My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3999: Wan Jianyi is resurrected

"100 trillion road stones!"

"Punish 100 trillion Taoism stones!"

"100 trillion Taoist stones, even if these two families go bankrupt, it may not be enough!"

"One hundred trillion stones is a huge expense even for the forces of Mu Li Tian."

"This is too cruel, is this directly killing the Ling Family and the Wu Family?"

"It won't be enough to kill them all, but if each of these two families drew 100 trillion Taoist stones, it would be almost the same if the two big families were not abolished."

Many people heard that Lin Feng was cruel to the Ba Family and the Wu Family, and their hearts were so happy that they had suffered too much from the Wu Family and Ling Family's anger over the years.

In a sense, the Dao Stones that these two big families scavenge were all scouted from their weak families.

"Lin Feng!"

When Ling Huang and Wu Shenxiao and other two big families heard this number, they almost passed out without anger. This was a rush to kill.

100 trillion stones?

Each of the two big families can get it, but after taking out these Dao stones, the two big families basically run out of ammunition and food, and even their families are in debt. "Hmph, Ling Huang, Wu Shenxiao, it seems that you have not put your position right." Li Daotian's voice came from a cold snort: "You intend to rebel, Lord Tianzun is magnanimous and does not hold you accountable. It is just a symbolic punishment. Some of you

Shi, you actually refused! "

"Master Tianzun, what are you talking about with them, these two big families don't know what is good or bad, so just erase them." Wan Linglong said with a cold snort.

"Yes, Lord Tianzun is too benevolent. The three big families are the malignant tumors of Mudlitian. They should have been eradicated long ago. The Ba family has been destroyed, and there is no need to leave these two families."

At this moment, many leaders of the second-rate forces began to play, asking Lin Feng to destroy these two big families, and even said that they don't have to take action by Lin Feng, they can take care of the two big families together.


The attitudes of Li Daotian, Wan Linglong and others made Wu Shenxiao, Ling Huang and other popular faces pale, and these forces were very flattering on weekdays.

Now one by one fell into trouble.

"Ling Huang, Wu Shenxiao, no matter what method you use, my patience is very limited. My patience is very limited." Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Ling Huang and Wu Shenxiao. If you don’t come out, wait for the extermination."


Ling Huang and Wu Shenxiao nodded fiercely.

"Okay, very good, you have seen the methods of the deity, I hope you don't use any methods, let alone take refuge in other forces of the mud plow sky, otherwise your fate will be very miserable." Lin Feng looked at the two humans.


Ling Huang and Wu Shenxiao snorted one after another, and then stood up to leave.

But just when they were about to leave, a terrible sound of swords rang through the sky and the earth, and the sound of the swords sound was heard by the entire mud plow.

And the source of this sound of sword ming is the depths of the Beihuang Palace.

Do not!

It seems to be another time and space under the pressure of the imperial town. The sound of the sword sound has a kind of ten thousand swords returning to the sect, the momentum of slaughtering the heavens, shaking the entire mud plow of desperate creatures, all those who practice kendo look into the time and space here, even if the heavens are no exception, they have A sense of worship



With the sound of sword ming.

A magnificent and boundless king's aura emerged, and the entire North Emperor Hall of Wuhuangcheng shivered violently, and countless creatures in Wuhuangcheng were shocked.


Thunder and lightning flashed between heaven and earth.

The ink cloud formed by resentment spread over the sky, covering hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space, and the entire Wuhuangcheng was plunged into darkness.


Like a beast breaking out of the cage.

It was like a god's residence that had been imprisoned for countless years and came out of trouble, terrifying.

Ling Huang, Wu Shenxiao, Wan Linglong, Li Daotian and other experts in the imperial-free city felt the familiar and terrifying aura, all of them were shocked.

The man who used to have no imperial city finally returned.

This person symbolizes the sky without an imperial city, he is the first one.

Even if Ba Yunhai, Wushentian, and Ling Xiaotian were in Wuhuangcheng, they didn't want to compete with this person. He was one of ten thousand swords.

Once there was a turmoil in Wuhuangcheng, Wan Jianyi was calculated, and as a result, he was besieged by the three major clans, Tiandao God, and a dozen people died. Wan Jianyi was killed.

Now this terrible person is resurrected again.


The grievances in the sky above Wuhuangcheng were overwhelming. These grievances rolled madly, and then gathered together in the void, condensed into a black figure. The black figure danced in the void, and its eyes were scarlet, carrying endless evil power.

He carried a black sword on his back.

The penetrating eyes looked at Ling Huang in Wuhuang City, Wu Shenxiao and the others gave Wu Shenxiao, Ling Huang and others a tremor in their hearts, their bodies were chilling, and they couldn't help but step back. A few steps.

"Jie Jie"

The man in black made a strange sound.

He looked towards the sky, screamed up to the sky, a trace of blood and tears flowed from his eyes, and he moaned in pain. He waved the black sword in his hand and pointed at the sky.

Suddenly the sky burst, and through the cracked time and space, the breath of mud plow sky was heard.

"Wan Jianyi, don't panic to the muddy sky, the person who killed your daughter is in my hands." Lin Feng stood with his hand holding his hand and looked at the man in black with a smile.

The man in black is Wan Jianyi.

It is Wan Jianyi after the resurrection.

"give me!"

As soon as Wan Jian looked at Lin Feng's figure, he uttered two words in a cold voice.

Lin Feng waved his big sleeves into the void, and came to Wan Jianyi's face, followed by Shentu Zhenyi.

"I actually lied to you, your daughter is all right." Lin Feng looked at Wan Jian with a smile and said, "He was just being held in prison."


After hearing this, Wan Jian stared at Lin Feng fiercely. "He didn't lie to you, Wan Jianyi, no matter how much life origin Lin Feng gave you, even if it is at the level of the Heavenly God Emperor, the probability of your resurrection is very low, at most 1%. He wants to stimulate your potential. , This is the last move." Shentu

Zhenyi stood up and looked at Wan Jian together.

When Wan Jian heard the words, his figure trembled, and he stared at Shen Tuzhen with penetrating eyes, "Who is the honorable driver?"

"I'm Shentu Shinichi of the Shentu family, I think you should have heard my name." Shentu Shinichi looked at Wan Jian, "And your daughter is actually still being held."

When Wan Jian heard the words, he took a deep breath, his face changed and he didn't know how long it had passed, and his hostility disappeared a lot.

"thank you."

Wan Jianyi looked at Lin Feng and said. "Although she is okay, she is suspected of assassinating Tianjun and committing a felony. You should know the laws of Nilitian." Lin Feng looked at Wan Jianyi and explained.

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