My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3975: Interrogation of Shentu Yangming

A terrible coercion filled the sky above Mingyang Tianshan.

This coercion is mighty and mighty, like a torrent of heaven rushing endlessly, destroying everything in this space and time, and Shentu Yangming feels like a mortal standing in front of a torrent, flooded by the torrent at any time .

He was jealous.

"Shentu Tiancan?"

Lin Feng looked at Void with cold eyes: "This heavenly **** emperor doesn't know what he is here to do. You can respond to what you should do. I am your guest here." He was filled with mystery as he spoke. airflow.

The whole person turned into a middle-aged man in a green robe, and Shentu Wujiang also turned into an old man, and the two went to drink tea on a stone table not far away.


Shentu shouted Shentu Yangming. "Don't be afraid, soldiers will come to cover the water." Shentu Yangming looked at Shentu's side, and then took a deep breath and looked towards the void and said, "Shentu Yangming, bring the dog to welcome the Emperor of Heaven to the Heavenly Sheep." He waved his sleeves as he spoke

Leading Shentu to the void.

A piece of auspicious light appeared in the void, this piece of light was not very bright, but the dim light radiated countless time and space, even the Seventh City of Nine Heavens was shrouded in it.

There was a supreme breath in the dim light.

This breath dominates the world, and it has a lot more magnificent and vast aura than the breath of the Southern True Demon. The breath of the Southern True Demon is biased towards killing and darkness.

Several figures emerged in the light. The figure headed by him was tall and burly. He had white temples, long hair and shawls, dressed in white, and his eyes were deep.

This person is Shentu Tiancan, a **** emperor of Shentu family.

A supreme figure who peeped into the Law of the God of Da Luo, grasped the core strength of the Tianshentu family of Nili, even if Shentu Wujiang had to respectfully three points in front of him.

There were a few figures behind him, all of which were figures in the Shentu family who held a lot of power, and some were not even under the former Shentu Wujiang.

Shentu Tiancan looked down at Shentu Yangming and the figure on Shentu's side, and then faintly said: "Shentu Yangming, your injury is healed?"

"Enlighten the Heavenly Dao God Emperor, my injury has been healed." Shentu Yangming smiled complimentarily: "Let the Heavenly Dao God Emperor worry."

Shentu Tiancan's eyes were flat, his eyes looked at Shentu Yangming's figure, his eyes were dim and flat, but Shentu Yangming felt like a chill.

All the secrets in him will be revealed.

"Who made the cure?"

Shen Tutian looked at Shentu Yang Mingdao indifferently.

"It was cured by a master of heavenly skills. This person is a deputy heavenly respect in the Hall of Merit." Shen Tu Yangming answered truthfully: "His name is Lin Feng, and he is a rare talent in my heavenly court."

"Lin Feng?"

Hearing this name, Shen Tutian frowned, and the people behind him even more gloomy.

Everyone knows what Lin Feng represents, this person has a grudge with Shentu's family that is not clear.

"It's Lin Feng." Shentu Yangming said respectfully.

"Hmph, Shentu Yangming, do you know the grudge between Lin Feng and our Shentu family." Shentu Tiancan walked out from behind.

This person looked at Shentu Yangming with a gloomy expression, with a cold and domineering spirit on his body.

This person is Shentu Tianjian, one of the three heavenly deities of the Gongde Hall.

This person had a deep contradiction with Beichen Lannuo. When Beichen Lannuo took office, it was he who instructed Shentu Wanxiang to find Beichen Lannuo in trouble. Fortunately, Lin Feng appeared in time to resolve this crisis. "It turns out to be Tianzun Shentu, Lord Tianzun. I don't know the grudge between Lin Feng and our Shentu family. I only know that Lin Feng is a high official in the heavens, and I am a member of these beings." Shen Tu Yangming lightly

The way.


Shentu Tianren snorted when he heard the words and looked at Shentu Yangming and said: "You are protecting the newly appointed deputy Tianzun, well, I don't care about this matter. Today, the Heavenly Dao God Emperor came here to check with you. ."

"Sir Tiandao and God Emperor just check it." Shentu Yangming said respectfully. "Shentu Yangming, let me ask you one more thing." Shentu Tiancan stood with his hand and looked at Shentu Yangming and said, "When the rebel of Shentu Wujiang family escaped, did you help this rebel escape? Excuse me, I just want to ask you

Still not? "

Shentu Yangming's face was uncertain after hearing this. "Shentu Yangming, answer this matter quickly." Shentu Tianren looked at Shentu Yangming coldly and said, "Shentu Wujiang is a fugitive from the Heavenly Court. If you help him escape, you have committed a serious crime. Today, our Shentu family wants Righteousness kills relatives and sends you to the jail

inside. "

"Oh, I didn't help." Shen Tu Yangming said lightly.

"No?" Shentu Tiancan looked at Shentu Yangming with a deep gaze: "Yangming, I will give you a chance to confess your guilt. Don't let me use some instruments of torture. You should know that I used to serve as the Tianzun of the Heavenly Punishment. I have retired for many years, and I have the right to use some instruments of torture."

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