My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4073: Internal Disputes in Death Valley

In the sky above the great sun god, Nan Anniang's expression was cold. Hearing Nan Zhen Demon's words, his face became more gloomy. He released a terrible aura and looked at Nan Zhen Demon with a grim look: "Nan Zhen Demon, you are death. A member of Tiangu must always obey the command of the valley master.

I believe you got the order of the valley master. ""Haha. ! "Nan Zhen Demon heard the words and laughed and looked at Nan Die, and said: "Nan Die, is this the order of the Valley Lord?" I don’t know, and I haven’t received an order from the owner of the valley, unless the owner of the valley comes here and issues an order to me, I can believe this

Things. "

"Bold, Nanjin Demon, you are presumptuous, who gives you the courage!"

At this time, a cold shout sounded, and a figure walked out from behind Nanniang. The aura on this person was extremely terrifying, and he looked very young. This was a heavenly **** emperor, not much weaker than Nanzhen Mo.

"King Nanling? Hey, you finally stepped into the heavenly **** emperor level. It's not easy." Nan Zhenmo was slightly surprised when he saw the person who came. Nanling King was a person of his and an era, and this person's cultivation talent was average.

However, this person is good at flattery and is a contemporary valley master who licks dogs faithfully. When he stepped into the heavenly **** emperor level, this person had not yet entered the heavenly **** realm.

However, over the years, King Nanling used his dog-licking spirit, relying on these to obtain the resources of the Valley Lord, and his cultivation level slowly improved. Nanzhen Mo didn't expect this person to step into the level of Heavenly God Emperor. "Nan Zhen Demon, I think you have taken the leopard's guts, this matter is indeed an order from the Valley Master." Nanling King stared at Nan Zhen Demon with cold eyes: "Also, this Lin Feng Tianzun is from the outside world. People, someone has already revealed to the central heaven

If he committed his crimes, he colluded with the Eastern Heavenly Court and turned his back on the Eastern Heavenly Court. You actually got entangled with this kind of person. ""Haha. I haven't seen you for many days, King Nanling, you have come up with your ability to tell the truth. "Nan Zhenmo smiled wildly and looked at King Nanling: "Get out of my speed, there is no place for you to speak here." "While speaking, he didn't even look at King Nanling, but went straight up.

Go and punch out.


Suddenly the world was silent.

This punching Buddha represents the trajectory of the heavens, running through the future, destroying the ancient and modern, and hitting the head of the Nanling King. The Nanling King suddenly felt a huge crisis.

"The ancients are gone!" Nanling King felt a huge crisis. He roared wildly, pinched the space-time sky seal with both hands, and directly displayed a powerful heavenly technique in Death Valley, and immediately filled with terrible space-time power centered on him. , The power of time and space is now jet black

The whirlpool, with a decayed, decadent breath.

When the gods are contaminated, they will age and die instantly.

This is one of the peerless killing techniques in Death Valley.

"Boom...!" The black vortex swept toward Nanjin's fist, but when it first touched the fist, the black vortex collapsed directly, and Nanzhen's fist traversed the black vortex and struck Nanling King’s neck. The king of Nanling was pale, just about to arrive

When blocking, his fist hit his neck.

Suddenly King Nanling was blasted out, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. When he just wanted to do it again, he was stopped by Nan Jiuwang. Nan Jiuwang looked at Nan Zhen Devil with a gloomy expression and said: "Nan Zhen Devil, I didn't expect you to be so brave to violate the will of Gu Lord, you Made a very stupid mistake,

Your vein can be removed. "

His voice is indescribable.

He looked at Nan Zhen Mo like a dead person. "Haha. Nan is dead, I have always done things safely, this time the same, don't use the Valley Lord to crush me." Nan Zhenmo looked at Nan Diede and sneered: "Don't worry, our line will live in Death Valley. Good, I will master

right. "Nan Muying sneered when he heard this, he looked at Nan Zhen Mo with a bit of contempt: "Your mouth is still so hard, but there is a bit of spine, I am afraid in your heart that I will not make a move? OK, I tell you now, I shot today, now

There are two ways for you. First, immediately apologize, admit your mistakes, and return to Death Valley to accept the punishment from the owner of the valley. Second, I will kill you on the spot. There are restrictions on this great sun planet that affect me, but I also have the means. Avoid. "

An astonishing killing intent burst out of him while speaking.

This killing intent made King Nanling and the others shudder. This was the killing intent of God Da Luo. Although Nan was destroyed by God, he was still in the realm of Da Luo God. "Nan Zhen Demon, I see how you choose!" Nan Ling King looked at Nan Zhen Demon sullenly and said: "You thought that Lord Nan Destruction would not attack you here, you were wrong, do you regret it now? It's too late, No one in this world can save you.


"Idiot!" Nan Zhen Demon glanced at King Nanling and said, "King Nanling, you are really an idiot. Nan is destroyed. I can't choose whether it is the first road or the second road. This is Vice Tianzun Lin Feng. Here, he holds the highest position in the heaven, and he

The treatment is more suitable. "

He glanced at Lin Feng while speaking. "Yes, I think it's more suitable for me to deal with it. The Lord Gu ordered it to be a pile of **** in front of the Central Heavenly Court." Lin Feng stood up with a hand and smiled and walked out: "I order you all to kneel and kowtow!" He looked at him as he spoke. The king of Nanling, Nanniang and others took a look.

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