavenly King Palace knows.

Of course, the Great Luo God here also includes strong people at the level of the Great Luo God King. As for the strong people that the Great Luo God Emperor has known, they are not imprisoned here.

At this moment, in a cell on the second floor, there were several figures standing. The owners of these figures were Nan Kong Ying, Tang Zhuo, and Can Xue.

With the advent of the dramatic changes in the mud plow sky a few days ago, Shentu Hongyue, Shentu Qingyue, Shentu Wujiangjiang and others were besieged, and the people of Lin Feng's faction were also strongly suppressed.

Such as Tang Zhuo, Nan Kong Ying, Can Xue, Nan Tu Kong, Shen Tu Bian and others.

Originally, Tang Zhuo and Nan Kongying were imprisoned in their respective families, but they were forcibly taken away by the people of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Palace and detained in the depths of the eternal heaven.

Even if the two great valley masters of Heaven’s Og Valley and Death’s Heaven Valley could not stop them, this was an order issued by the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Hall, the Eastern Invincible Heavenly Sovereign. It is said that the person who arrested people was a great man named Dongfang Coal. Luo Shen.

This Da Luo God is a strong guardian of the eternal heaven prison. He once served as the heavenly priest of the Heavenly Punishment Palace, and then made great contributions to be canonized as the great heavenly priest.

In addition to the two women, Can Xue was also found by the master of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Palace, and was arrested and thrown into this eternal heaven prison.

"I still can't escape bad luck after all." Can Xue looked at the void and said quietly: "Two Young Valley Masters, in three days I will set off for the East Heavenly Court. If you see Lin Feng one day, please tell me. Thank you."

The Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Palace’s purpose for catching her is very simple. The Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Palace and the Dongtian Court Tuoba family have a marriage cooperation. Can Xue is the victim of this time and wants to marry Tuoba Honglie.

"Can Xue, don't give up until the last moment." Tang Zhuo stepped up and patted Can Xue's shoulder gently and said, "I have experienced many dangers over the years, and this time is the same."

"Yes, until the last moment, never give up. I didn't expect this time to be so fierce. The Supreme Heavenly Sovereign's palace suddenly underwent such a cruel hand." Nankong Yingxiu frowned: "And United other families."

"The most important thing is that Lin Feng has made a taboo. He shouldn't infiltrate our major forces. Just like the Qijuetian Girl back then, after the Qijuetian Girl came to Nilitian, he arranged for the major forces to intervene in the elections of the major forces. "Tang Zhuo said.

"I said Tang Zhuo, why do you blame Lin Feng now? Without Lin Feng, you don't know if you are alive now." Nan Kongying heard Tang Zhuo's words and looked at Tang Zhuo instantly.

"Humph!" Tang Zhuo looked at Nan Kongying coldly and said, "I didn't blame Nan Kongying, I just said that this is destiny, this is our destiny, if you don't have him, you would have been lost even now. For other people’s playthings, the end is very miserable, we

Everyone is so Can Xue is so. "

"But I listen to you, you seem to blame Lin Feng." Nan Kongying looked at Tang Zhuo coldly. "I said I didn't blame him, I just felt that Lin Feng made this move too quickly. I don't know if I can see him again. If I see him again, I will also thank him well." Tang Zhuo looked at him. The dark void looks sad

Said: "Nan Kongying, do you think we can see him?" When Tang Zhuo said this, her eyes were dark with a hint of gray.

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