My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3985: Heavenly God Emperor Corpse

Mud plowing sky, deep in the patio of death,

The void was repressed and terrible, and Shentu Vanke had a terrible aura. It took less than half an hour to talk to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng had already said many things that made him angry.

But this sentence is the most irritating!

Before the Shentu family can run for Patriarch, how can they defeat him in ten ways?

He thought he was God of Da Luo?

It's crazy!

The arrogance is boundless, although he admires Lin Feng's surprise and talent very much.

"Lin Feng, you are so crazy and boundless." Shentu Wanke stared at Lin Feng and said: "You actually humiliate my emperor like this." "Haha, I didn't humiliate you, Shentu Vanke, this is a fact, I am. I have a good gamble in my life, but I have never lost it, and I will never lose this game." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke and laughed, "Unless you can break through these days.

A new level. "


Shentu Vanke looked at Lin Feng and said with a cold snort: "Boy, don't be arrogant here. I have won this bet. I just don't know what will happen if you lose?"

"What will I do if I lose?" Lin Feng held his hand and looked at Shentu Vanke with a glance: "If I lose to your Shentu family and do hard work, this kind of gambling is not equal, after all, my value is higher than you."

This sentence once again made Shentu Vanke want to vomit blood.

The old man is dignified and the value of a **** of heaven is lower than you?

The old man can't be angry, can't be as knowledgeable as your junior, otherwise he can tell what he will say.

"I don't bother to talk with you. I'll know it after the first battle." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke with a deep gaze and smiled: "Also, I want to get a corpse of a heavenly **** of imperial rank."

"Hmph, don't even think about it, there are few in this world." Shentu Vanke snorted coldly after hearing the words: "You secretly bought the corpse of Tiandao God, robbed Tianbaozhai's business, and be careful to be liquidated by Tianbaozhai people. "


Lin Feng sneered after hearing the words: "Let me see who dares to come to the house to liquidate, unless they want to close the Tianbaozhai of the whole mud plow sky, Shentu Vanke, don't talk nonsense, take out a corpse, this corpse is only in my hands To play a role."

Shentu Vanke's face was uncertain and said: "Lin Feng, you shouldn't ask me for this kind of corpse. You are the deputy deity of the Palace of Supreme Merit and Virtue." "It is precisely because I am the deputy deity of the Hall of Merit and Virtue. Knowing the whereabouts of some corpses, once the corpses of this level appear, they will be snatched away by you super-power Heavenly Dao God Emperor, even if the mud plow Tiantianbaozhai has no part." Lin

Feng Hehe smiled.

The origin of life in him is quite a lot.

However, there is a lack of high-standard life origins, especially those at the Heavenly Dao God Emperor level. The life origins of this level are of infinite value. A gourd is more than ten times the life origin of the Heavenly Dao God level.

Do not!

Sometimes it's far more than ten times.

Shentu Vanke said with a deep face upon hearing the words: "Lin Feng, what are you going to trade with me? I collected a corpse, but I have a great use for this corpse." "You just want to refine the origin of life, but you have never Find a suitable person to refine it, and I am afraid it will be wasted." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Shentu Vanke and said: "Actually you just saw that I can transform the origin of life, even with your strength.

The same is true for the amount. The reason why you didn't agree to take it out for me to refine is because you are afraid that I will be tricking in it! "

"Oh, what about this?" Shentu Vanke looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Shentu Vanke, you are too careful. I am too lazy to calculate for my allies. The way I kidnap them is to give them benefits so that they can sit in my chariot." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke and said.

Shentu Vanke was silent upon hearing this.

"Are you so unconfident?"

Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke and said with a smile: "Don't believe in your own strength? Don't believe that you can check out my calculations for you?"

"Hmph, kid, don't irritate me." Shentu Vanke snorted and looked at Lin Feng and said: "I will give you this corpse, and you can exchange it for other valuable things." "It seems that you still fear me." Lin Feng Looking at Shentu Vanke and said with a smile: "But in fact, you can't prevent me. You don't need the life origin that I made, and you use more people. After all, this thing has already flown to the market, and maybe it's in your Shentu family.

In the hands of some big guys, you will even use it someday, of course you may not know it yourself. "

Shentu Vanke flickered upon hearing this.

"I don't have anything to give you now." Lin Feng stood with his hand and looked at Shentu Vanke and said: "I don't know what you lack, no, in fact, what you lack most is the origin of life. After all, you have to step into Da Luo Shen. Level, need to cross the catastrophe."

"Well, Lin Feng, you blocked my way." Shentu Wanke looked at Lin Feng deeply, and he now felt that Lin Feng was like a hedgehog.

Want to kill Lin Feng can't speak.

I don't want to kill, the hidden dangers brought by this servant are too great.

And also forced him to cooperate.

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his hand, a ray of light appeared in the palm of his hand, and a corpse lay in the depths of the light. This corpse radiated tremendous pressure. The owner of the corpse was a man, and the corpse radiated from it. The breath of Eastern Heaven. "If you find someone to refine it, at most you can refine a gourd." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke with a smile: "No, 80% of a gourd, I know that your Shentu family has three such corpses, you bring them all. I will give you the life origin of the Three Gourd Heavenly Dao Divine Emperor level."

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