My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4080: Bet on the dead soul

"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!" The secret bell sounded in the sky above the sun **** star. This sound carried mysterious power, and the name of blood appeared on the bell. This name was the name of Ten Thousand Xing Sword, Nan Zhen Devil, and Nan Extinction. , The Southern Death figure sits cross-legged in the void

In the middle, it doesn't move like a god.

The terrible sound waves impacted his soul, his expression was painful, the soul inside his body collapsed steadily, as did his body, like a broken glass bottle, with countless cracks and scarlet blood flowing out. The primordial spirits of Nanzhen Mo and Nanqiang collapsed faster, but there were many Da Luo God-level life origins above their heads. These life origins are vast and powerful, and they are injected into the depths of the souls and flesh shells of the two people. The two of them collapsed

The soul and the flesh shell.

The dead soul Tianjun's face was gloomy and terrible, the bell in her hand shook madly, her cold eyes were as sharp as the Heavenly Daluo divine sword, staring at Lin Feng's figure firmly.

"Okay, very good, Lin Feng, I didn't expect you to be so willing to pay for it, the life source of the Great Luo God!" The voice of the dead soul Tianjun was cold. The words of Wan Xing Sword and Nan Zhen Mo were very angry, but they soon came to their senses. These two men catered to Lin Feng and let themselves attack the two. With the help of Lin Feng's life source, the two realized that Da Luo was on the verge of life and death. The law of God, so

Can truly step into the realm of Da Luo God.

Thinking of this, the dead soul Tianjun stopped attacking. "Haha...!" Lin Feng laughed and looked at the dead soul Tianjun said: "The dead soul Tianjun, they defected to me, they are my people, the Death Valley was established by you, I know this very well, but they defected to me, and Your interests do not conflict

. "

While speaking, he also stopped conveying the origin of life to the two Nan Zhen Demon and Wan Xing Jian. The extent to which these two can comprehend depends on the good fortune of the two, and it is so easy to thoroughly understand the Law of Da Luo. "Oh, Lin Feng, I won't let this matter go, no one can violate my rules, but the time has not yet arrived." The dead soul Tianjun stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at Lin Feng's figure. She turned and walked far away. Space-time depth


But Lin Feng's figure appeared in front of her again, blocking her path.

"Oh, Lin Feng, do you still dare to block the way of the deity? Do you think I dare not kill you?" The dead soul Tianjun looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes.

"Since I asked your people to call you, I naturally want to discuss things with you." Lin Feng looked at the dead soul Tianjun and said: "There is no need to be hostile between you and me. This is not good for you, and you are Tianjun Hongjun My disciple, I naturally have to take care of it."

"Lin Feng, the deity doesn't have any room for cooperation with you, you take care of me? What kind of thing are you!" Tianjun the soul sneered and looked at Lin Feng. "Haha, Heavenly Lord of the Dead Soul, in this way, it is rumored that you have inherited a unique school of Hongjun Tianjun, which is a fusion of the Great Destiny Heavenly Art. If this attack continues, even the Eastern Invincible Tianjun will not dare to resist." Lin Feng looked at the dead soul Tianjun with a smile: "I

Stand here and let you attack. If I take a step back, I will lose. These three are at your disposal. If I win, let's sit down and talk. "

As soon as the words came out, Nan Dean's face turned pale, and his whole body trembled in shock.

However, Wan Xing Sword and Nan Zhen Demon showed excitement, Lin Feng's background, they knew, since they said this, they must have a strong hole card.

"Oh, Lin Feng, are you so confident?" Hearing the words, the dead soul Tianjun looked at Lin Feng with a sneer: "Do you know what the deity's most powerful attack method is?" "Great Destiny Killing Heaven Palm!" Lin Feng looked at the dead soul Tianjun He smiled and said: "This is a combination of your great destiny heavenly arts and the murderous aura in the ancient battlefield. It has been hard to practice until now, the power is terrible, and your purpose of establishing the Death Valley is to gather the murderous aura.

, Tempered an imperial-level Da Luo divine artifact, the combination of the two, the power is even more terrifying, you are now confident that you can defeat anyone in the mud! "

His words eclipsed the soul of Tianjun.

A terrible murderous intent erupted from the dead soul Tianjun.

This is her secret, and I didn't expect it to be understood by Lin Feng.

"How did you know?" The dead soul Tianjun stared at Lin Feng's figure, her palm slowly stretched out, and a golden glove appeared on the palm mountain.

The golden gloves are imprinted with many imperial-grade Da Luoshen textures, densely intertwined, I don't know how many, and there is a terrible murderous intent on the gloves.

Even if it overflowed a little bit, Nan would perish, Nan Zhen Devil, and Ten Thousand Xing Sword were trembling, and they couldn't resist this murderous aura. Only then did the three of them realize the terrible nature of the Revenant Tianjun. "It's no wonder that Lord Skywalker has set his sights on Death Heaven Valley these years. He and another adult speculate that Death Heaven Valley is condensing a big killer." Wan Xing Jianxin said with lingering fear: "This big killer makes the dead soul Tianjun. Ranking in the Central Court

Up a dozen places. "It's the ranking of Tianbao Tiandi!" "Nan Demise asked carefully.

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