My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4103: Beixuantian Emperor

West Heavenly Court, in the sky above, this place is facing the right axis of West Heavenly Court. I don’t know how high it is. If you want to leap over the endless starry sky above West Heavenly Court, even if the God of Heaven has to leap for hundreds of years, even if the God of Luo has to go through a lot. Wrinkles can reach this void


Here is in a state of nothingness, the emptiness disappears, time and space dissipate. However, there is a pill furnace floating in this space and time. This pill furnace is simple and simple, with countless patterns imprinted on it, but there is a crack on the pill furnace. The pill furnace is burned, and a mysterious flame is burned inside. This flame is the heaven. Origin God


The pill furnace was locked by ninety-nine-eighty-one black chains, and each chain was branded with the texture of the God of Luo, and the chain exudes the aura of the emperor.

This chain is forged with the power of the God of Heaven and Finance and the Emperor-level Daluo. It is known as the Chain of the Heaven and the Origin God. The chain of the Heaven and the Origin God can lock all things in the world. In a sense, it is a king-level great. Luo God artifact.

In ancient times, in ancient times, and in modern times (contemporary Central Heavenly Emperor's conquest era), the heavenly origin **** chain appeared, and the heaven and the earth lost its color. Even the king-level God Luo could not escape the shackles of this God chain, let alone ordinary God God.

At this moment, eighty-one chains of the origin of the heavens came out, their power collapsed, locked everything, and locked the cauldron in the center.


A violent clank sound sounded. This furnace shook frantically, and the eighty-one celestial origin **** chains that shook were trembling. Every time they tremble, endless storms of destruction shook on the celestial origin **** chains. These devastating storms swept through hundreds of millions of miles. , Made

The destruction of time and space into these places.

This has been the case for a long time, causing these time and space to suffer unhealable damage, completely turning into nothingness, no time and space, no time.

I don't know how many years it lasted. Even if God Da Luo dare not enter this space and time, otherwise the power storm shook out of the eighty-one celestial origin **** chains will be enough to destroy the body and spirit of God Shake. The king dare not, maybe only the king Level of talent

Enter this time and space.


Suddenly there was a roar from inside the cauldron.

This roar was shaking the earth and the world collapsed. Ninety-nine-nine-nine and eighty-one celestial origin chains gave out more terrifying vibrations, and then the celestial origin chain violently tightened, and the sound of "click, click, click" came from the chain, and there were many on the chain crack.

More and more cracks. It seemed that it was about to break, but suddenly a mysterious liquid appeared on the **** chain. These liquids were so dark that they instantly merged into the cracks on the **** chain. The cracks on the **** chain healed instantly and disappeared without a trace, and the **** chain Suddenly turned into liquid

In some places with severe vibrations, wireless stretches.

"Don't do it in vain."

An ancient voice of vicissitudes came from the void, and a figure appeared in the void. This figure had a flat aura and was wearing a pale blue ancient robe. His eyes were vicissitudes of life. This person is not someone else but the owner of the Tianbei.

"Hongjun, let the deity come out!"

An indifferent voice came from the depths of the cauldron: "The deity can spare you not to die."

"Emperor Beixuan Tian, ​​this is impossible." The owner of the monument looked at Dinglu indifferently: "This is your fate, this is your fate, you can't get rid of it."

"Hong Jun!"

An illusory figure appeared on the cauldron. This phantom had his hands on his back and looked at the world. The breath on his body was surging and terrifying, and he did not lose to Nanji.

"Emperor Beixuantian, you don't need to say more, I won't let you go." The owner of the stele looked at Emperor Beixuantian coldly and said: "And I can't let it go. The ancient central emperor imprisoned you."

"The ancient central emperor!"

Emperor Beixuantian looked extremely cold, he looked at the distant time and space, his robe hunted and hunted, as if looking at the past time and space.

"It's not just you. All those who betrayed the Emperor of Heaven back then will be robbed. No one can violate this fate. This is destined, and no one can change." Hongjun stood with his hand. Emperor Beixuantian stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at Hongjun deeply and said: "Hongjun, you are his subordinate, don't you have any ambitions? He has returned now, but in a period of weakness, he directly broke his ten The universe, we share,

In the future, ten half-step masters will be born, and ten half-step masters will break through the shackles of the heavens, enter the chaos, open up the world, and become the top ten masters. "

"Haha!" Hearing the words, the owner of the monument laughed and looked at Emperor Bei Xuantian and said, "Emperor Bei Xuantian, your imagination is too rich."

"Oh, I think you are enslaved and become a walking dead." Emperor Bei Xuantian looked at Hongjun deeply and said: "Hongjun, you will end badly."

"Oh, Emperor Beixuantian, don't say much, no matter how you say it, I won't help you out of the predicament." The Tianbei master said lightly.

"good very good!"

Emperor Beixuantian stared at Hongjun and said, "Your end will be terrible." "Yes, Hongjun, your end will be terrible." At this time, there was another voice in the void, the void not far away. A figure in a golden robe appeared, this figure was also domineering, but there was a thief between the eyebrows, with a shrewd look

. "Tianbao, you have also appeared." The owner of the Tianbei looked at Lai Ren coldly.

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