My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 4013: Corpse poison

"What? Are the beads left behind by the **** Daluo Nirvana?" Lin Feng changed his color when he heard the words. He did not expect the origin of the beads to be so big.

Every Daluo **** is a person who shakes the heavens forever. They are immortal, immortal, and immortal, and can affect the historical pattern of the whole heaven.

This kind of character really cannot be destroyed, even if he dies in a moment, he will be reborn and return someday.

He didn't expect to encounter a figure who fell into Nirvana here, and before Nirvana turned into a Dzi Bead, the original source of the Daluo, once this matter is spread out, it will inevitably shock the world and shock the heavens. "Yes, it is the bead that the **** of great Luo has turned into Nirvana. This is a calamity belonging to the **** of great Luo. It is rumored that this is a way for the **** of great Luo to attack a higher realm. It is equivalent to a kind of calamity. In the past, he can transcend the heaven. ." Nan Jinma explained


"It makes sense to say that, but in fact no one can succeed." Lin Feng looked at Nan Zhen Modao.

"Indeed!" Nan Zhenmo explained: "It is impossible for anyone to succeed, but someone who knows that they are unsuccessful will try. How many gods have been born since the ages? How many gods and kings of the gods?"

"Every kind of calamity is like this, knowing that the probability of success is very small, very small, but they still choose to cross the calamity, like a moth to fight the fire." Lin Feng looked at the bead in front of him, feeling a sad breath. In a daze, he saw a powerful God Luo standing in the stars of the heavens, conquering the heavens, overbearing and sweeping everything, but he was crushed by a God Emperor, and the God Luo gave up fighting. , Choose Nirvana, perhaps Nirvana

Pan can increase one billionth of its vitality.

"The moth is fighting the fire, knowing that it cannot be done, because at this point, there is only one pursuit. When a person does not pursue it, he will feel that life is meaningless." Nan Zhen stood up with his hand.

"Value is priceless, value is priceless." Lin Feng looked at this bead and smiled and said, "Unfortunately, this is a wrong path, and it is of no use to me." "It is indeed a wrong path, but it belongs to the **** of the heavens throughout the ages. One of the main roads, many people are looking for this kind of beads, including the God of Heaven and the God of Da Luo. The God of Heaven can see the life course of the God of Da Luo, and the God of Da Luo can see

Depending on the dangerous course and experience of this road. "Nanzhen Mo said.

"If such a bead appears at the auction, I don't know how Tianbaozhai will react." Lin Feng smiled.

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his hand to pick up the bead, and the moment he touched the bead, a mysterious and mysterious thought flowed in his heart, making him feel a lot in an instant.

"Tianbaozhai is just as excited, but when they find out that the Heavenly Meridian of Daluo God has been swallowed, they will discover all the truth." Nanzhen Demon sneered and said: "Skywalker just wait to vomit blood."

Lin Feng nodded slightly when he heard the words, and immediately continued to look at this blood-colored time and space, and soon found a simple axe in another corner, which was engraved with many textures of the **** of Luo.

The axe was stained with scarlet blood.

At the same time, it delivered unparalleled domineering power, and the axe was branded with a few simple characters.

"The Celestial Reincarnation Axe!" Nan Zhenmo lost his voice while looking at the axe.

"The Celestial Reincarnation Axe?" Lin Feng said with a discoloration: "It is rumored that the Celestial Reincarnation Axe has the power to recreate reincarnation. One axe can drive people into reincarnation. The appearance of the reincarnation depends on the master of the axe."

This is a mysterious Daluo divine artifact recorded in the Tianqilu, which is extremely terrifying.

An axe slashes on the **** of heaven, as long as the owner of the axe is willing, the person who is slashed can be turned into anything, it can be a mouse, an elephant, a kitten, and the power will fall into a trough.

Very powerful, this is one of the terrifying Daluo divine artifacts recorded in the Heavenly Tool Record, Lin Feng did not expect to encounter this kind of Daluo divine artifact here.

"It's a pity for the Celestial Reincarnation Axe, it's a pity, we can't take it as our own." Nanzhen Mo regretfully said: "Once the axe is found in the hands of the master, I guess Tianbaozhai will issue a chase order for the master. "

"Are there few in the heavens?" Lin Feng frowned when he heard the words, and he practiced the axe. "Yes, there are very few that appeared. It is rumored that only one fell into a celestial power in the Nine Heavens Third City." Nanzhen Mo said: "Now I don't know why it fell into the hands of Tianbaozhai, so once it appears in the world , What happened here Ken

You must be suspicious. Although the Lord has an antagonism with Tianbaozhai, it is not easy to head-on. "

Lin Feng frowned upon hearing this. "There is a record of heavenly weapons on the Lord's body, presumably there are methods of refining weapons recorded in the record of heavenly weapons." Nan Zhenmo looked at Lin Feng and said: "To be honest, the Lord must achieve hegemony now and make fewer enemies. Conquer Nanjia, and give the record of heavenly weapons to Nan

Home, I'm afraid I don't have an axe. "

"That's true." Lin Feng stood up with a smile upon hearing the words, "Okay, I will sell this axe, anyway, I can't lose it."

"Haha, I really look forward to how Tianbaozhai will react when he discovers this incident afterwards." Nan Zhenmo laughed.

Lin Feng waved his sleeves and collected the axe of reincarnation in the celestial realm.

"Huh, what's that?" Suddenly Nan Zhen Demon pointed to a void, and a cloud of light floated in the void.

The light was pitch black and misty.

Lin Feng watched this light change its color, it was hard to see through it, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

"Master, can you see what's inside?" Nan Zhenmo asked.

"It's hard to see through, it's vague, like a round gourd inside, don't you feel the danger?" Lin Feng looked at Nan Zhen Modao.


Nan Zhen Mo shook his head when he heard the words, "But my instinct was not right. When I saw this beam of light, I suddenly recalled many things from my childhood and many experiences in this life."

"That's right, you can only think of these things when you are on the verge of death. Don't touch these things." Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand: "This is the drama of the corpse of the **** Daluo. poison."

"Da Luo God Corpse Poison!"

Nan Zhen demon took a breath when he heard the words, his figure trembled and took two steps back, cold sweat on his body.

This level of corpse poison is terrible.

Even if God Luo is contaminated, he will suffer severe damage, and characters below God Luo will die.

There are many poisonous arrows in Death Heaven Valley and Heavenly Og Valley, and the arrows of these poisonous arrows have some poisonous corpse poison of Da Luo God. This kind of corpse poison is extremely precious and comparable to the life origin of the God of Da Luo.

It is more valuable in the war phase.

"Yes, this kind of corpse poison is tasteless, and ordinary people can hardly feel the crisis." Lin Feng stared sharply at the black mist and said: "Even the God of Heaven is no exception, there must be a treasure in it." , Can you swallow it?" Nan Zhen Mo suddenly asked, "It must be an incredible weapon."

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