My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4051: Crazy face

In the depths of Fufa Pavilion,

When Wan Guizang heard Lin Feng's explanation, he still looked miserable.

He was really afraid that when he auctioned off the blood of the Heavenly Origin God, there would be situations like auctioning off the corpse of the God of Luo, and Tianbaozhai would lose his life.

"Big brother, please think about this." Wangui Funeral looked at Lin Feng bitterly and said, "It's not easy for us to do business."

"Haha, I understand." Lin Feng laughed and said: "The price of this heavenly origin divine blood is very high. In this way, I quote 5 million Heavenly Dao Stones. If they add, I will continue to add, how about?"

"5 million Heavenly Dao Stones? That's fine, thank you, big brother." Wan Guizang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Feng's assurance. The Heavenly Origin Divine Blood was also worth this price, and they made a profit by selling it at this price.

"The two of us are still polite." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Wangui's burial: "Well, we are now handing over the body of God Luo, and I will give you the reincarnation axe in the heavens, and you will give me some heavenly stones."

"Good, good!"

Wangui funeral nodded hurriedly after hearing this.

"I remember the price of the Celestial Reincarnation Axe was 4 million Heavenly Dao Stone, right?" Lin Feng suddenly looked at Wangui Funeral and smiled.


When Wangui Funeral heard Lin Feng's words, he had the urge to scold his mother. When did I say 4 million Heavenly Dao Stones?

Let's not negotiate, the price is 3.8 million Heavenly Dao Stone.

However, although Wan Guifang thought this in his heart, he didn't dare to say it. He immediately smiled awkwardly and said: "Yes, yes, I will give you 1 million Heavenly Dao Stones now." "It's pretty much the same." Lin Feng smiled. Wangui was buried and said: "Take it, and immediately bid for the blood of the heavenly origin. I want this group of scum to see my financial resources, paralyzed, and not convinced by me. If it provokes me, I will directly bid for 6 million Heavenly Dao.

stone. "

"I wipe it!"

Wangui Funeral cursed after hearing this, and smiled with glory on his face: "Big brother, I support you, and both hands agree and support.

"Speed ​​trading!"

Lin Feng threw the Celestial Reincarnation Axe directly to Wangui Burial.

At the moment, Wangui Funeral gave Lin Feng the body of God Daluo, and at the same time gave Lin Feng 1 million Heavenly Dao Stones, and then left with satisfaction.

Lin Feng looked at the corpse in the coffin, the domineering in the corpse shocked Lin Feng, even his current cultivation base was terrified.

"The powerhouses in Tianba Valley are like this. This corpse is extremely valuable." At this time, a figure appeared on Lin Feng. The owner of the figure was Tai'e, who stared at the corpse in the coffin.

Then his figure walked into the body.

Soon the corpse opened its eyes, with endless vicissitudes and loneliness in the depths of the eyes, as if Buddha could see through hundreds of millions of time and space in the heavens.

The corpse stood up slowly, no, it should be too bad at this time.

"I haven't felt this kind of power for a long time." Tai'e looked at the void and said, his whole body changed and he turned into a middle-aged man in a black robe.

With the domineering attitude of the world.

"Congratulations on the return of the king." Lin Feng looked at Tai'er's figure and smiled and said: "But I still remind you whether there is any danger in this corpse."

"Oh, count me based on his role?" Tai'er said with a trace of disdain from the corner of his mouth: "I can't help it. When my soul imprinted into this corpse, I wiped out the remaining things inside. "

"Nice!" Lin Feng spit out a few words directly. "Everyone, now start bidding for our betting baby, the blood of the heavenly origin!" At this moment, the excited voice of the Ten Thousand Xing Sword sounded again on the auction stage: "Of course, first of all congratulations to the big man in Fofago, thank you His support for our business

Yes, thank you all for supporting our business. "

"Oh, Wanxingjian, stop talking nonsense, let's start." Hon Hai said with cold eyes: "I can tell you what should be done and what should not be done, otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless."

"Yes, Ten Thousand Xingjian, the speed starts, don't waste our time." Dongfang Bai said coldly: "The origin of the heavenly blood, my master has been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Ten Thousand Xing Sword, don't waste time." Shenzong said with cold eyes: "I also warn you, what should be done and what should not be done." "Haha, thank you for your warning. See you on the court." Compete." Wan Xingjian laughed wildly after hearing the words: "The price starts at 10,000, and each increase is not less than 1,000 Heavenly Dao Stones. Each increase is not online, and there is no upper limit. I hope you guys will not hear about it.

And escape. "

He also has a temper, and knowing Lin Feng's trump card, he naturally came up to face the second generation who looked good.

As soon as these words came out, Hon Hai, Guo Shenzong, Dongfang Bai, and others' faces became gloomy.


Wan Xingjian said loudly again: "Everyone, the new battle begins, I hope you don't empty the cannon, start."

"I'm bidding for 5 million Heavenly Dao Stones, let's come together with all the scum." Just as the voice of the Wanxing Sword fell, Lin Feng's loud voice came from the Fufa Pavilion again: "A bunch of scum, don't let go of the gun, let alone hear And run away, it will make me look down on you."

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