My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4121: Fa Zuxian


"Even Lawlessness actually lost, this Lin Feng can't be underestimated."

"Unexpectedly, even Lawlessness would lose. This Lin Feng is powerful and unfathomable."

"What a Lin Feng, it seems that there is a powerful figure in Nilitian, and the appearance of this strong character will inevitably conflict with the heavenly monarch of the Dilitian Supreme Palace."

"Hey, who said no."

Many strong people talked about it, and Dongfang Bai looked at Lin Feng with a bit of coldness deep in his eyes.

Lin Feng didn't want to be defeated by the East at all. He looked into the cracks in the ground of the sun star quietly.


The cracks vibrated deeply.

Countless divine light radiated from the inside, the divine light was extremely dazzling, and also the endless power of the heavenly origin emerged from it.

A sarcophagus floats in the void deep in the crack.


The sarcophagus shook, and a blood-colored door suddenly appeared on the sarcophagus. The door was so tall and majestic that the door gradually opened. Through the cracks, there was another space and time hidden inside.

Lin Feng glanced at this time and space, and then rolled up the Ten Thousand Xing Sword with a wave of his big sleeve, Wu Shentian and the figures of Nan Zhen Demon rushed in.


Tianji, Shaoguang and other people from all over the world didn't expect Lin Feng to react so quickly, and then they flew in with others.

These people turned into rays of light piercing through the stone gate on the coffin, but after entering the twenty-four strong men, the stone gate suddenly erupted and violently closed together.

Several figures emerged from the endless void on the periphery of the great sun star. These people were Nanji, the Qijuetian Girl, and Nanhua Jun.

"Qijue, I don't understand what you called me to do here, Da Ri Tianjun, this is your husband's nest." Nanji stood up with his hand and looked at the sky above Da Ri Shen star: "How can you allow other people to blaspheme." "Oh, there are so many tombs in him. I don’t know how many people have entered it over the years, and it’s hard to say whether it’s life or death when you reach our state. You are also a person who existed in ancient times. You live to this day. Life and death, this

Can you not see through anything? "Qijue Tiannv said lightly."

"There are a lot of people here this time. Many powerful people in the Central Heavenly Court have come. There are a few ruthless people who can step into the realm of the Great Luo God at any time, and can immediately become a very powerful God King of the Great Luo." Nanhua Jundao .

"It's still the Central Heavenly Court that has a profound background and occupies 40% of the air luck in the heavens." Nan Ji sighed: "Unfortunately, I didn't prepare enough, otherwise I must compete with the Central Heavenly Emperor."

"Hmph, you may not be able to win." Qi Jue Tiannv snorted coldly.

"Well, Qijue, why are you here? To be honest, let's not delay the time, so as not to miss the opportunity." Nanji stood with his hand and looked at Xukong Road.

"I can't explain it for the time being." Qijue Tiannv shook her head and said, "Nanji, you should know my bottom line. Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. I will naturally notify you when you should be allowed to act." "Oh, you It’s still unclear who the master of these ten universes is, whether it’s the ancient central emperor or the ancient central emperor, so you have to verify this. If you are the ancient central emperor, wouldn’t I be miserable?” Nan Ji said faintly.

Looking at the Qijuetian woman.

"Oh, it's that simple, you should have thought of it." Qijue Tiannv looked at Nanji and said, "Do you have a choice now? If this person is the ancient central emperor, then it is our common enemy. If you move, I might die. Worse."

"Qijue, you are really good at calculating." Nanji heard the words and a simple mirror appeared above his head.

The mirror seems to be true.

A weird light emerged from above, shining through time and space on the Apollo, but when it first shining on the Apollo, a blue light appeared on the Apollo, and the light enveloped the Apollo,

Cyan light bounced the light from the mirror directly.

"Nan Ji, you don't need to investigate." Qi Jue Tian Nu sneered at Nan Ji and said, "You can't detect his identity."

Nanji frowned and said: "Okay, very good, Qijue, you now begin to pray that the master of these ten universes is not the ancient central emperor, otherwise you have a heavenly doomsday flower, and I will make you pay the price."

Qi Jue Tian Nu sneered when she heard the words: "Huh, Nan Ji, you are so big, I want to see your methods."

"Oh, do you really think I don't have the weapon to restrain the doomsday flower?" Nanji sneered at the Qijuetian woman.

"I bet you don't. Even if you do, you are not willing to take it out. You should take out the layout." Qi Jue Tiannv said coldly. "The two of you talked so eagerly. I'm not afraid that the ancient central emperor will know. His tomb is around here." At this moment, a phantom appeared in the void, which seemed to be true, like Does not exist in this heaven, his body

The breath on it is extremely secretive.

"Fazu!" Nanji looked at the visitor with a slight gaze, "I didn't expect that your old man, Fazu, is still alive. It's really exciting. I look forward to a real era."

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