My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4028: Embarrassed

The masters of the Hong family, such as Hongfu and Hon Hai, looked at the back of Wan Xingjian's departure, and their faces were gloomy and terrible.

Obviously Tianbao Pavilion didn't want to get involved.

How can Tianbao Pavilion offend a customer who uses the life source of the Da Luo God at will, and they won't give them much benefit.


Hon Hai said with a deep gaze, "Could it be that they slapped me in the face like this? Where are the faces of our Hong family? I'm afraid the Hong family members are all watching my jokes."

"Young Master, that's the only way to do this. We are unlucky this time." Hongfu said with a deep gaze, "We will agree to it for the time being and find a chance to kill this group of people. Today, this group of people will definitely have a lot to do. "

Hon Hai's face was uncertain after hearing this: "What do you mean?" "It's very simple, this time they will definitely participate in the auction of some things, and some people will be offended during the auction process. These offended people are the objects of our wooing. "Hongfu said with cold eyes: "We killed these people in one fell swoop, not only revenge

, Can also take away their wealth. "

"Good, good!"

Hon Hai said coldly: "Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. This disaster may not be an opportunity, damn, damn, just don't know where the forces are."

"No matter where he is, who is our Hong family afraid of in the heavens?" Hongfu looked at the void with cold eyes.

Hon Hai's eyes grew gloomy when he heard this.

"Young Master, there is one more thing you need to report to you." Hongfu looked at Hon Haidao.

"What's the matter?" Hon Hai heard the words.

"The people from the Nili Tianwu Tianjun Hall want to visit you." Hongfu said directly: "The person who visited is the chief manager of the Nili Tianwu Tianjun Temple."

"Chief Director?" Hon Hai frowned, "Chief Director of the Dongfang Family?"

"Yes, it is the chief manager of the Dongfang family." Hongfu said solemnly: "Not long ago, he passed a message to me that he said he would visit you, but he didn't know that it was not convenient for you to see them.

"Nine Days Seventh City, Dongfang Home." Hon Hai sneered again and again: "We have nothing to do with them. The competitors of Nine Days Seventh City are not our forces. What cooperation can we have with them."

"I understand what the young master meant." Hongfu nodded after hearing the words: "I will reply to them now that the young master has left and is not here."


Hon Hai heard the words: "Dongfang family, this chief executive is terrifying. He ranks in the forefront of the Dara God alternate list. He is a ruthless character. In the future, I will almost focus on the existence of Dara God. I still see it better. ."

"it is good!"

Hongfu nodded when he heard the words.

While speaking, he smashed the Heavenly Talisman, turned into a ray of light and dissipated in the void.

Soon there was a knock on the door from outside the attic. Hongfu stepped forward to open the door. Outside the door stood a middle-aged man with white hair and shawl. The middle-aged man stood with his hand holding his hand, and he was proud of his independence from heaven.

A black lotus was branded on his face. This lotus was drawn from the texture of the God of Da Luo, with a strange aura.

This person is Dongfang Bai, the chief steward of the Supreme Heavenly Monarch Palace.

A strong man who ranks very high on the Da Luoshen's waiting list, the first person in the entire Dili Tiantiandao God Emperor.

A strong man who is almost destined to step into the realm of Da Luo God.

"Young Master Hong."

With a folding fan in his hand, Dongfang Bai walked in with a smile to say hello.

"See Senior Eastern." Hon Hai walked up to give a gift to the younger generation.

"Brother Dongfang, it's been a long time since I saw him. The cultivation base is getting more and more diligent. As long as you want you to be the God of Da Luo." Hongfu also walked up to sigh.

"You don't have to be polite, Young Master Hong, Brother Hongfu laughed. My cultivation level is still some distance from the realm of the Great Luo God." Dongfang Bai said with a smile.

At the moment he was not welcome, and just found a place to sit down.

"I don't know what the Dongfang senior came to this time? The auction will begin soon." Hon Hai asked straightforwardly.

"Okay, I like straightforward people." Dongfang Bai looked at Hon Hai and said, "It's true that I am here to ask for something."

"Whatever matter, just say, as long as we can help, we will definitely help." Hon Haidao.

"It's very simple. We are selling one thing this time. I hope you can cooperate." Dongfang said.

As soon as this remarks, the faces of Hon Hai, Hong Fu and others darkened.

This incident shows that violating Tianbaozhai's rules is tantamount to driving up prices and disrupting auctions. Of course, Tianbaozhai will not suffer.

"You guys, don't worry, I know what the Hong family needs. I won't make you embarrassed. In return, I don't mind making a shot against those two people this time." Dongfang Bai said with a smile.


Hon Hai nodded.

"Brother Dongfang, you can just place two individual bidders at will, why do you pull us?" Hongfu breathed a sigh of relief.

"This needs to be verified by the time, so it cannot be inserted." Dongfang Bai explained.

Hon Hai and Hong Fu looked at each other when they heard the words. The things that need to be verified are very valuable. It would be nice if any one of them can swallow them.

"I hope this cooperation will be happy." Hongfu nodded.

"Happy cooperation!"

Dongfang Bai said with a smile, he directly drew a few words in the void while speaking, then stood up and left. Hon Hai, Hong Fu and the others looked at the words in the void, and the Dongfang family was in charge of the mud and plowing sky to search for many good things.

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