My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4128: Are all fighting for a glimmer of hope

"Dongfang defeated in front of me, you have no part in your words, you defeated general." The vicious Tianzun looked at Dongfang defeated coldly.

"Vicious Tianzun, I am too lazy to talk to you now, your destiny is destined to end very miserably." Dongfang Bai looked at the malicious Tianzun coldly.

"Well, before reaching the supreme throne, each of us can't fight anymore, otherwise we will all be trapped here to die." Suddenly, Yao Guang looked at the void lightly.

"Hmph, this Great Sun Swallowing Heaven Formation is very powerful, but it still doesn't threaten God Da Luo." The vicious Tianzun looked at Xukong coldly. ?? "If we follow the original plan to swallow the sky array, it will naturally not threaten our lives, but now that great changes have taken place, the great sun has already arranged mystery to prevent the occurrence of variables." Standing by hand and looking

On the empty road.

The moment his voice fell.

The 108 divine swords of the Heavenly Dao Divine Emperor's level have undergone drastic changes.

Numerous cracks appeared throughout their bodies. As the cracks appeared, their epidermis fell off, quickly revealing patches of Da Luoshen texture.

These Daluo divine texts are extremely profound, and all of them are at the level of the Daluo divine emperor.

The air of the emperor exudes from each divine sword.

Seeing this scene, the vicious Tianzun took a sigh of relief, and his face was gloomy and said: "What a great Sun Tianjun, I didn't expect to have such a method."?? "There are 108 imperial-level Da Luo artifacts. People preside over this formation, but the power that bursts out can still hunt down any Daluo god, even if the Daluo **** emperor will suffer heavy damage!" Tianji looked at the void lightly and said: "We are

None of them can get through it alone. "

"Okay, very good, Lin Feng, you also have a chance to survive." Vicious Tianzun looked at Lin Feng coldly.

"I don't bother to care about you, Vicious Heavenly Venerable!" Lin Feng turned and looked at Yao Guang and Tianji and said: In this case, we will join forces to defeat the Great Sun Swallowing Heaven Array.

it is good!

The weather and Yaoguang nodded one after another.

Time and space reverse yin and yang!

At this moment, a faint light suddenly rose from Yao Guang's body. Although this light was dull, it exuded stalwart power.

The light directly condenses into a divine sword in the void, and the divine sword points far away, forming an array of days and days.


Tianji's gaze was flat, and a beam of body shot out from the depths of his gaze. This divine light penetrated the sky thoroughly, and the light turned into a divine sword in the void.

This magic sword can cut the sun and the moon, cut the time and space and cut the past.

Exterminate everything!

The malevolent Tianzun looked cold, and his eyes were filled with endless malevolence.

Pieces of black air flow emerged from his body, and these black air currents directly condensed into a black head in the void, and the black head emitted a faint black light.

An endless evil aura emerged, and his head floated in the void, rushing directly to the Great Sun Tongtian Formation.

Swallow the world!

Lin Feng faintly looked at the void, and simply spit out three words. He split it out with a palm, and a huge vortex appeared in the palm of his hand. The vortex flew across the sky and flew towards the roughly swallowing sky formation.

At this moment Dongfang Bai did not have time to make a move, and his cultivation was still the weakest among all.

All of a sudden, the evil heads of the Excalibur and Divine Sword and the whirlpool in their palms rushed towards the sky, swallowing the sky formation in the big day.


A violent explosion sounded.

The sound of the explosion rushed out of the great sun star, rushed out of this endless starry sky, and spread to countless areas of the heavens.

Suddenly, many masters looked in the direction of the sun star.

They all showed horror.

"It seems that the masters who went there this time are all with a lot of background!"

"These people must have been hiding for a long time, and it's calculated to this moment."

"It's really hard for these people to hide for so long these years."

"Originally, those who were there were Zhun Da Luo God, but from the perspective of this breath, the last time was the Da Luo God King level master."

"It's much more than that. The power of these people is very strange and terrifying."

"I really want to fight with the other God Kings of Da Luo, they can shock and kill the God King of Da Luo in a short time."

"These people are indeed very big, they should be Shaoguang, Tianji, the vicious Tianzun, I don't know the others."

"It's really scary!"

"The power of these people is getting more and more terrifying, and the real chaos in our heaven has begun."

In the void outside of the sun star.

Fazu, Nanji and others looked slightly surprised.

Nan Ji stood with his hand and looked at Void with a smile: "I feel the aura of some acquaintances. These people really took pains to complete reincarnation and re-cultivation in order to compete for today's great sun star."

"It's really hard for these people!" Fazu looked at the void and exclaimed: "They are so bold."

"It's not that they are brave, but that their cultivation has reached the end in the previous life, and they have lost confidence in this world. The only hope is to get the ten cosmic fragments of the universe." Qijue Tiannv said indifferently looking at the void. ?? "That's true, our goals are the same, haha, I'm afraid that these people will die tragically without returning to their previous lives!" Fa Zu said lightly, looking at Qi Jue Tian.

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