My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4172: Lord of the nose

"If I haven't fought, I won't know, but I want to find a chance to fight with Fazu." Nanji Tiandi stood with his hand and looked at Void Dao.

"If you have a chance, Da Ri Tianjun's phantom shadow has a 50% chance of winning, and the same is true for Fa Zu, but Da Ri Tianjun dare not use all his strength!" Tianji suddenly looked at Nanji Tiandi.

Nanji Tiandi shook his head slightly and said, "Haha, who can tell, Da Ri Tianjun has always been weird and treacherous."

"This is also true, Da Ri Tianjun is weird and treacherous, I don't know where his real body is?" Yao Guang suddenly looked at the figure of Qi Jue Tian Nu.

"Speak out and listen, I and his true body are fighting ahead of time!" Lin Feng also smiled and looked at the figure of Qi Jue Tian.

"You will die in the hands of his real body sooner or later, why bother to find death in such a hurry!" Qi Jue Tiannv looked at Lin Feng coldly, shaking away a few people.

"Haha..." Lin Feng said with a smile and looked at the Qijuetian woman: "The real body is hiding and seems to be preparing something."

Qi Jue Tian Nu's face was uncertain when she heard this, she ignored Lin Feng, but continued to look into the depths of the eternal Jedi.

The depths of the eternal Jedi.


The battle between Fazu and Da Ri Tianjun Xuying became more and more fierce. The two of them are comparable to the Great Dao of Heaven. They are already the incarnation of Dao when they reach their realm. The Dao of Ten Thousands of Origins, and hundreds of millions of laws, are free to use, and the swallowing power of Ten Thousand Beng Tian Jue burst out at this moment, weird Swallowing all laws,

The breath of Fazu's body became stronger and stronger.

The permeating breath enveloped the entire eternal Jedi!

Da Ri Tianjun Xuying's face became more and more serious.

"Bang" Da Ri Tianjun's immortal incarnation, in the eternal Jedi, exploded a blood flower, his lower abdomen was pierced, his bones were exposed, endless blood spurted out, every drop of blood contained terrible Power directly penetrates a big world

, Countless creatures in that big world suffered devastating disasters.

Even some gods and gods in it are no exception!

This is the power of the blood dominating the half-step approach.

Every drop contains terrible power, destroying the sky and the earth, and shattering the common people.

The power of the dominance approaching half a step has reached the peak of the heavens, and is about to surpass the limits of this world.

All the gods and emperors of the heavenly realm were horrified when they watched this scene. In the ancient times, the Central Heavenly Emperor was actually injured and was injured by the Fazu Great. What a terrible thing.

Fa Zu is worthy of being Fa Zu!

It is worthy of being the four supreme ancients, leading the gods and masters of the fierce battle!

"Ten Thousand Fas Bengtian Art. It is said that when it was born, it suffered from the jealousy of the dominion, and the lover of Fazu died!" An old antique walked out of the void.

This person has deep eyes, dressed in a black robe, and his hair is messy.

"Master Abidao!"

Looking at the people coming, many of the big Luo gods went pale.

Abi Daozhu is definitely an extraordinary figure in ancient times, and it is rumored that this person's cultivation is not lost to the four supreme.

But this person has always been in no conflict with the world, even if the ruler is in the heavens, when the heavenly beings are facing a crisis, this person does not appear.

After countless years, the gods of the heavens seemed to have forgotten this person, but he didn't expect the Lord Abidao to appear again.

"Master Abidao!"

Vicious Tianzun, Nanji looked at this person with a gloomy expression.

"Master Abi!" Qijue Tiannv's face was gloomy and said: "Master Abi, you didn't come out during the battle of the master. I thought you were dead."

"Oh, how could I die!" Abidao master looked at Qijuetian woman with deep eyes.

"Master Abi, it seems that you wanted to pick up the bargain back then, but you haven't found a good opportunity!" At this time, the cold voice of the Devil Emperor came from the void.

"Oh, if I compete for the dominant position in the world, why don't I pick up the bargain." Abidao master glanced at the Devil Emperor with a gloomy look and said: "You were lucky back then, but you didn't expect to live till now."

"Hmph, you shouldn't show up, let alone point out the tragic death of Fazu's lover, you have bad intentions!" The demon lord looked at Fazu said deeply.

"Oh, can he forget? He will never forget. His pursuit of the dominance is to save his lover." Taoist Abi sneered and looked at the demon master and said: "Demon Lord, you cannot escape this life. "

"You are inevitable, I will kill you in this life!" The demon master said coldly at the figure of Dao Master Abi.

"Oh, I will make you die miserably!" Dao Master Abi coldly looked at the figure of the demon Lord and said.

"Abi Dao master, I can give you the position of dominance." Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at the Abi Dao master.

"Oh, what are you? The ancient masters are like clouds. If some old antiques see through the future, how can you be allowed to ascend to the throne of the Central Heavenly Emperor." Dao Master Abi coldly looked at Lin Feng's figure.

"Haha..." Lin Feng heard the words and laughed and looked at the master of Abi Dao: "You people are afraid of causing the master's jealousy, for fear that the master will not die, for fear that the master will come to the door and kill you, a bunch of waste!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a wave of powerful murderous intent in the void, and the masters of these murderous intents had terrifying auras, and they did not lose much to the demon master and the demon emperor. But Lin Feng didn't care at all.

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