My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4139: Defeated

"I still underestimated the two emperors Beixuantian and Tianbaotiandi. They sent you a message. Yes, these two are betrayers of the ancient central emperor. The two of them should be suppressed there and wait for the ancient central government. Heavenly Emperor

Punish them. "Wan'x Tianjun looked at Qijuetian woman's path coldly. "Wan'xian Tianjun, I advise you to let them go, and for no reason to forge cause and effect with yourself, even if the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor spared you, but Tianbao Tiandi and Bei Emperor Xuantian will not let you go. "The Qijuetian Girl looked at Wanxiantian coldly

Jun and the owner of the Tianbei are humane. "Seven Goddess, don't intimidate me here. I can still tell the seriousness of the matter. There is no room for negotiation on this matter. If you have the ability, go straight to the rescue. I can tell you now that they are suppressed. where

Places. "Wan'e Tianjun looked at Qijuetian female's path coldly. "Wan'xian Tianjun, Hongjun Tianjun, you still count on the return of the ancient Central Celestial Emperor, wishful thinking, I tell you clearly, the ancient Central Celestial Emperor is 90% sure. Return, so I urge you to let the Emperor Xuantian and Emperor Tianbao. "Qijuetian

The woman looked at the two coldly and said.

"You also said that it is a 90% chance, but he will never grasp that 10% chance." Wan Yu Tianjun looked at Qi Jue Tian Nudao coldly.

"Well, Tianjun Wanyu, don't tell him too much. Facts speak louder than words. Qi Jue Tian Nu will not be reconciled when she hits her head with bloodshed." The Tianbei master sneered.

"It's really interesting. Both of you feel that your leader has the opportunity to return strongly and become the master. You are too small for the people of ancient times." Fazu sneered when he heard the conversation between the two sides.

"Haha...I think so, don't be too confident for both of you." Nanji laughed and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Facts speak louder than words, you will know when the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor returns." Qi Jue Tian Nu looked at the people coldly.

The master of the Tianbei, Tianjun Wanyu and others sneered when they heard the words. They stopped talking and stared at the great sun star.

The depths of the sun star.

Extremely hot, the surrounding time and space completely turned into nothingness.

Lin Feng, Tianji, Shaoguang, Dongfang Defeated, and Vicious Tianzun's five powerhouses showed terrifying power aura, and they all went all out to refine the Central Heavenly Court Jiuding.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's figure trembled, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, and the figure stepped back directly.

"Master, master!"

Wan Xing Sword, Nan Zhen Demon two people walked up to support Lin Feng's figure.

"I'm fine, I just suffered a slight backlash." Lin Feng's face was pale, and a trace of blood was wiped off the corner of his mouth.

"Haha...Lin Feng, I knew that you couldn't refine the Central Heavenly Court Jiuding." The vicious Tianzun sneered.

"I didn't refine the Central Heavenly Court Jiuding, but you can't refine the Central Jiuding. What qualifications do you have to speak in front of me." Lin Feng looked at the vicious Tianzun coldly.

"Okay, very good Lin Feng, I will show you my true strength, let you see how big the gap between you and me is." The vicious Tianzun looked at Lin Feng with disdain.

The flames on his body became more violent as he spoke, the crazy burner Central Jiuding.

Lin Feng ignored the vicious Tianzun. He looked at Jun Wuming with a desolate expression: "Jun Wuming, I can't refine the Central Jiuding. The artifact refined by Da Ri Tianjun is really powerful. I admire it." "This is very normal. In the past, the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor collected the Qi Yun from the Central Heavenly Court to refine the Central Jiuding. Since you have not refined, it seems that you have no relationship with the ancient Central Heavenly Emperor, let alone his reincarnation."

Looking at Lin Feng faintly.

"But I want to see what the problem is with Da Ri Tianjun!" Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Jun Wuming, "You won't let me out early?"

"Of course you don't have to be out early, you can choose to be here, but even if you know the answer to this question, it doesn't make any sense for you to answer it." Jun Wuming stood with his hand in his hand, looking at Linfeng indifferently.


At this moment, the vicious Tianzun suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "I finally found the flaw in the Central Jiuding, and finally thought of the power that could break the power of the Central Heaven's Fate."

While speaking, the vicious Tianzun looked cold and indifferent, and a mysterious power emerged from him again.

This power carries the power of belief in all beings.

This force is boundless, boundless, with the breath of king over the world, and with the breath of desolation and long-lasting.

At the moment this force appeared, many strong men present felt tremendous depression.

"Ancient Central Heavenly Luck and Divine Power!" Jun Wuming looked at this power and lost his voice: "Vicious Tianzun, how did you master this power? This is impossible." "Nothing is impossible, of course I don't have it. I have mastered this power, but I have mastered a method that can incorporate this power into my sacred fire." Vicious Tianzun looked at the void and sneered: "Once this power is incorporated into my sacred fire, it will burn. It burns and releases a brand-new flame power. You can call this power the Central Heavenly Qi Luck God Fire!"

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