My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 3958: Nan Wukong visit

"Being killed by someone?"

Lin Feng said with a deep expression: "Tianbaozhai people are really so unscrupulous?" "It's so unscrupulous, I think your question is a little naive, you deprive them of their interests, this is beyond doubt." Bei Chenlan Nuo Leng looked at Lin Feng and warned: "So I advise you to dispel this idea.


Lin Feng's face was uncertain after hearing this. Then he looked at the void and sneered and said: "It really angered me. I killed the entire Tianbaozhai's sub-rudder in Nilitian. I will eat this piece of fat. I will talk to them about buying the corpse. Actually turned me down, ok, I will temporarily

I don't fight with them from time to time, but in the muddy sky I see who fights with me. Anyway, I provoke a group of people. "

When talking about this, Lin Feng rose up with a touch of domineering. Beichen Lannuo heard Lin Feng's words and looked at Lin Feng with a headache and said: "Lin Feng, I advise you, even if you do this, you should be more concealed and don't let other forces detect it. You must know that Tianbaozhai is here. There is a **** of heaven stationed

With. "Heaven God Emperor, I'm afraid of him!" "Lin Feng sneered after hearing the words: "It just happens that I want to fight against the God Emperor of Heaven, and see how powerful these so-called characters who can step into the God Emperor level of Heaven are. Okay, don't worry.

You can do it very secretly, you should tell me this kind of thing. "

"Hmph, you still blamed me for concealing you, and you didn't ask me. I can't tell you everything. You are quite capable of causing trouble." Beichen Lannuo looked at Lin Feng and said. "Lannuo, to be honest, we are all our own people and we have formed a small group. What you need to do is not to deny my opinion, but how to support me. For example, you should try your best to assist me in this matter." Lin Feng looked at Beichen Lannuo


"Oh, I listen to what you mean, do you treat me as a subordinate?" Beichen Lannuo glanced at Lin Feng coldly.

"Don't dare!" Lin Feng looked at Beichen Lannuo and said with a smile: "What I have explained is only the facts. You should consider whether my words are reasonable or not. Since we are sitting in a boat, we should make this boat more stable, and I did not do these things for

Personal interests, you also understand my current situation. "

"I also gave you advice, but I just don't let you move other days. You don't have this power to get involved." Beichen Lannuo looked at Lin Feng and said: "Don't worry, I will help you with all your help. You do this."

Lin Feng nodded satisfied after hearing this.

Just as the two were talking, a faint and majestic voice came from outside: "Nan Wukong is here to pay a visit to the two gods!"

"Nan Wukong!"

Lin Feng and Beichen Lannuo were slightly taken aback when they heard these three words. Nan Wukong, one of the three deities of the Hall of Merit, its status is not under Beichen Lannuo, it is the deity of the official post, and also a very powerful figure. He is very influential in Death Valley and is also a very rich deity. one


In the process of fighting for the master position in Death Valley Valley, this person maintained a neutral attitude, and has not made any choice yet, this person has been observing.

It is also one of the targets that Nankong Ying wants to fight for, and it is also the person Lin Feng wants to win. After all, it is too difficult to cultivate a Tianzun, so it is better to draw a Tianzun from the spot.

Lin Feng and Beichen Lannuo looked at the door of the hall after hearing this. At the entrance of the main hall stood a burly man in black robe. The man was slender and had a face like a crown. He was a handsome and handsome man, but he had an unimaginable fighting spirit on his body. Eternal and unyielding

, Can fight everything between this world.

This man is Nan Wukong, Nan Wukong, one of the three main priests in the Hall of Merit, and Nan Wukong is standing next to Nan Jiuhuan.

"Welcome to the two heavenly honors." Beichen Lannuo greeted him with a smile.

"The presence of the two heavenly masters really makes this place shine." Lin Feng smiled and walked over, and his eyes fell on Nan Wukong.

This Nan Wukong stared at Lin Feng.


He slowly raised his finger. The fingers are long and slender, as sharp as a heavenly sword, cutting through time and space, appearing in front of Lin Feng in an instant, and point to Lin Feng’s neck. This point does not have any power aura, but it can go up to the heavens and down the heavens. Ling

Li and domineering, a thunderous blow with a finger knife that did not lose to King Tu Ren and King Slayer.


Lin Feng stood there motionless, he did not dodge.

"Zheng!" The slender fingers fell on Lin Feng's neck, but there was a faint sound of sword impact. Lin Feng's figure remained motionless, but Nan Wukong felt the vitality and blood vent from his body. One of eleven

. He wanted to compete for his fingers and cut off this violent force, but I don’t know why, his fingers seemed to stick to Lin Feng’s neck, and a sea of ​​swallowing power emerged from the depths of Lin Feng’s body, swallowing him Life essence

Qi and Yuanshen.

Nan Wukong was eclipsed, and when he was about to use other means, this swallowing force disappeared completely, and his fingers were also removed from Lin Feng's neck. Nan Wukong had a lingering fear. He looked at Lin Feng deeply and said: "Lin Feng Tianzun is young and promising, and his cultivation is truly impressive."

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