My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4124: A big Luo **** appeared

Vicious Tianzun!

"I really didn't expect it to be you!" Dongfang Bai said in shock, he didn't expect the Vicious Tianzun to have such a strong cultivation base. ?? "Of course it is me. The deity has been dormant for so many years, and finally can come out in an open manner, but you should not be so hostile to me. I have reached an agreement with Dongfang Wudi Tianjun, and I anticipate this battle for the treasure. process

There is a change in it, and this variable is it. "Vicious Tianzun glanced at Lin Feng in the distance while speaking.

"What's the evidence?" Dongfang Bai looked at the vicious Tianzun coldly, he didn't have any favors with the vicious Tianzun.

If there is a chance, don't mind getting rid of this person.

"Evidence? You are not qualified to ask me for evidence!" The vicious Tianzun looked at Dongfang Bei coldly.

Dongfang Bai heard that his face was uncertain, he directly took out a piece of heavenly charm and crushed it, and suddenly the heavenly charm emitted a faint light, and the light directly escaped into the void and disappeared.

After about half a breath, Dongfang Bai's expression gradually eased.

"Lin Feng, we met again." Vicious Tianzun looked at Lin Fengyin not far away with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, and I didn't expect you to have reached an agreement with Dongfang Wudi Tianjun." Lin Feng looked at the vicious Tianzun lightly and said: "But there is still nothing to change."??" Hahaha, you are less arrogant here, I admit that you are very amazing, so let me take refuge in me now, and I will take you to fight for heaven, one day in the future, you will find that today’s choice is very wise."

Looking at Lin Feng.

"This sentence is also what I told you." Lin Feng looked at the vicious Tianzun lightly and said: "Your talent is very powerful, I am a person who cherishes talents and trusts me."

"It's really irresponsible. I don't bother to talk to you now. When you encounter a crisis, you will naturally ask for help. I will also let you know my methods." Vicious Tianzun looked at Lin Fengdao coldly.

"This first level, you all, seems to be stronger than before. There is endless murderous intent in the ocean of the bones of God Da Luo." Shao Guang looked at everyone with a smile. He didn't mind the battle between the vicious Tianzun and Lin Feng, just right. He intended.

"Yes, yes, some powerful Heavenly Dao Divine Emperors were able to get to level 1, but now any Heavenly Dao Divine Emperor who enters it will definitely die." Tianji stood with his hands and looked at everyone.

Now only God Luo can survive if he enters it. Dongfang Bai looked at everyone and everyone, don't hide our strength now, we are all stepping into the realm of Da Luo God now.


As he spoke, a terrible breath erupted from Dongfang Bai. The breath on his body rose like a gunpowder explosion, and the power on his body became powerful and terrifying.

In less than half of the incense stick, it climbed to the point where it rivaled God Da Luo, and its power continued to rise.

"Hahahaha, Dongfang defeated, Dongfang defeated. I knew that you could step into the realm of Da Luo God. I didn't expect your realm to be suppressed for so long. It seems that you also expected your chance here." Shao Guang looked at Dongfang said indifferently.

While speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from Yao Guang's body.

His aura was more violent than Dongfang Bai's ascent, and there was a more evil aura on his body, this evil aura made Dongfang who had stepped into the realm of the Great Luo God defeated.

"You hide deeper than me, shaking light, shaking light, I didn't expect your power to be so powerful, didn't you expect your chance here." Dongfang looked at Shao Guang coldly.

"Since the two have stepped into the realm of the Great Luo God, I am now stepping into the real realm of the Great Luo God." As Tianji spoke, a terrifying aura burst out of him.

It's just that the breath on his body is holy, bright and magnificent, standing in front of everyone like a sacred mountain in the heavens.

Let everyone feel unattainable.

Boom boom boom

Just when the three of them broke through the realm and stepped into the Great Luoshen level, the other powerful men who came here also burst into a terrifying aura.

Their breath may not be as good as Yaoguang and Tianji, but it is more than enough to compare with Dongfang Defeated.

Obviously these people have been hiding for a long time, and they are fully prepared, taking into account all factors

Damn it!

Wan Xingjian, Nan Zhenmo and others looked at this scene and cursed.

Fortunately, they came with Lin Feng, otherwise, they would enter the grave of Da Ri Tianjun this time and they would not know how to die.

They also understand, why their respective forces have sent a quasi-Daluo god.

Because Zhun Da Luo Shen uses some peerless secret techniques and treasures, he can step into the Da Luo God level in an instant.

Only God Luo is qualified to compete for treasure here.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying breath here. ?? Lin Feng was amazed when he saw this scene, the background of these great forces is too **** rich.

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