My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4190: Origin of Wushentian

"You don't need to clean up these people for now."

Lin Feng heard the words and stood looking at the void: "Furthermore, these people also betrayed the ancient central emperor back then, and they can use them if necessary."

"That's good, count them lucky."

Wang Yu Tianjun heard the words and looked at Void with a sneer: "But some people here must be eliminated. For example, those who betrayed you back then have now betrayed the people of the ancient central emperor." "This is naturally to be dealt with, okay. , You look at this matter, I won’t mix it in. Anyway, if you deal with this matter, it represents my will. In addition, Emperor Tianbao and Emperor Beixuan were arrested." Lin Feng looked deeply.

Void said: "I want to have a good conversation with these two people. These two people involve some secrets, especially the mouse."

"Emperor Beixuan Tian, ​​Emperor Tianbao, or both, these two people were suppressed by me and Hongjun Tianjun, and couldn't get out of the trouble for a while. We will go and clean up these two people now." Wan Yu Tianjun heard this. Respectful way. "Fazu, Lord Abidao, Demon Emperor, Demon Lord, please come with me, the four big brothers, we will arrest the two persons Tianbao Tiandi and Beixuan Tiandi. Among them, Tianbao Tiandi is a very cunning character. If you are careless, you will run away." Tian

The stele master looked at the Demon Emperor, Demon Lord, Abi Dao Master, and Fa Zu said with a smile.

"Haha... I have also heard the name of Tianbao Tiandi. He was cultivated by a rat. This is a different species since the birth of the heavens. I want to see and see. Fazu stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at the owner of the Tianzhu with a smile." It is really shocking that a rat can cultivate such power. I have also heard that this person is very, very cunning, and has existed in ancient times. Let's go over and arrest these two people together to avoid accidents. "The Devil Emperor held his hand and

Li said with a smile.

"It's so good. In fact, this is considered to belong to our monster clan, the Emperor of Heaven, if this person is surrendered, I want him to be my mount." The demon master stood with his hand holding his hand, looking at Lin Feng's figure. " guys just watch and deal with it. I only need these two living people to bring them in front of me, and I want to interrogate them. Lin Feng stood with his hands and looked at the people and said: "Okay, handle this with speed. Things, don’t delay business,

After finishing this matter, you have to deal with the affairs of the Central Heavenly Court, and then we will go to the Supreme Realm. "

"it is good!"

Fa Zu, Demon Lord, Demon Emperor, Wanxu Tianjun, and Tianbei Master nodded when they heard the words, and then their figures stepped away and disappeared into the void.

Feng glanced deeply at the gods of the heavens, and then his figure turned and left.

Soon he came to the starry sky universe where the Great Sun God star was. There was a figure standing in the universe, and the owner of this figure was Wu Shentian.

"See the ancient central emperor!"

Seeing Lin Feng's arrival, Wu Shentian knelt on one knee in the void and said, "Congratulations on the return of the ancient Central Emperor."

"Okay, there is no need to be polite between you and me." Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at Wu Shentian's figure with a smile: "Your past life is my swordsman. Now I want to restore your past and present memories. Let you make your own choice."

"Sword waiting?" Wu Shentian was slightly startled when she heard the words. She did not expect that her previous life and Lin Feng would still have this relationship.

When Wu Shentian was surprised, Lin Feng stretched out his hand and pointed a ray of light in the center of Wu Shentian's eyebrows.

Then Wu Shentian felt that a shackle in the depths of her soul was beaten, and as this shackle was broken, countless memories emerged in her mind.

These memories filled the depths of her soul like a tide, and countless images appeared in the depths of her mind.

"Past and present, memory is one!"

As the memories of previous lives recovered, a powerful breath emerged from Wu Shentian's body.

A terrible killing intent erupted from Wu Shentian.

She finally understood her past and present life, it turned out that her past life was more than just Lin Feng's sword treatment.

She is the daughter of a God Emperor of Da Luo in the heavens. This God Emperor of Da Luo once obtained the title of Emperor of Heaven. This person was an opponent of Lin Feng's previous life.

In the course of the battle, Lin Feng killed this man and captured the daughter of the Emperor Da Luo, because Lin Feng valued Wu Shentian's talent.

He didn't kill Wu Shentian, let Wu Shentian stay by his side and become his sword. "Why? Do you want to kill me now?" Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at Wu Shentian's figure with a smile: "As the saying goes, the father of your previous life is my opponent. He was killed by me. And you are under my account, I didn’t kill you

, The first is because your talent is really high, and the second is that you are very suitable as one of my chess pieces to place my supreme artifact. "


A terrifying murderous intent erupted from Wu Shentian's body, and her aura rose steadily.

Past and present lives are one.

Whether it is the realm of the God of Daluo, the realm of the God of Daluo, or the realm of the God of Daluo, it is like paper in front of her, and her body is also sealed with the power of the previous life. These powers are endless.

"The ancient central emperor, I will kill you." A terrifying murderous intent broke out from Wu Shentian. She stared at Lin Feng's figure with scarlet eyes and said: "You mean and shameless bastard, you actually calculated me like that."

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