My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4221: Universe

"What is the origin of this person? He actually understands this heavenly art, but his talent has not yet been cultivated to the highest level. If he has cultivated to the highest level, he can completely turn this person's head into a dog's head."

The emergence of this heavenly technique has attracted the attention of everyone. This is a long-lost heavenly technique, and it is a unique heavenly technique created by the ancient central emperor.

"Supreme Dog Art!"

Beichen Lannuo and Beicheng Xingguang looked at each other, and they seemed to think of something.

"Ji... is actually this heavenly skill!"

Bei Chenxuan and Jiang Xuanji looked at Lin Yu's figure, and their faces showed horror.

This heavenly art can trample on the dignity of others, trample them to death, and make people feel unhappy, and life is worse than death. In ancient times, countless powerful people were frightened.

"Life is going to be happily pretending, you used to pretend to be forceful, I like to see you pretending to be forceful." Wu Tianchen sneered and looked at Bei Chenxuan and Jiang Xuanji.

"Don't speak too much, Wu Tianchen!" Bei Chenxuan looked at Wu Tianchen coldly.

"It's getting angry, it's no good for everyone, there must be a bottom line." Jiang Xuanji also looked at Wu Tianchen coldly. "Don’t get me wrong with the two of you. I just want to see the two happy pretenders. I don’t mean anything else. If you don’t have the ability to pretend to be coercive, then you should not talk coldly here. Maybe this heavenly technique will hit you. On the two of them." Wu Tianchen

Looking at Jiang Xuanji and Bei Chenxuan with a sneer.



Jiang Xuanji and Bei Chenxuan snorted coldly, and then turned away from Wu Tianchen and Beichen Starlight.

So as not to be slapped in the face by two people.

"We continue to set off."

At this moment, Lin Yu said with a smile on the road: "Shentu Zhenhuang will lead the master."

A black chain appeared in his palm as he spoke, and this chain directly wrapped Shentu Zhenhuang's neck.

Then the black dog Huang Huacheng from Shentu Town ran towards Shentu's house.

"Fuck me!"

"Really go to Shentu's house!"

"Look at the masters of the Shentu family this time, look forward to it."

"This is simply endless. Shentu Zhenhuang is the heir of the Shentu family and has been appointed."

"It seems that the Shentu Haohan and others who are crawling behind should be real. I really can't imagine that a fierce war will break out in Mudlitian so soon."

"This is a celestial war, and it may be a very large scale!"

"I don't know how other families in Nilitian will deal with this matter."

In the Seventh City of Nine Heavens, countless powerful people surrounded them one after another. Of course, most of these people were first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate powerful.

In normal times, superpowers like the Shentu family and the Beichen family rule the entire muddy sky.

But when something big happened, these families were on top, and this time the Shentu family was even more involved.

The crowd is increasing.

Just as everyone took a few steps, more than a dozen figures appeared on the streets of Dalu.

A powerful aura erupted from each figure, among which there were twelve figures, very terrifying, all of them resembling a deep sea, surpassing the level of the God Emperor of Heaven.

Especially the one headed, wearing a bronze armor with sharp eyes, holding a blood-colored spear in his hand, his breath is extremely domineering.

He has crazy killing intent

"Fuck, almost all the forces of the Shentu family have appeared."

"I saw the Shentu Wanda of the Shentu family!"

"Shentu Wanda!"

"It's a great Luoshen of the Shentu family. Fuck, this awesome figure has actually appeared in the position that once held the great Tianzun."

"Not only Shentu Wanda, but Shentu Xiaoyao."

"Shentu Xiaoyao, isn't Shentu Xiaoyao dead long ago? I remember that he once participated in the war against the Eastern Heavenly Court. In that war, he killed a great Luo **** and was finally killed by a heavenly monarch from the Eastern Heavenly Court. killed."

"Yes, Shentu Xiaoyao died in the battle back then, but I don't know what happened, he is now resurrected."

"My day, the Shentu family has been hiding power all these years."

"You see Shentu Daohang standing side by side with Shentu Xiaoyao. Shentu Daohang is also a powerful figure. He once participated in the war against the Northern Heavenly Court, and also participated in the siege of a great Luo God king, this great Luo God The king is dead!"

"Fuck it, that's Shentu Rongji, and Shentu Rongji actually appeared, and he once killed a dying King Dara!"

"I didn't expect the Shentu family background to be so terrible."

"They are all masters of the world, and they are all from the Shentu family."

"These people are not terrible. You don't know the figure walking in the front. No one knows his origin."

"Let’s stop blowing air here, there is nothing we don’t know."

"Then do you know who he is?"

"I don't know, it should be the Tianjun in the family, Tianjun Shentu!"

"Not Tianjun, he is a great **** king of the **** disciple family, named Shentu Qiankun."

"Shentu Qiankun God King!"

"It's actually Shentu Qiankun. Why is this name so familiar?" "I said you don't know. I'll tell you that Shentu Qiankun was a master in the ancient times. He reincarnated and returned to Shentu's family. His previous life was Qiankun Sanren! "

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