My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4065: I don't trust anyone

"Who is not jealous, who doesn't want to truly rule this heaven, who doesn't want to reshuffle the cards." Qijue Heavenly Girl looked at the void and said: "Which one of the heavens is not a rebel who has taken the world."

"History repeats itself all the time." Nan Zhen Mo and Wan Xing Sword both humane. "It is rumored that at the beginning of the birth of the heavens, it was the huge life form of the heavens that created countless lives, and the heavenly powerhouses were rampant. The first five powerhouses led many powerful people to calculate the huge life form of the heavens, so they succeeded. They ruled the heavens, and these five are the five emperors of the ancient times." Qijue Tiannv explained: "However, the five emperors of the ancient times took advantage of the five ancient emperors who suffered heavy damage, so they launched a rebellion and seized the rule. Right, and today’s

The same is true for the five emperors. Unfortunately, they have not yet secured their seats, and they are again seized by their subordinates. There are far more power seizures. They are just a successful group. "

"According to what you said, I am the contemporary emperor." Lin Feng stood up with his hand holding his hand: "Where are the other four emperors? Are they really dead now?" "Dead!" The Qijue Goddess looked at the void and said quietly: "Death They just fought fiercely with the central emperor and suffered heavy losses. These four emperors also saw that the central emperor opened up ten universes and were about to be promoted to a higher level.

It was a joint effort to severely damage the Central Emperor. "

"The result is that both lose and lose." Lin Feng said regretfully.

"Heaven is so cruel." Qi Jue Tiannv looked at Lin Feng and said.

"So you are my wife." Lin Feng looked at Qi Jue Tian Nv with a smile: "Hong Jun, this old guy knows our relationship, is it really him that I met?"

"Who else is there besides him?" Qi Juetian said.

"Then why didn't he take me away, but helped me?" Lin Feng looked at Qi Jue Tian Nu and asked, "This is my biggest doubt, why didn't he tell me the truth." "Hong Jun didn't really abandon you, he was back then. He failed to fight with you. You went back to retreat and suffered a tragic accident. He was falsely accused of rebellion and was besieged and killed by other heavenly monarchs." Qi Jue Tian Nu looked at Lin Feng and said, "As for why he didn't take you away, he didn't have this.

He was able to endure, and his strength was not strong enough when he came back from the reincarnation, and many memories have not been restored. "

"Where is he now?" Lin Feng asked. "I don't know, I don't know where he is now." Qi Jue Tiannv looked at Lin Feng and said: "I am here to tell you who you are. The three levels are set by you. The third level is apart from yourself. No one can break through

, You found the inheritance in the Great Sun Temple. Although you were besieged that year, you were on the verge of death, but your sense of cultivation was hidden. When you return, you can accept the inheritance of your previous life and instantly restore the realm of your previous life. "

"Restore the realm of the previous life, and the memory is restored, right?" Lin Feng looked at the Qi Juetian woman.

"This is necessary." Qijuetian said: "Your sentiment is in the memory of the previous life, you can consider it for yourself."

Lin Feng looked at the void for a long time without saying anything. After a long time, he turned to look at the Qijuetian woman and said: "The memory of my previous life, my previous life was actually the Central Heavenly Emperor. Okay, thank you for helping me solve my confusion." "Speed ​​enters inside, restores the memory of the previous life, and steps into the realm of supreme dominance. This heaven needs to be unified and needs peace. The huge life form of the heaven also hopes that you can replace him and become the new master." Qi Jue Tian Nu looked at Lin Feng.


She turned and disappeared while speaking.

Lin Feng watched the disappearing figure of the Qijuetian woman for a long time without saying a word. He carried his hands on his back and turned to look at Nan Zhenmo and Wan Xingjian and said: "You two agree with her too? No, do you believe her?"

"There is no flaw. We believe what she said. After all, the ten universes of the Lord were opened up very early." Wan Xingjian said directly: "The previous life of the Lord must be a world-shattering supreme figure."

"It must be the Central Heavenly Emperor?" Lin Feng heard the words and looked at Wan Xing Sword and Nan Zhen Demon quietly.

"This..." Nan Zhen Mo and Wan Xing Jian were speechless.


Must it be the Central Emperor?

No one could confirm the fact that the Central Heavenly Emperor opened up the ten universes back then. After all, it was just a rumor, and no one knew the truth.

What if this is a rumor spread by the Central Heavenly Emperor in advance? In case this is a game, just wait for Lin Feng today to jump into the fire pit. "I don't believe anyone now." Lin Feng stood in the void with both hands on his back and said: "The truth of the matter will never be guessed. I am now steadily practicing, and I have reached the level of the gods, and my cultivation level is still Soaring, the horse

Ascend to the heavenly **** king or even the heavenly **** emperor level, and truly reach this level, no one can help me in this world, and I fight with anyone for five to five points, even now no one can help me. ""That's true. The Lord is mainly practicing steadily, and everything will come naturally. "Nanzhen Demon looked at Lin Feng and said: "So I think we must go back to Tianbaozhai now. As for the treasures on the great sun star this time, we may not be able to go without it.

Turn on. ""

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