My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4208: Go to Nine Days Seventh City

Seventh City in Nine Days

Guarded at the gate of the city are two Taoist gods, and these two Taoist gods are family members of some second-rate forces.

One of them was named Nangongxue. She was an extremely beautiful woman. She was wearing a red armor and holding a spear in her hand. A powerful breath erupted between her feet.

The other person is Nangongzhi. Nangongzhi is wearing a bronze armor and holding a spear in his hand. He stares at the passing pedestrians sharply.

Nangongxue and Nangongzhi are brothers and sisters. Although they were born in a second-rate family, their status in the family is not very high.

So the family came to guard the gate of the Seventh City of Nine Heavens.

In general, guarding the gate of the Seventh City of Nine Heavens is a very dangerous task. We often encounter some strong men. These strong men will kill them at will when the goalkeeper is not pleasing to the eye. Afterwards, these people will not be able to compensate some Dao stones.

If he comes from a first-class power and a super power, he doesn't even have to pay compensation. "Brother, you said that the people of the Shentu family have been out for so long, why haven't they come back? According to the news, some people say that they have found the hiding place of Shentu Hongyue, Shentu Wujiang and others. It is said that the matter should be over now." Nangong Xuewang Up

Go to Nangong Zhidao.

"Who knows, but there was a strong breath from outside the city not long ago. I guess I've encountered some trouble." Nangongzhi looked at Nangong Snow Road in a low voice.

"This aura isn't very strong either. Could it be from Shentu Hongyue and Shentu Wujiang? I heard that Lin Feng Tianzun recruited a lot of strong people." Nangongxue looked at Nangongzhi and whispered. "Perhaps there are peerless powerhouses who hide their aura, and it is useless to recruit more powerhouses. This time it is a great Luo **** from the Shentu family. The previous Patriarch Shentu Haohan, except for the great Luo god. There are dozens of heavenly gods

The powerhouse, as well as Zhun Da Luo, this lineup is very scary no matter where it goes, enough to sweep everything! "Nangongzhi whispered: "The family members of the Shentu family are determined to arrest all these people." "

"It is rumored that Lin Feng has a lot of origin. There is a deep secret hidden in him. I guess the arrest of him by the Shentu family has something to do with this matter." Nangongxue whispered.

"This is just a small matter. What is the origin of a Lin Feng? I heard that people from other days have issued orders to arrest Shentu Hongyue. Some people say that Shentu Hongyue is pregnant, and the baby in her womb is not simple." Nangongzhi whispered.

"Hey, it's really pitiful to live in a big family. Their line has already left the Shentu family, but the Shentu family still wants to arrest them." Nangongxue sighed. "This is impossible. There is another reason that you have overlooked. This reason is also the most important one. It is involved in the struggle for the leader of the Shentu family. It is rumored that Shentu has risen strongly and has obtained a lot of resources from Lin Feng. Lin Feng

Intervening in the battle for the Patriarch of the Shentu family is a taboo. The Patriarch of the Shentu family hates anyone who is involved in him, and this is also an important reason why they bite the killer. "Nangongzhi explained.

"This Lin Feng Tianzun is really amazing. It penetrates the Shentu family. Alas, this Tianzun is amazing, but he doesn't know how to forbearance." Nangongxue couldn't help but said, "With his talent, he will come to the mud plow sky sooner or later."

"Well, we don't care about the affairs of these big people, and don't talk about it, so as not to spread the word and suffer the disaster." Nangong Zhi warned.


Nangongxue whispered: "I just want to say that Lin Feng Tianzun is an extremely amazing character, he is too sharp, and it will be perfect if he can bear it all at once."

"That's not bad, but he is already too sharp, manipulated many things, and offended too many people." Nangong Zhi said: "You imagine Qi Jue Tianjun will end."

"Do you think he will fail?" Nangongxue suddenly looked at Nangongzhi. "He has almost no chance to comeback, because the Patriarch of the Shentu Family has already taken action. This action represents the will of the Patriarch of the Shentu Family and the will of the future Patriarch of the Shentu Family." Nangong Zhi looked at Nangong Xue and said: " Such a huge

Things can't afford it, it's terrible and unimaginable. "I don't think so. I have checked some of Lin Feng Tianzun's growth process. He is a person who is good at creating miracles. "Nangongxue couldn't help but whispered: "I sometimes think, if I can't get mixed up at home, I will take refuge in this heaven."

Respect, but if you think about your self-cultivation, forget it, people don't necessarily want me. "

"It's just your half-hearted cultivation base. You used to be cannon fodder for others. No, you can't be cannon fodder." Nangong Zhi couldn't help but stared at Nangong Snow Road. "Huh, this is not necessarily"" Nangongxue smiled with the spear in his hand: "I think I was also a person of exceptional talent back then. If it weren't for the favoritism of those in the family, I would definitely be able to compete for the heart of the Great Dao God. I’m afraid it’s already a great god

. "

"Don't mention things in the past, so as not to arouse people's suspicion and cause murder." Nangong Zhi's face changed wildly when he heard this, he hurriedly glared at Nangong Xue.

Nangongxue hurriedly shut up after hearing this, and stopped discussing this matter. "Sister, we have earned enough Dao Stone, then we will find a place to hide and practice hard cultivation. Don't talk about anything else. This is not something we can discuss." Nangong Zhi once again looked at Nangongxue and warned: "Be careful of the evil coming out of your mouth!"

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