My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4046: Oriental defeat

"The defeat of the East is actually the defeat of the East, the great steward of the Heavenly Lord of the Mulili!" Lin Feng unexpectedly collided with the owner of the Heavenly Lord of the Mulili at this auction house. There will be a war between the temples


"Okay, very good, Dongfang lost."

Lin Feng looked at Void with a deep gaze: "To compete with me, it's simply overwhelming."

"The great steward of the Palace of the Heavenly Lord of the Mud Plow, very good, Dongfang defeated, I did not expect to meet you here." Hon Hai's voice floated in the void and said: "Although the overall power of the Mu Plow is not good, but yours The cultivation base is fairly strong."

The Kingdom Godzong laughed loudly and said: "The East is defeated, your people in the mud and plow sky want to compete with him, the fire is lacking!"

"Indeed, it seems that Ni Litian has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years." Mie Yidao's cold voice sounded, looking into the void. "Zhutian **** picture, Zhutian **** picture, good, very good, this time I will definitely shoot a high price, I look forward to it, but I will get a leg." The lost knife voice said flatly, and his faint gaze seemed to go out. But the breath on the body is getting stronger

Horizontally, let the Buddha break through the shackles and step into the level of the Great Luo God. Strong signals were sent from the other attic. Some other people could not intervene at all and could only watch the excitement here. The Ten Thousand Xing Sword on the auction stage forced their minds to settle down, and there was excitement in their eyes. he still

I'm really worried that other people will be suppressed by Lin Feng at once. If this is the case, it will be difficult for the Zhutian God to sell for a high price.

In the attic of Fubei Pavilion, Dongfang Bai's eyes were deep, his aura on his body was extremely terrifying with his hands on his back. Dongfangbei seemed to have expected that his words would cause an uproar, and his expression was still as usual, and he immediately said loudly: "You big brothers, long time no see, the mud plow heaven is above the palace needs the **** of death, this is our protection from the invasion of the east heaven.

Heavy equipment. "

"The 2 million Heavenly Dao Stones are lying beneath the Heavenly God Emperor." Lin Feng's voice resounded in the void, directly increasing the price of 800,000 Heavenly Dao Stones.

Everyone didn't respond when they heard the name Lin Feng, and they had never heard of God Emperor Futian.

"Humph, 2.2 million Heavenly Dao Stones!" Hon Hai said with a frantic laugh, dancing around, and the whole person was full of madness.

"2.2 million Heavenly Dao Stones? Hon Hai, a little bit less, 2.5 million Heavenly Dao Stones!" The Lost Sword said an angry figure.

The 2.5 million Heavenly Dao Stones have far exceeded the value of the God Zhuotian, Mie Yi Dao, Dong Fang Bai and others frowned, especially Mie Yi Dao's expression is so cold, I can't wait to fight with Lost Dao now.

"2.8 million Heavenly Dao Stones, let's take this Zhutian God Picture to a fight today." Dongfang Bai's cold voice sounded.

A sneer appeared on the face of Lost Blade and said: "2.8 million Heavenly Dao Stones? 3 million Heavenly Dao Stones!"

"3.1 million Heavenly Dao Stones!" Hon Hai said unchanged expression.

Lin Feng listened to the voices of these people with an impulse to beat people. These were all heavenly gods, and they were about to approach the price of the original dzi bead.

This is **** him!

He thought that the price of the Da Luo Shen Yuan Dzi Bead was high enough, and as a result, the price trend of the Zhu Tian Shen Tu was higher than that of the Da Luo God Dzi Bead.

"You guys are really slow to increase the price like this. I'm disappointed. The price increase is 900,000 and 4 million Heavenly Dao Shenshi." Although Lin Feng's voice has no majesty, it makes everyone clear. The East is defeated, the Kingdom Godzong, the lost sword The expressions of Hon Hai and others gradually became gloomy. This person’s price increase was too fierce, and they even wondered if this person was

A request from Tianbaozhai.

But there is no evidence!

And Lin Feng's attitude is too strong

"4 million Heavenly Dao Stone, I am waiting for you to continue to increase the price." Lin Feng smiled and said, "Maybe I will give up."

"Very well, God Emperor Futian, I remember you this time." Dongfang Bai stared at the emperor Fufa's attic and said in a cold voice, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more vigorous, and a silhouette was directly divided into the figure and disappeared. .

"God Futian, it seems that we are underestimating you." Hon Hai said coldly: "You will pay for your arrogance."

"Zunjia is really amazing, really big guy, and beat all the heroes." The lost knife laughed heartily.

"Okay, very good. I will do business with you. Recently I need to kill some people with the Heavenly Dao Stone." Lin Feng's voice laughed loudly: "This business is much larger than our auction house."

Lin Feng's words are very clear, there will be big business to lose the forest in the future.

The lost knife laughed heartily: "Well, since the boss is so righteous, how can I win love with a sword? Welcome to the lost forest as a guest."

Lin Feng and Fallen Heavenly Valley have already faced each other, and Lost Forest is a big force that opposes Fallen Heavenly Valley, and it is best to cooperate with such a big force.

"Huh!" Mie Yidao snorted coldly, obviously unwilling to see such a situation. The Fallen Heavenly Valley and the Lost Forest have been fighting against each other for many years. Today, he suffered a bit of dark losses and his face was swollen.


A series of murderous intent emerged, and many cold eyes looked at the attic of Fufa Pavilion. Although it was blocked by the attic, it still gave Lin Feng a feeling of coldness. His strength caused many people's dissatisfaction. With a smile on Wan Xingjian's face, he said loudly: "The price of 4 million Heavenly Dao Stones, is there anyone higher than him?"

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