My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3966: Shifang Tianjiao appears again

"It's easy!"

Lin Feng stood holding his hand and looked at Nan Zhen Demon with a smile: "Nan Zhen Demon, this first way is a dead end, and those who oppose me die, your life's efforts will be turned into a pool of water, no, become mine. Items, do a little bit for my career."


Nan Zhen demon couldn't help but laughed to the sky and said: "Lin Feng, a dead end? Is it a dead end to fight against you?" At this moment, Nan Zhen demon looked like he heard the biggest joke in the world. He laughed forward and backward.

How many years have it been.

No one had ever said such a thing to him, as if he had, but the memory was very, very distant, and he slapped everyone who said it.

No, it's dead.

"Do you think my words are very funny?" Lin Feng stood with his hands holding hands and looked at Nan Zhen Demon with a smile. "Funny, more than just funny, it's just too funny." Nan Zhen demon leaned forward and then joined together after hearing the words: "Lin Feng, no one has spoken to me like this for a long time. All the people who said this were slapped and then slapped by me. Pat flying out, they

The end of the game was very miserable. "

"Oh, why don't you shoot me now?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at Nan Zhen Modao. "Lin Feng, I think you are amazing. You are a little talented. The people I photographed in the past are all scumbags. I will give you a chance to finish talking. By the way, you said there is still a way for me. Do you choose?"

He immediately looked at Lin Feng and smiled.

He wanted to hear what Lin Feng said about the second way. After he said it, he would slap him to death and let him die a while later, which was worthy of his talent.

"The second way is to survive." Lin Feng looked at Nan Zhenmo with a smile: "It's very simple, you take refuge in me, do things for me, I will give you a way to survive, and this road is very promising, so that you have a future The forces of the heavens and horizons make your life worthwhile and meaningful.

This world. "


Nan Zhen Demon heard that the Buddha had misheard Lin Feng's speech.

"Listen clearly, it's very simple. Just take refuge in me. I will give you the opportunity to make contributions in the heavens in the future, so that your life will be meaningful, and you will come to this world in vain." Lin Feng looked at Nan Zhen Demon with a smile.


When Nan Zhen Demon heard Lin Feng's words, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly again.

He looked at Lin Feng, like a lunatic.


Nan Zhen Mo sighed.

He saw a lot of this kind of madman. After he heard the second way, he didn't want to listen anymore. He completely lost interest in Lin Feng, and didn't want to talk with him anymore.

Since you don't want to be wordy, kill it!

As Nan Zhenmo sighed, his big hand slowly stretched out. This hand is simple and unpretentious, but at this moment it glows with a faint dark golden light. In the light, the texture of the heavens is dense, and the texture of the **** of the dragon is concealed, deep. Extremely.

This hand patted the void.

Lin Feng is located in this void.

"Boom!" As the Nanzhen Demon's big hand rises in the sky, this space and time is instantly annihilated, and it is filled with a vast expanse of power. This power far exceeds the power of the Heavenly Dao God, and there is a vaguely kind of Da Luo God. The artistic conception implies that Da Luo is eternal and immortal


Break the law!

Sweep everything, crush all beings in the heavens.

Several old characters appeared on this simple hand.

"The Great Destroyer of Heaven!"

This is an imperial Heavenly Dao artifact. It is made by a great Luo God. It combines precious materials that do not know how many heavens. It is then refined by the Nanzhen Demon day and night. It is integrated into his body with the Heavenly Dao Divine Weapon Art. , Regardless of each other.

This blow was the fierce blow of the Hand of Great Destruction!

Even if other Heavenly Dao God Emperors face such an attack, they must avoid their sharp edges. Any Heavenly Dao God will run away from such an attack, otherwise it will be destroyed without a serious injury.

"Nan Zhen Demon, you can't help but attack me finally. I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it." Lin Feng looked at the dark golden big hand coming from Nan Zhen Demon with a smile: "It seems you are the choice It’s your destiny to take the first way."

He stood there without evasive while speaking.


A violent explosion sounded, this big dark golden hand hit him, and his figure exploded directly into the void, turning into a blood mist.

Nan Zhenmo frowned slightly when he watched this scene. He had investigated Lin Feng's true strength, and it was impossible for him to slap him to death.

"Don't look for it, Nanzhen Demon, I am here." Lin Feng's voice with a smile came from the void in the distance: "I refine the Great Destiny Heavenly Art, and then integrate other secret techniques, you can't find it. My real body."

Nanzhen Demon looked into the distant void when he heard the words, and suddenly saw Lin Feng's figure, and then sneered: "Vice Tianzun Lin Feng, you said so many feelings are all bluffs. Want to escape, you too disappointed me. Up."


Lin Feng laughed and looked at Nan Zhen Mo said: "Nan Zhen Mo, I said, you chose the first way, I will naturally give you the first way to go."


At the moment his voice fell.

Suddenly a sedan chair appeared in this sea of ​​dead blood. This sedan chair is intertwined with ancient patterns. These patterns are condensed from Heavenly Dao textures. They are densely packed. I don’t know how many patterns there are. Moreover, these Heavenly Dao textures contain mysterious Da Luoshen textures.

mysterious. Inside the palanquin is a horrible **** of Da Luo, suppressing the ten directions of time and space, crushing hundreds of millions of beings in the heavens. Each of the palanquins sits cross-legged with a figure. Each figure is magnificent and surpasses the ordinary gods of heaven.

Each engulfed a mysterious light, and it was these lights that formed a sedan chair.

This quaint sedan chair fell directly to Nan Zhenmo. Nan Zhen Demon suddenly changed color.

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