My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4131: Weird

"This deity is not making things difficult for you, but this bead is meant to test you. I won't hide it in front of you anymore. This bead is left by Da Ri Tianjun. I think Da Ri Tianjun really You should know the identity of He. He wants to find an inheritor to accept the inheritance of his previous life. He has swallowed ten cosmic fragments, so he can devour some of the remaining power of the Supreme Lord. This is the power of his previous life. Inheritors need to have basic carrying capacity

, To carry his heritage! "Jun Wuming stood with his hand, watching a few people sneer and said: "If you can't swallow it, it proves that you are not here. "

"Haha, Jun Wuming, your selection is strict enough, good, very good, can you just one bead for us to swallow?" Yao Guang sneered at Jun Wuming and said.

"Shake light, shake light, do you have the confidence to swallow this bead?" Jun Wuming sneered at Yaoguang and said.

"Not only do I have the confidence to swallow this bead, but Tianji also has the power to swallow this bead. Are both of us the reincarnation of Da Ri Tianjun?" Yao Guang sneered and looked at Jun Wuming.

"There is no way to judge this, so what I asked you to do is not just one thing, but two things, plus a small problem!" Jun Wuming sneered and looked at Yaoguang.

"Yes, yes, Da Ri Tianjun is really cautious in doing things. No wonder he can unify the world and establish a central heaven." Tianji suddenly said at this moment, watching Da Ri Tianjun sneer.

"It's a coincidence. I happened to be able to swallow this bead. It seems that the people who swallowed the ten cosmic fragments back then were not the only one who swallowed Da Ri Tianjun." Lin Feng stood holding his hand and looked at Jun Wuming.

"This is natural, there were fierce battles, from ancient times to the present, I don't know how many amazing powerhouses there are. Ten cosmic fragments actually appeared in ancient times, especially when the Lord was hit hard." Jun Wuming looked at Lin Feng. Tao.

"Hehe, it's getting more and more interesting." The vicious Tian Zunyin smiled and said: "I thought this inheritance was only for his reincarnated body."

"Don't be kidding, of course it is for the reincarnated body, otherwise you are not Da Ri Tianjun reincarnated, maybe." Yao Guang sneered.

"You have prepared a lot of Nirvana Orbs, the **** of great Luo." Nan Ji looked at Jun Wuming.

"I have prepared nine, you guys think about it." Jun Wuming looked at Void deeply and said, "Give me the answer after a stick of incense!"

"It seems that things were not simple back then. The supreme ruler has truly fallen, but some heavenly emperors, especially the central emperor, who profited the most." Lin Feng turned and looked at Dongfang Bai, his eyes flickering. "The Lord said it was right. There was actually another version back then. In the ancient times, the Supreme Lord was hit hard, but did not actually die completely. In both the ancient and modern times, people came out to attack the Lord and swallow some of the power of the Lord. , It’s just that there are very few people who devour it, but among these few people, some can swallow most, some can swallow a small portion, and some can swallow the core. It is said that the Central Heavenly Emperor in the ancient times swallowed the core. can

When it was devouring the core, it suffered a backlash, and was then conspired by the central emperor of ancient times, the Great Sun Emperor. "At this time Dongfang Bai suddenly spoke. "There are countless versions in this world. Judging from the information currently available, this one is the most reliable version. No wonder that Qi Jue Tian Nv could not determine my true identity, even my previous life. Don’t worry about it, seal the memory of the previous life, let this

I can't even know the world. "Lin Feng held his hand and stood on sound transmission Dongfang defeated: "For fear of being stolen by the strong when I was weak. "So the lead singer is now careful to avoid accidents. Da Ri Tianjun is a very horrible figure. If he is careless, the master will fall into his trap. Of course, the master himself is Da Ri Tianjun. , But I

It feels too simple and weird, but many things are hard to say. "Dongfang Bai Cautiously analyzed the sound transmission. "You must be careful, things are getting more and more mysterious. I originally thought that this inheritance was for his reincarnation body, but now listening to Jun Wuming's words, it seems that you can pass the three levels. , And the people of these three levels must swallow the ten cosmic fragments that year, in other words

In other words, only by swallowing the ten cosmic fragments, can it be possible to swallow this great Rashen Nirvana Orb. "Lin Feng's eyes flickered uncertainly.

"Is it possible that Da Ri Tianjun did not reincarnate at all, and he set up a plan to swallow the ten cosmic fragments in the inheritor?" Dongfang Bai suddenly said: "Because the person who has passed the three levels has almost the ten cosmic fragments on his body?"

"Hehe, don't rule out this possibility, this game is really dangerous and hard to guess." Lin Feng said with a sneer.

"If this is the case, this heavenly emperor is too terrifying, it can be said to be counted as all beings in the heavenly realm!" Dongfang Daxin said with lingering fear. "What is the origin of this Jun Wuming? It seems to be a character in the ancient times?" Lin Feng suddenly looked at Dongfang Bai and secretly spread his voice: "His cultivation level is not low!"

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