My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4030: Have the same name as my son

"Sen Feng?" Lin Feng smiled and shook his head when he heard the words: "Miss Yunshan, you have admitted the wrong person."

"Hope I admit the wrong person, I didn't expect to meet you here." Gusu Yunshan looked at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes: "Also, let me remind you." While she was speaking, she glanced at the flower next to her.

Hua Qianjue smiled charmingly and turned and left.

"Girl Yunshan, it doesn't matter if you have anything to say." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Gusu Yunshan and said. "Remind you, you have to fight for a treasure this time, otherwise you will not be able to nurture the Celestial Blood Chakra Eyes to a perfect state." Gusu Yunshan looked at Lin Feng and said: "The masters of the Celestial Blood Chakra Eyes are all masters, but To go through a long time,

And some babies can accelerate their growth. "

Lin Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then silently asked, "What baby?"

"The origin of the heavenly blood!" Gusu Yunshan said directly: "This kind of blood is extremely rare. According to legend, the heaven is a huge living body, and this blood is its blood."

"Heaven Origin God Blood!" Lin Feng changed his color when he heard this.

This kind of blood Hongjun Tianjun also recorded that its blood is too expensive, and even Hongjun Tianjun is not sure whether there is such blood, he only said that this kind of blood may exist in the record.

In the past, Hongjun Tianjun traveled all over the heavens to search for a long time but couldn't find it.

It is much more precious than the heavenly origin divine ball, the heaven origin divine soil, and the heaven origin divine water.

"Theoretically speaking, this kind of blood is the source of the huge life form of the heavens, and the original divine soil, the original divine gold, and the original divine water are equivalent to the pure elemental power born in the heavens." Gusu Yunshan explained. "I understand this meaning, just like the origin of the universe in our body, such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. These forces are extremely precious to the universe creatures in our body, but no matter how precious they are, they cannot be compared to our blood." Lin Feng Explanation


"This analogy is appropriate, the original sphere is actually equivalent to a trace of strength in our body." Gusu Yunshan explained.


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Is there blood this time?"

"Of course there is, but it is just a drop!" Gusu Yunshan explained: "This time the major forces are here to compete for this drop of blood."

"The original blood of the heavens!" Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at the void and said: "Okay, very good, I will take this drop of blood this time with all my money, Miss Spruce, you must have taken this blood before?"

"Fortunately, I took one drop." Gusu Yunshan explained: "I can step into the level of the God of Luo at any time now."


Lin Feng cursed after hearing this.

As he spoke, he waved his big sleeves, and countless items rolled out of his sleeves, and these items piled up in the small courtyard.

"Thank you!"

Gusu Yunshan giggled and said, she looked at the mountain of objects, and powerful spiritual thoughts penetrated it, and soon an object was wrapped in a ball of light and flew out and fell into her hands.

Then she ejected a group of colorful light and flew towards Lin Feng.

"Happy cooperation!"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at Gusu Yunshan.

"Happy cooperation, there is one other thing to remind you." Gusu Yunshan looked at Lin Feng and said: "Tianbaozhai is doing a bad job to respect the driver. Once the magic mirror of Tianbaozhai is opened, you may not be able to hide."

"Haha." Lin Feng said with a smile upon hearing the words: "Tianbaozhai and I have no grievances and no grudges, why should they be against me."

"Hmph, your Excellency still pretends to be crazy and stupid." Gusu Yunshan hummed softly, "I kindly remind you."

"Thank you girl." Lin Feng looked at Gusu Yunshan with a smile.

Gusu Yunshan turned and left after hearing this.

At this moment, Nan Zhenmo walked in.

"My lord, why are the Gusu family looking for you?" Nan Zhenmo asked hurriedly.

"It's okay, it's just trading some things with me. Which force is this Gusu family? Nine days ahead?" Lin Feng asked when he heard the words and looked at Nan Zhen.

"This is natural!" Nan Zhenma looked at Lin Feng and smiled bitterly: "Gusu's family is the third city of Nine Heavens. It controls the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Hall. It is the one and only power in the third city of Nine Heavens, this Gusu The young lady of the family is superb in her cultivation and has been ranked among the great gods

The top three on the waiting list. "

"What? She was ranked third?" Lin Feng changed color when he heard this.

Is the owner of the Celestial Blood Wheel Eye only ranked third? Who are the first two? How could it be so powerful.

"Not bad!"

Nan Zhen Demon looked at the void and smiled bitterly: "She can only be ranked third."

"Who are the first and second? The great forces of Nine Sky First City and Nine Sky Second City?" Lin Feng couldn't help but ask.


Nan Zhen Demon looked at the void and smiled bitterly: "It is strange to say that in the past few years, there have been some outstanding young men who have emerged in the past few years. It is terrifying. One of them is Lin Daoxuan, and this son is second!"


Lin Feng cursed upon hearing this.

This man has the same name as his son!

"Lord, what's the matter?" Nan Zhenmo looked at Lin Feng's reaction in confusion.

"Nan Zhen Demon, you don't hesitate to check this person's information for me." Lin Feng gritted his teeth while looking at Nan Zhen Demon.

"Yes, but I don't recommend to provoke this kind of person. This kind of person has a mysterious origin and a strong background." Nan Zhen demon admonished. "Provoke the wool!" Lin Feng cursed after hearing the words: "Nan Zhenma, this man's surname is Lin, and my son has the same name!"

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