My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4146: Peerless conspiracy

"Well, congratulations to Dongfang Bai for passing the three levels, and congratulations to you on getting the inheritance of Da Ri Tianjun soon." At this moment, Jun had no life to hold his hand and stood looking at Dongfang Bai's figure.

"Thank you, Brother Jun." Dongfang looked at Jun Wuming and handed over. "Thank you also Brother Jun for presiding justice this time, so that I have the opportunity to get through."?? "Haha...this is the result of your own efforts, and I have nothing to do with me. I just handle this matter impartially. Unlike some people who support noble birth, they are in the past tense. He is nothing now."

Wuming coldly looked at the void and smiled.

"Okay, very good, Jun Wuming, you dare to humiliate me like this, no one can save you, I don't believe that you have been hiding on the great sun star for a lifetime." The vicious Tianzun looked at Jun Wuming coldly. ?? "Haha... Even if I leave the great sun star, the Vicious Heavenly Venerable, you are not my opponent. You are improving over the years, and I am also improving." Jun Wuming looked at the Vicious Heavenly Venerable coldly and said: "Okay. I'm not talking nonsense with you now, I

To help Dongfang brother inherit the inheritance of Da Ri Tianjun. "

While speaking, he looked at Dongfang Bai and made a please gesture.

Dongfang Bai nodded slightly, and his figure walked up.

Then with Jun Wuming, the two came to the end of the Supreme Temple.

There is a supreme throne at the end, and there is a terrible aura dormant on the supreme throne, and the Buddha is like a beast that can destroy the heavens.

"Brother Dongfang, if you sit in this seat, you can accept Da Ri Tianjun's inheritance." Jun Wuming took his hand and looked at Dongfang Baidao.

Dongfang Bai nodded slightly after hearing this, he took a deep breath, and then sat on the supreme throne.

The moment he sat on the supreme throne.

The entire Supreme Throne radiated intense light, and this light condensed into a phantom in the void.

This requires you to wear a purple-gold crown of heaven and wear the Supreme Heavenly Emperor's attire. He bursts out with a domineering atmosphere.

This person is the phantom of Da Ri Tianjun.

Da Ri Tianjun!

Da Ri Tianjun!

The central emperor of ancient times.

Seeing this figure dazzling, Tianji, the vicious Tianzun are like enemies.

However, the phantom of the Central Heavenly Emperor in the ancient times did not mean to look here at all.

His eyes were flat, and then his hands were placed on Dongfang Bai's head.

Suddenly his hands burst out with violent light, which burst out and radiated countless time and space.

And this light made the great sun star shine dozens of times.

At this moment, the entire celestial realm became much clearer, the sky of the celestial realm was firm, and the great sun of the celestial realm looked dim at this moment.

In the void outside the Great Sun Star stood Fazu, the master of the Tianbei, Wanxian Tianjun, Nanji and others.

"Finally began to pass on."

Fazu's eyes were deep, looking at the quiet road deep in the great sun star.

"I'm really looking forward to it, Da Ri Tianjun has been out for so long, who is the person looking for? Did he find his own reincarnation, or to find someone else's reincarnation, or has another purpose?" Nan Ji looked deep Looking at the empty road.

"The power of this inheritance is terrible. It seems that Da Ri Tianjun has done a lot of tricks, which is really admirable." This is the master of the Tianbei looking at Qijuetian female Tao coldly. ?? "Tianjun Hongjun, Tianjun Hongjun, you haven't recognized the general trend until now. It is really sad that the time of the ancient Central Emperor's return is getting closer and closer, and you are getting closer and closer to death." Qi Jue Tian Nu looked deeply at

Hongjun Tianjun Road.

"Haha, Qi Jue Tian Nv, don't say everything so absolute, maybe things are beyond your imagination." The owner of the monument coldly looked at Qi Jue Tian Nv Dao.

"Yes, things are beyond your imagination and will make you feel desperate. You have confidence in the ancient central emperor, but we have more confidence in the ancient central emperor." Wanyi Tianjun also looked at Qijuetian female Tao coldly.

"You two are still stiff mouths up to now, and you don't cry if you don't see the coffin." Qi Jue Tiannv looked at them coldly.

"Well, you guys, don't discuss this matter now. Let us appreciate the process of inheritance of Da Ri Tianjun, and see what problems will arise in the process of inheritance." The law group looked at the people deeply.

Qi Jue Tian Nu, Nan Ji, Hong Jun Tian Jun, Wan O Tian Jun Jun and others stopped talking.

The powerful spirit of the crowd rose from the sky, penetrating the depths of the great sun star like a tide.


The great sun rises with countless divine lights, which are intertwined in the void, forming a thick divine wall.

The wall of gods is towering, with ancient aura on it, and full of destructive power. Any divine mind of Da Luo **** near will fly into ashes and annihilate.

Blocking everyone's spirit.

However, the divine thoughts of the people still penetrated into a trace, and their eyes turned to the depths of the supreme temple.

In the depths of the Supreme Temple, Dongfang Bai sat on the Supreme Throne.

Looking at this figure, Qi Jue Tiannv's face became gloomy.


At this moment, a terrible cry came from Dongfang Bai's throat.

"Kacha!" Dongfang Bai's head was unscrewed by Da Ri Tianjun Xuying, blood was sparkling, and his soul was destroyed by a terrifying force.

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