My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4038: All come from

"The more the better!" Lin Feng nodded and smiled when he heard the words: "Okay, I will seize this ancient tribulation copper puppet."

"30,000 Heavenly Dao Divine Stone, this deity is about to start bidding." A tall figure said loudly, this figure sitting on a floating stone chair.

There are about 500 stone chairs. Although the people sitting on them are not as well-identified as those in the attic, they also hide some bigwigs.

Sitting on the stone chair, the man with white hair and shawl, eyes like electricity, stared at the bronze statue of Primordial Tribulation with a trace of greed.

"Oh, 30,000 heavenly sacred stone? Go back, 60,000 heavenly sacred stone." Hon Hai's voice resounded in the void, staring coldly at the white-haired man, having missed the eternal sacred tree, and didn't want to miss this ancient bronze bronze. Idol.

The bronze stone statue of the ancient robbery is also requested by the family.

"Hon Hai, deceive people too much!" The white-haired man said with a cold expression, "I want to see if you can easily get this ancient bronze statue of Tribulation!"

"60,000 Heavenly Dao and Divine Stone!" The white-haired man said indifferently.

When Hon Hai was about to speak, another voice came from the attic of Fufa Pavilion: "Neither Hon Hai should fight with this fellow Taoist, I will give out 180,000 Heavenly Taoist Stones!"

"180,000 Heavenly Dao Divine Stones!" The crowd took a breath again, who is the boss of the attic attic!

Actually shot so fiercely!

too frightening!

It's really scary, since the price increase of 120,000 Tiandao Shenshi.

"Just now I directly sold 150,000, but now it is 180,000 again, which is too strong."

"Haha, very good 180,000 Heavenly Dao Divine Stone, arrogant, really crazy!" Hon Hai laughed up to the sky, his eyes staring at Fufa Ge with extremely cold eyes.

"I have this life to keep the bronze statue of the Primordial Tribulation. I really don't know how to keep it low-key." The white-haired man said coldly, and his eyes were cold, his dancing white hair looked strange.

The corners of Guo Shenzong’s mouth showed white teeth, and a playful smile appeared on his face: "Elder Guo, let this kid jump twice. It is more valuable for us to kill this person. Even if the people from Nine Heavens First City are here, we will To be done."

Guo Shenzong originally wanted to bid for the bronze statue of the Primordial Tribulation, but seeing that Hon Hai had already made a move, there was no bid at the moment.

However, Lin Feng shot again and directly opened the 180,000 Heavenly Dao Divine Stone, and he directly gave up the bid.

"Young Master, this person is a fat sheep. I want to keep an eye on him. I can't let other people take the lead. Now I have some means outside." The elder said with a green light in his eyes, and the talking figure flashed and turned away. Up.

In the attic of Fufa Pavilion, Lin Feng sneered again and again.

"It seems that they are paying less compensation." Lin Feng sneered.

"Lord, I'm afraid this Hon Hai hasn't recognized your identity. If he does, he will hate you even more." Hua Qianjie said with a smile.

"Haha." Lin Feng said with a smile upon hearing the words: "This kind of people must teach, I wonder why these people don't do things a little low-key."  "The central heaven is the core of the heaven, and they are located in the core area of ​​the central heaven. Basically, the first city in nine days, the second journey, the third city leader group theory, the fourth city is close to the third city, but after the fifth city, the gap in strength is getting bigger and bigger."

Qianjue smiled and said, "Basically they can settle anything they encounter."

"No wonder." Lin Feng sneered when he heard the words: "I like this kind of person the most."

In the attic where Hon Hai is located, Hong Fu’s face is gloomy. Although Hon Hai still has a calm look, the murderous intent in his eyes is getting more and more exuberant. He stared at the void and said: "I always feel that this person's style of doing things is a bit familiar. ."

"Young Master, don't worry about so much, just do it directly." Hongfu said in confusion, his eyes getting colder and colder.

Hon Hai's face was uncertain, his eyes still staring at the auction platform and said, "190,000 heavenly Taoist stones!"

Hon Hai's voice resounded throughout the auction house, making many people who want to bid feel desperate.

Lin Feng's face in the attic at Fufa's expression sank: "200,000 Heavenly Dao Stones!"

"My lord is domineering." Nan Zhen demon sitting on a stone chair said with a smile: "Fighting with my lord is almost dead."

He thought of Lin Feng's methods that the Heavenly Emperor might not have, he knew Lin Feng could bid for prices willfully.

Even if God Luo sees this method, he will accept it!

"Huh, very good, Hongfu, you can contact the Emperor Godzong to hunt this person together. I need the bronze statue of the Archaic Tribulation on his body." Hon Hai said with cold eyes. Lin Feng shouted like this, and he couldn't resist. Up.

"Yes, young master, I will contact them to monitor the person in Fufa Pavilion. Once this person walks out of Tianbaozhai, he will be killed directly." Hongfu said in a cold tone: "divide his property."

The Wanxing Sword on the auction stage was all red, and he stood with his hand in hand.

I can't wait to enter Fufa Pavilion and Lin Feng to drink a thousand cups, if all the customers in the world are like this.

Everyone admired them. Many people secretly speculated about Lin Feng's true identity. The glamorous woman in the Fudao Pavilion stared at the void and said: "Go and find out about this person, the sooner the better, and I will cooperate with this person. "

"Yes." A black figure in the void walked out of the Fudao Pavilion, and some mysterious figures also walked out of other pavilions.

In the attic of Fufa Pavilion, Hua Qianjue is endlessly entwined with Lin Feng. The two are creating life, because Hua Qianjue asks Lin Feng to fulfill her promise and make her pregnant.

Fei Xian's dying voice kept coming from the attic.  "The Lord is great." Hua Qianjue said with a flushed face.

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