My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4053: The suffocation of the sword


There are no signs.

Lin Feng slapped Ten Thousand Xingjian's face heavily with a slap. This slap contained endless power, overbearing, and it was a sneak attack by Thunder.

This is something that Wanxingjian never expected. He never dreamed that Lin Feng would sneak attack on him in Tianbaozhai. This is Tianbaozhai’s sphere of influence. Even God Luo could not cause trouble here, not to mention that Lin Feng is not God Luo at all, so bidding here, Wanxing Sword is absolutely assured


The people in Tianbaozhai only need to do a good job of checking the authenticity of the baby and make a good deal. For many years, the people who troubled Tianbaozhai, even the people of the great heaven, have been unlucky.

This slap slapped the Wanxingjian away heavily.


Wan Xingjian raised the sky and let out an angry roar, incomparably humiliated, his flesh shell was destroyed by Lin Feng's slap, and the essence and blood in his body flowed out frantically, and he lost nearly 20% of his strength in an instant.

"Ever ancient in a hurry!" The Wanxing Sword directly used the forbidden technique at the moment it was drawn away. This access control was the supreme forbidden technique of their Tianbaozhai. Once the forbidden technique was displayed, he could be within an hour. Absolutely defensive state, because he felt Lin Feng

His mortal heart.

And casting this access control technique can temporarily protect his life.

Moreover, he can inform the Da Luo God who is sitting in Tianbaozhai, directly launch a large formation, and behead this shameless villain to suppress Tianbaozhai's divine might.

"Boom!" There was a booming sound from Wanxingjian, and mysterious rays of light appeared on his body. These rays were intertwined in the void to form a tortoise shell-like thing, these tortoise shells were inscribed with many heavenly gods textures. And also clip

Mixed with some big Luoshen texture.

The breath of immortality permeated out.

"It's fine if you run away." Lin Feng looked at Wan Xing Sword and walked up with a smile: "Do you think this broken shell can stop me? It's a joke, of course you don't have to worry about me killing you, I will destroy you !" While speaking, his big hand came out, and his five fingers were like a sky hook.

The sword is in his hand.

If this Ten Thousand Lines Sword is to fight with him again, he is actually so sure that he will leave the Ten Thousand Lines Sword. After all, the Ten Thousand Lines Sword is also a powerful God Emperor of Heaven.

Unless too bad shot.

But he didn't expect that Wan Xing Sword gave up attacking and fleeing, came up directly to cast forbidden defense, and gave up fleeing.

However, Lin Feng quickly figured it out. This Ten Thousand Xing Sword was worried that the people around him would take action and felt that he could not escape at all. Fortunately, he used defensive forbidden techniques to communicate with the great Luoshen.

The plan is correct, a pity!

"Boom!" At this moment, the tortoise shell surrounding the Ten Thousand Elements Sword crazily ruptured, and many mysterious air currents emerged. These air currents directly entered Lin Feng's palm, and the essence and blood of the Ten Thousand Elements Sword also madly flowed into Lin Feng's. In hand, more than that,

The power of the soul is the same as other powers.

"Your honor!"

Wan Xingjian roared to the sky, and he directly communicated with the Great Luo God.

However, when Wan Xing Sword discovered the tragedy, he roared a few times without any response.

For an instant, desperation swept through his body, and Wan Xingjian had an urge to cry at this moment. He had known that he had escaped and his strongest support had also been lost.


Just when he hesitated.

The essence, blood, mana and other powers in the body were once again swallowed by Lin Feng, which made Wanxingjian even more desperate, and he didn't even have the strength to escape.

Soon Wanxingjian's body gradually dried up, and he was gradually aging.

The tortoise shell formed by casting the forbidden technique was completely swallowed by Lin Feng.

Then Lin Feng stopped devouring and looked at Wanxing Sword Dao with a smile: "Brother Wan, how is my supernatural power? Can I get into your eyes?"

"Who are you?" Wan Xingjian stared at Lin Feng firmly.

"Who am I?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at Wan Xing Jiandao: "Brother Wan, be optimistic, I will let you know my true identity." The light on his body flickered as he spoke, turning into his true color.

"Lin Feng!"

Wan Xingjian stared at Lin Feng's figure, he couldn't wait to go up and swallow Lin Feng alive, he didn't expect it was Lin Feng, and never dreamed that Lin Feng would do such a bold thing.

"Yes, I am the Lin Feng you never forget." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Wanxing Sword, "Wanxing Sword, I heard that you are not very friendly to me? If you want to mess with me, I will preemptively attack you. You have no opinion?"


Wan Xing Jian roared up to the sky.

He has an urge to cry at this moment.

He didn't expect Lin Feng to do things for this reason. His Ten Thousand Xing Sword only showed that he had a bad impression of Lin Feng when he was talking with people privately, and he said he wanted to clean up Lin Feng.

But these were all angry words, and these words were just told to one or two people in private.

Where is he going to do Lin Feng?

Lin Feng is an official in the Central Heavenly Court, and the distance to the Brahma Sky Star is so far, the two of them can say that they can't fight.

"Why? Do you still want to deny?" Lin Feng sneered and looked at Wanxing Kendo: "Do you feel innocent? No, I don't think you are innocent!" "Lin Feng, this is a misunderstanding, definitely a misunderstanding, I Swear, there is no contradiction between us. I really don’t think you are pleasing to your eyes, but I don’t have the intention to clean up you at all. I am a **** brain." Wan Xingjian looked at Lin Feng and pleaded, "Let’s reconcile."

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