My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3981: Approved by Shentu Vanke

Over the patio of death,

Shentu Wujiang, Shentu Yangming, Shentu Mohe changed color when they heard Lin Feng's words, and their eyes turned to Shentu Vanke.

How many years have it been.

Among those who came to visit, there were very few people whom Shentu Vanke personally greeted. Even the many gods of Nilitian are no exception, even those of the first-class forces cannot be welcomed by the **** of heaven. This is the status of Shentu Vanke, and Lin Feng actually asked him if he was qualified to let Shentu Vanke. welcome

Pick up.

If the answer is yes,

This proves that Lin Feng has the same status as other superpowers, the God Emperor of Heaven, and if he doesn't, it's like slapped Lin Feng's face.

Shentu Vanke heard what Lin Feng said, looked at Lin Feng for a moment and said, "Okay, Lin Feng, you have the qualification to let me meet him personally!"

As soon as these words came out, Shentu Moe and Shentu Yangming changed their colors.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was recognized by Shentu Vanke.

Shentu Wujiang glanced at Lin Feng thoughtfully, but he was not surprised. After all, there were too many secrets in Lin Feng's body. Even if it was revealed a little, it was enough to shock the heavenly **** emperor who was walking through the mud and plowing sky. "Okay, okay, Shentu Vanke, you will bring supreme luck to today's decision." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke and said, "I didn't come here to make trouble, but there is indeed something to cooperate. If this matter is to cooperate, Success, to your pulse

There are no advantages. "

"Don't talk about this matter, please, change it." Shentu Vanke turned and looked at Shentu Wujiang.

"it is good!"

Upon hearing this, Shentu Wujiang directly changed into another figure. "This actually doesn't need to be changed. I want anyone to see his true face, who can see it, and I don't want anyone to see it, even if God Da Luo visits himself." Lin Feng directly looked at Shentu Vanke and said: "So This time you don't need to worry

Mind anything. "

"It seems that your Great Destiny Heaven Technique has already cultivated to a very clever level." Shentu Vanke glanced at Lin Feng.

"It's only a small achievement." Lin Feng said with a smile: "The power in my body that can cover my breath is far more than the Great Destiny Heavenly Art. I can't believe in a Great Destiny Heavenly Art."

"Young man, be cautious enough, please sit down." Shentu Wanke looked into the depths of the death well. With a wave of his sleeve, everyone disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment appeared on the edge of a vast sea of ​​fire.

This sea of ​​fire continued for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the flames inside were rolling, these flames were terrifying, even if the gods of heaven stood here and felt extremely hot, this was still not in contact with the flames, and once they were in contact with the flames, they would be burned.

There are nine huge cauldrons floating in the flames, each cauldron oscillates with a terrible aura, and the laws of the gods and gods on it are extremely dense. There are vaguely imprinted with some great laws of the gods, and every cauldron oscillates out of the Supreme Emperor. The air of the person.

"Mud Plow Jiuding?"

Lin Feng looked at the nine-ported cauldron in surprise and said: "Nine imperial grade heavenly Taoist artifacts, rumored to be integrated into one great Luo artifact?"

"How can there be such an exaggeration, the mud plow and Jiuding have always been unable to unite, lacking a central axis." Shentu Vanke explained while standing with his hand in the flames. "This central axis is not easy to find." Lin Feng smiled and said: "It is more difficult to refine it. There are very few people who can sacrifice and refine this central axis in the mud plow heaven. I think only the **** of Nan family can do it. Refining it, or some very amazing Heavenly God Emperor

The master mixer. "

"How can God Da Luo refining tools for you? There is really no refining in the Heavenly Dao God Emperor." Shentu Wanke shook his head when he heard the words: "Even if it is refined, how can it cost me." "They are true. It can’t be refined.” Lin Feng said with a smile: “This combination of mud plow and nine tripods is an artifact of the Great Luo God. Under normal circumstances, the God of Great Luo can be refined. If the Emperor of Heaven wants to sacrifice it, he must use blood patterns Dafa, it’s a pity that this refining technique

Lost for a long time. "

"Bloodmark Dafa!"

Shentu Moe, Shentu Yangming and several people changed color.

This is the supreme refining technique handed down by Hongjun Tianjun, and the rumors fell into Lin Feng's hands.

"Oh, did this thing fall into your hands?" Shentu Vanke frowned slightly, then looked at Lin Feng and said, "It's not difficult to sacrifice it by your means."

"I have been cultivating all these years, and there are very few refining tools." Lin Feng shook his head when he heard this, "Of course I can solve this problem for you. Once it is solved, you will have an extra Da Luo artifact."

"Daluo divine artifact, so refreshing?" Shentu Vanke looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng Tianzun, what is the matter when you are here today? Just say anything. Whatever we say here will not be retained, even if it is used Some time-space weights cannot recover the situation here.



This time and space suddenly disappeared.

With gusts of wind, flames mixed in, and heavy rain pouring down, this time and space instantly turned into a chaotic sky.

"Go straight, I like it." Lin Feng looked at Shentu Vanke and stood up: "Senior Vanke, I think Shentu Yangming's son Shentu has the right to fight for the head of the family, and you, as an elder, also have the obligation to support people like Shentu. Excellent young man in the family."

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