My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4025: Kill the God Emperor

"Ten directions!"

"Fuck, this is just a king-level heavenly artifact."


"A heavenly **** emperor does not have an imperial-level heavenly artifact? This is impossible!"

"Who is this man? I despise Hongguang so much, doesn't Hongguang have the right to let him use the heavenly artifact of the Emperor rank?"

"This is Chi Guoguo's contempt. Hongguang is the Heavenly God Emperor on the Daluo God's alternate list. There are more than 30 people in line. At this moment, he holds the Daluo God artifact and can sweep all the Heavenly Gods."

Many people watched this scene and talked a lot, and no one thought that Nan Zhen Mo would directly take out a king-level Heavenly Dao artifact, and the faces of those strong in the Hong family were gloomy and despised the Hong family.


Hong Guang's voice was as cold as the **** wind, and his face was extremely gloomy and said: "For so many years, no one has dared to despise me like this, even some housekeepers of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign Palace dare not to be so big."

"Enough for you."

Nan Zhen Demon looked at Hong Guang with a sneer, and the ten-square needle in his hand was spinning rapidly, drawing a mysterious arc.

"Oh, then you will die. No one in this world can save you." Hong Guang looked at Nan Zhen Modao with cold eyes.


The **** of origin axe in his hand burst out with immeasurable light.

Divine light radiates billions of time and space, and many gods in the depths of the vast celestial sky are eclipsed at this moment, and the entire Brahma Sky is submerged.

The Origin God Axe unleashed tremendous power.

This power shocked countless Heavenly Dao God Emperors, shocked, and had the urge to escape. This power was too terrifying and threatened the life of any Heavenly Dao God Emperor. Only the real God Emperor could resist this attack.


Suddenly, Hongguang's figure swelled ten thousand times. He was holding the Origin God's Axe, like a giant who opened up the heavens, and the axe in his hand slashed towards Nan Zhen Demon's figure.


At the same moment, Nan Zhen Demon burst into immeasurable light.

His body suddenly burst and turned into a rain of blood in the sky. This rain of blood was madly injected into the ten-fang Wanxu needle, which suddenly burst out with violent black light.

This black light suddenly brought the Vatican Star into the darkness.

The world is dark.

All perceptions disappeared.

Even the Heavenly Dao Divine Sovereign felt trapped in darkness, and no divine mind could perceive external affairs.

"Wan Og shady!"

"This is a long-lost taboo and masterful shady!"

"Wan Og shady!"

"Kuangshi forbidden and utterly utterly shady!" "This is the masterful forbidden and utterly verse of Tianjun Wan'e. In the past, Tianjun Wan'e turned his back on the Emperor, and the Emperor asked many heavenly princes to besiege Tianjun Wan'e. When he used this taboo, he directly killed the three heavenly monarchs

! "

"Yes, this is the cost of sacrificing one's own essence and blood, almost consuming more than 90% of the essence and blood and the power of the soul at once!"

"After performing this access control technique, this person is basically abolished."

"In fact, Tianjun Wanyi could still escape back then, but unfortunately, after performing this access control technique, he could not escape."

"Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect the man in black to come up and perform this access control technique to attack Hongguang!"

"Hongguang is miserable this time!"

"I hope I can avoid this blow!"

"This is a blow to both sides. Hongguang can block the blow with an axe. It is estimated that there is nothing wrong, but the speed of the sky is very fast."

"The speed is terrible. When Tianjun from the past ten thousand monarchs performed the show, the emperor did not have time to save the other heavenly monarchs."

Many heavenly gods and kings of heavenly gods all watched this scene, and they lost their color. Even the strong of Tianbao Pavilion was shocked. Unexpectedly, someone would display this long-standing taboo.

The sky fell into darkness.

Even if Lin Feng's perception was hidden, he wanted to open the eyes of the heavens to see, but when he just wanted to open it, a tingling pain came.

The endless darkness of the Buddha came.

This darkness puts Buddha forever!

I don't know how long it has passed, and the sky and the earth gradually become brighter.

On the endless desert land, Hongguang held the Origin God Axe in his hand. The Origin God Axe in his hand has lost its light. There is a blood hole in the center of his eyebrows with blood flowing out. He knelt on one knee and half on the ground.

A faint figure also stood not far away.

The owner of this figure is Nan Zhen Demon.

"Damn it, kill me!"

The face of the man in the black-gold windbreaker was even more gloomy. He waved his big sleeves and roared, his intent to kill was soaring.


Another heavenly **** emperor walked out.

The heavenly **** emperor's golden robe, his eyes were deep, with a hint of sadness, it was his younger brother who died.

His name is Hongfu!

"Hong Fu, you also came up to die, I don't mind killing you." Nan Zhen Demon looked at Hong Fu with deep eyes.


A monstrous life essence emerged from his body. This life essence was terrifying, flowing to the limbs of the southern true demon, and the strength of the southern true demon's body was restored like a volcanic eruption.

A perfect needle appeared in his hand again.

This scene made Hongfu's figure abruptly stagnated in the void. "The life origin of the Great Luo God level!" Hong Fu stared at Nan Zhen Modao.

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